Category: Politics

  • Intelligent Design in Pennsylvania

    A judge said no today to intelligent design being in a public school’s biology class. I don’t understand how a theory can be set up above a widely believed religious explanation of the same subject. According to scientists, they are both theories. Apparently the judge in this case doesn’t believe that God has any place…

  • President’s Secret Wiretaps

    I can’t believe you people didn’t already know that this was happening. It has to. It has been happening for years! We know it was happening when Clinton was in office, and you complained then, too. After 9/11, I don’t know how anyone could not expect secret wiretaps to be taking place. The President of…

  • Iraq War Strategy

    For everyone who kept complaining that President Bush never had a clear plan for the War in Iraq, I guess you’ve got to find something else to complain about. He made the strategy we’ve been using since 2003 available to everyone, and you can read it by clicking HERE.

  • ILLEGAL Immigration

    I am part of a discussion group here in Houston, and a few people, apparently upset about President Bush’s stance on illegal immigration yesterday, posted some responses to his plan. This made me upset because they didn’t seem to see or understand the fact that illegal immigrants, while just trying to provide more for their…

  • Rebuilding New Orleans

    It looks like the Bush Administration is going to take the advice of many conservatives and rebuild with a new blueprint. A city blueprint that involves ownership and accountability. They can get things built correctly with the future in mind. They can quite possibly take New Orleans from one of the poorest cities in America…

  • Proud to be a Texan

    Seeing all of the support from people in Texas for the refugees from New Orleans makes me feel proud to be a Texan. Our church just sent a huge trailer full of supplies to the people affected by Hurrican Katrina, and it felt good to be part of that. I’m happy to see everyone pulling…

  • New Orleans Flooding

    I’ve had conversations with people over the past few years about New Orleans being hit with anything that would cause flooding. I’ve known that it was going to happen in my lifetime. I just didn’t think it would make me feel this bad for everyone out there. I just can’t wait to see if the…

  • Hollywood Slump?

    The so-called slump that Hollywood is in is not what I believe should be called a slump at all. They try to blame the lower ticket sales on P2P file-sharing and bit torrent users, but what they fail to realize is that no one wants to spend money on the trash that’s coming out of…

  • NASA Space Shuttle Launch

    I am so happy that we finally are back in space with the shuttle. Sure, it’s outdated, and we could really do with some improvements on a design on a product that was designed nearly 30 years ago. I know they’ve made major improvements on that design, but they might be able to come up…

  • Judge John G. Roberts

    As far as I can tell, Judge Roberts is a fine selection for the Supreme Court Nominee. It took some giblets for President Bush to nominate a man with a great resume to replace a woman on the Supreme court, instead of settling with another woman with lesser credentials. Way to go President Bush! Now……