A judge said no today to intelligent design being in a public school’s biology class. I don’t understand how a theory can be set up above a widely believed religious explanation of the same subject. According to scientists, they are both theories. Apparently the judge in this case doesn’t believe that God has any place in school. If they really wanted to make a statement about how unreal they thought God was, they’d let it be taught as a “theory” that they could try to disprove. I guess they’ve figured out it can’t be done, so they’ve taken that option off of the table.
Read the article HERE.
Category: Politics
Anything concerning politics
President’s Secret Wiretaps
I can’t believe you people didn’t already know that this was happening. It has to. It has been happening for years! We know it was happening when Clinton was in office, and you complained then, too. After 9/11, I don’t know how anyone could not expect secret wiretaps to be taking place.
The President of the United States has the authority to authorize them, and that’s why he did it. The scandal here is the fact that someone leaked the legitimacy of the assumptions that I and many other Americans already had. In order for us to have one-up on the enemy, we as normal Americans need to be a little ignorant as to the stuff going on in our government in the realm of security.
Do you honestly feel SO important as to think that the United States Government has the time, energy, or staff to listen in to your phone calls to your grandmother who doesn’t like President Bush just like you? Are you conceited enough to think that your phone calls to your political affiliates are more important than those who are attempting to destroy America? Unless you’re a pedofile or a terrorist, stop screaming so loud. If you are a pedofile or a terrorist, I guess you can scream about it as loud as you want, so it’ll be easier to pick you off.
I know that the government is designed by the people for the people, but in this and many more cases, there’s certain things I don’t want EVERYONE to know about.
Iraq War Strategy
For everyone who kept complaining that President Bush never had a clear plan for the War in Iraq, I guess you’ve got to find something else to complain about. He made the strategy we’ve been using since 2003 available to everyone, and you can read it by clicking HERE.
ILLEGAL Immigration
I am part of a discussion group here in Houston, and a few people, apparently upset about President Bush’s stance on illegal immigration yesterday, posted some responses to his plan. This made me upset because they didn’t seem to see or understand the fact that illegal immigrants, while just trying to provide more for their “starving” families, are still here and working in the United States illegally. Here’s what I wrote to them:
I can’t stand it when people claim that we’re disenfranchising illegal workers by forcing them to go back home. They’re here ILLEGALLY. If you ILLEGALLY speed, you will be fined. If you ILLEGALLY take drugs, you will be fined and spend time in jail. If you ILLEGALLY murder someone, you will spend time in jail. Why is it ok that when people ILLEGALLY come into our country and take our jobs (that other Americans supposedly are too good for [in that case, are you saying we’re better than illegal immigrants?])? Stop making excuses for ILLEGAL behavior.
Yes, there are a lot of people coming over here and working ILLEGALLY just to bring some money back home for their “starving” families. The problem is that when you let them get away with their ILLEGAL actions, you’re also allowing the bad ILLEGAL immigrants. There are murderers, thieves, and thugs ILLEGALLY crossing our borders on a constant basis, and I don’t believe that there is a reason to sacrifice the SAFETY of my family for the ILLEGAL jobs of ILLEGAL immigrants.
We need to shut the borders down, send all of the ILLEGAL immigrants home, and streamline the immigration process so that those that need jobs can get them and be regulated in their activities during their visit to our country. My great-great-grandfather was a stowaway on a ship from Germany, but when he arrived here in the great United States of America, he registered and became a legal citizen.
Those that want to take advantage of our great country should do so. My only requirement, is that they do so LEGALLY.
Please realize that they are breaking the law, and if you let them slide on that law, you’re probably going to start letting other lawbreakers slide as well.
I wish that every American (blue, red, & in between) can get it through their thick skulls that there IS a procedure to immigrate to America legally, and we shouldn’t just give them a free pass because the procedure is “too hard” to follow.
Rebuilding New Orleans
It looks like the Bush Administration is going to take the advice of many conservatives and rebuild with a new blueprint. A city blueprint that involves ownership and accountability. They can get things built correctly with the future in mind. They can quite possibly take New Orleans from one of the poorest cities in America to one of the most productive if they plan everything correctly.
I’ve seen many Democrats stating loudly that we need to rebuild New Orleans just the way it was, politics and all. The problem is, the Democratic Party has had a stronghold on the state of Louisiana for over 60 years, and we can all see where that has gotten them. I believe they are still there for the most part, because the fact of how they got where they are still hasn’t come to fruition to most of them. It is now known by almost the entire world that the people in Louisiana were among the poorest in America, and most dependent on the government. If they hadn’t been told all their lives that the government would always take care of them as long as they kept voting for the Democratic ticket, they might have had the driving power to get off their rearends and make something of themselves instead of just letting the government take care of them through Welfare.
We also need to stop sending so many people from outside New Orleans to do the building. Let the people who’ve been displaced come back and take pride in their rebuilding efforts. Maybe then they will have a better sense of ownership when the city is back up and running, so that New Orleans will stay clean and attractive for decades beyond their lifetimes.
Proud to be a Texan
Seeing all of the support from people in Texas for the refugees from New Orleans makes me feel proud to be a Texan. Our church just sent a huge trailer full of supplies to the people affected by Hurrican Katrina, and it felt good to be part of that.
I’m happy to see everyone pulling together and pitching in where they can. I just wish that people would stop playing the “Blame Game” and start working to restore order. We can fix the problems that happened during this disaster and be a little more prepared in case it happens again.
I urge everyone to take caution when choosing who to donate to for relief. There are web sites that look like official sites, but please know that some of them are complete frauds. Also, don’t be too trustworthy of people on the side of the road or in places where there isn’t anyone else around. I’ve heard too many terrifying stories to trust anyone in those kinds of places.
I hope that the rest of the country will see and realize the giving nature of this great state we call Texas. Maybe they’ll talk about us red state country hicks a little better… Yeah Right!
New Orleans Flooding
I’ve had conversations with people over the past few years about New Orleans being hit with anything that would cause flooding. I’ve known that it was going to happen in my lifetime. I just didn’t think it would make me feel this bad for everyone out there.
I just can’t wait to see if the rest of the world bands together to send help our way. Maybe the rest of the world will see how much we’ve sent their way over the years, when they realize they can’t help us as much as we will help ourselves. I have no doubt that some of the other nations of the world will send help, and it will be greatly appreciated.
The chances of the United Nations trying to take charge in relief efforts are pretty slim, even though they may pass some resolutions on the prospect of helping out.
The people affected by Hurricane Katrina need a lot of help. If you can’t help out financially, please send a few prayers up to the Big Guy for them. The prospect of losing your entire city and history has got to be pretty darn sobering.
Hollywood Slump?
The so-called slump that Hollywood is in is not what I believe should be called a slump at all. They try to blame the lower ticket sales on P2P file-sharing and bit torrent users, but what they fail to realize is that no one wants to spend money on the trash that’s coming out of Hollywood.
The people who take the time to download the movies aren’t interested in buying tickets, even if they didn’t have access to the downloads. The reason why they don’t want to spend the money is one or many reasons. These reasons can include too much skin, bad language, sex, sexual references, violence, cigarettes, alcohol, racism, children being rude and crude with their parents on screen, and I’m sure you can come up with a few more with a little more concentration.
I make many of my decisions on those factors as well as on the actors involved with the movies. If an actor is outspoken about politics the way some are, I try my best to stay away from helping them make money. I don’t go to the theater to see them and I certainly don’t give them more money by buying their DVDs. I don’t like it when a stupid actor or actress thinks they’re smarter than the real working Americans. They think they have a more important right to free speech because they can buy their airtime. Get a real job…
Hollywood should make some less offensive movies/films, stay out of politics, and then they “might” make some more money.
NASA Space Shuttle Launch
I am so happy that we finally are back in space with the shuttle. Sure, it’s outdated, and we could really do with some improvements on a design on a product that was designed nearly 30 years ago. I know they’ve made major improvements on that design, but they might be able to come up with something much better if they thought outside of the box.
I saw in Popular Science magazine a few years ago, that NASA was looking at redesigning the shuttle entirely. It was an awesome article, and the drawings were spectacular. I was excited that they might be designing one of them.
I’m sure that days after posting this, they’ll unveil a major redesign that they will start building immediately. GREAT! I hope that happens.
Many people I know, however, do not understand why the government wants to spend our tax dollars on sending people up to circle the globe for 2 weeks at a time. We have so many luxuries and equipment now, thanks to NASA and their missions, that most people don’t understand NASA had any involvement in them. For instance, NASA came up with the cordless drill. NASA also came up with the technology to make UV Protective lenses for our sunglasses because they had to come up with something to use while welding in open space. Hundreds of the products we use on a daily basis were brought to us through NASA, and no one even takes that into account when they dismiss NASA and it’s contribution to our society.
Please keep the astronauts up there in your prayers, and ask God to bring them home safely.
Judge John G. Roberts
As far as I can tell, Judge Roberts is a fine selection for the Supreme Court Nominee. It took some giblets for President Bush to nominate a man with a great resume to replace a woman on the Supreme court, instead of settling with another woman with lesser credentials.
Way to go President Bush!
Now… about our borders…