Category: Tech Stuff

Stuff dealing with the site or anything else technical

New Home Automations

I’ve been toying with the idea of home automation for several years. The expense has been one of the highest priorities, as I don’t like spending where it’s not necessary. With some bonus money over the past year or two, I’ve been able to make some additions that didn’t break the bank. I was looking […]


I have spent a long time working on our network here at the house.  One of my primary purposes for doing this is media consumption.  While constantly consuming media is not something I would recommend, it helps to make things run as smoothly as possible and user friendly for the whole family. What seems like […]


I completed my Associates Degree of Applied Sciences in Instrumentation and graduated on May 12, 2011 with a 3.907 GPA. As most people know, education does not end with graduation. I’m currently pursuing a few courses that will help in my current line of work, Process Control, in September. I’ve also decided to get back […]

Windows 7

As a student, I get access to some software at discounted prices. I bought a legal copy of Windows 7 from Microsoft for $30 at I installed it the night of the release a week ago. I installed an early beta version some time ago, and it didn’t impress me much. This, so far, […]

New Job

Well… a little bit has happened since my last post. I finished my second semester, and yes, I finished with a 4.0.  I started the first summer session, and I’m doing well in that class, although, it’s much harder than any other class I’ve taken so far.  Digital Applications is the class I’m taking, and […]

Back to Windows

I’m going back.  I spent three and a half months on Ubuntu and enjoyed it.  I had a few problems that kept creeping up on me, and instead of working through it, I decided to just go the easy way and drop Ubuntu… for now. It’s hard to describe the problems, but I’m sure of […]

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