I am so happy that we finally are back in space with the shuttle. Sure, it’s outdated, and we could really do with some improvements on a design on a product that was designed nearly 30 years ago. I know they’ve made major improvements on that design, but they might be able to come up with something much better if they thought outside of the box.
I saw in Popular Science magazine a few years ago, that NASA was looking at redesigning the shuttle entirely. It was an awesome article, and the drawings were spectacular. I was excited that they might be designing one of them.
I’m sure that days after posting this, they’ll unveil a major redesign that they will start building immediately. GREAT! I hope that happens.
Many people I know, however, do not understand why the government wants to spend our tax dollars on sending people up to circle the globe for 2 weeks at a time. We have so many luxuries and equipment now, thanks to NASA and their missions, that most people don’t understand NASA had any involvement in them. For instance, NASA came up with the cordless drill. NASA also came up with the technology to make UV Protective lenses for our sunglasses because they had to come up with something to use while welding in open space. Hundreds of the products we use on a daily basis were brought to us through NASA, and no one even takes that into account when they dismiss NASA and it’s contribution to our society.
Please keep the astronauts up there in your prayers, and ask God to bring them home safely.