I’ve finished taking my finals, but I still have a little work to turn in.
I have a final grade of 93.8 in meteorology. I was surprised at how high my score is on that exam.
There’s no way I can get an A in my accounting class. Hopefully I’ll have a B, but the final exam was faxed and mailed in by my proctor, so I may not know for a few days. I feel pretty confident about my performance on the final, but some of my assignments earlier in the semester didn’t cut it.
I have today to turn in what’s left, and after that, I’ve got nothing to do but wait and see what my score is. I’m looking forward to two weeks without having to do school work.
I’ve registered for next semester. I’m taking macroeconomics and marketing. I’m really hoping that neither one of those will be as hard as accounting was this semester.
I Got Paid!
I posted a few weeks ago about PayPerPost.com and that post and a two others since then have been PayPerPost entries. I have been paid $20 for those posts combined!
I have received my money and was surprised to find that the site really is legitimate. I have used some other services in the past that were intended to make money easily online, and none have come to fruition. I will use this money to maintain the site. I will not post about anything that I don’t believe in, but I will post often enough to make enough money to keep this site up.
I’m going to make $10 for this post alone, just like I did in the original post. The reason I couldn’t post this earlier was because you have to keep the posts up for at least 30 days before you get paid. Hey, that’s a small price to pay for talking about a real money maker.
I have final exams to take next week, so if I don’t post much for a few days, I’m just studying, or testing, or both.
This is my hardest semester so far since getting back in school.
I found some old photos (old – taken in high school or shortly thereafter – before 1997) and was surprised at what I looked like back then. I knew that I had gained weight since I got married, because the picture of Christle and I before we had Alaina shows that I was skinny.
I was a toothpick back in high school. My neck looks like it might have been 9-10 inches long! It almost looks like I was stretching my neck out to make myself look taller. I was lean, but there wasn’t enough meat on my bones to make lean look good.
I feel good about my size now, especially when I think of what I looked like in the mirror just a few months ago. I guess I’ve just gotten more self-conscious about it in recent years. When I run into old friends (or ex-girlfriends) from high school, I want them to actually wish they’d have given me more time. I ran into one today at the gym. I’m just glad I didn’t run into her sooner. She looked good, but not what I had in my memory. I don’t know if it’s being married that has changed my memories, or just that time has passed.
I used to think about the past a lot. Being closer to home has brought back some fond memories. Looking to the future is more important than that. But seeing people from my past has helped me focus more clearly on what is the most important, and that’s paying attention to the present. What I have right now is a present, a gift from God that needs to be appreciated and experienced.
I’m blessed. I know that I am.
Now, I’ve got to focus on my abs!
Stupid Stuff
It’s amazing how much stupid stuff can change the plans for an entire day. I had a lot to do today, but was forced to change my entire schedule on 2 hours notice for a 3 hour meeting that concerned the processes for something that I will not be involved in. I had some good ideas for the process, but those points were made before I could speak up.
I had to take an ergonomic assessment because the person doing the ergonomic stuff saw me at the site just before the meeting and said my desk was all wrong. I don’t spend a lot of time there, but I have to stay ergonomically correct. That took some time, but I will get a new chair out of the deal.
I worked on my legs today. It felt really funny, because other than running, I haven’t worked my legs in a long time. I’m not that sore, but that’s probably because I wasn’t working with enough weight. It’s kinda hard to judge how much weight to put on when I haven’t worked my legs in so many years. I’m sure it’ll get better.
I mowed the grass tonight, and the lawn looks really good. I listened to praise and worship music on my iPod while I was mowing, and I know I was singing pretty loudly. It’s fortunate for the neighbors that they don’t live very close. I’m sure my voice doesn’t sound that good over the lawn mower.
I’ve got to spray the lawn with the Cutter mosquito spray tomorrow morning after my haircut because a new set of bigger mosquitos have nested here. I’ve heard them called tiger mosquitos. When you can actually see stripes on them, is that bad?
Getting Faster
I ran last night. I ran 1.5 miles in 13:13 before I worked out last night. That is the fastest mile & a half I have run. I passed the mile at 9:00 even, and I couldn’t even do that in Junior High. The thing that bothers me is that I don’t know how well I’ll do at a track instead of on the treadmill.
Ok, after a day of thinking about it, and letting God get through to me, I have come to the hard conclusion that my review of the movie last night was a little too harsh. My Super Ex-Girlfriend was not as bad as I said last night.
I would not really enjoy being broken down in the desert during a sand-storm without the power to roll up the windows more than watching that pile of manure. On a five-star scale, I’d probably give it a quarter of a star.
Hey, we all have our moments of weakness, and I know I am blessed to live in a country where I have the ability to spend money watching horrible productions while there are soldiers overseas fighting for that ability.
I just wish that we had walked out when we first thought to, so that I might not have felt so much dumber for watching it afterwards.
My (Not So) Super Ex-Girlfriend
I do not understand how Hollywood can expect people to stop downloading movies and keep paying to go to the movie theaters. The concept of the movie was great. The production was horrible. The constant focus on sex was absolutely horrendous.
There were a few random funny points, though. It really seemed like they had a few jokes about having a super ex-girlfriend, and then they threw in enough of a plot to make a movie.
I might watch this movie again… if I can’t find something else on TV and it is showing it for free over the air. I wouldn’t even Tivo My Super Ex-Girlfriend, though. It wouldn’t be worth the power consumption.
I don’t think the movie is even worth the space on this page, but I just had to spread the news so that maybe I can spare some poor soul a few dollars and keep up the will to live.
If you’ve seen the movie and disagree with my analysis, please do not comment, because I can only handle so much stupidity.
I spent $35 at the movie theater tonight, and I am actually wondering if I might have had a better time being broken down on the side of the road in the desert in a sand storm without the power to roll up the windows.
On a 5 star scale, I’d give this selection 3 turds.
I had so many distractions this weekend that as I was going to bed last night, I realized that I had not done some schoolwork that had to be done by midnight. I got it done, but I was upset because I lost a few hours of sleep that I was planning on.
My anniversary is today. 5 wonderful years of marriage… it’s our 7 year anniversary. LOL.
Now I just have to stay awake today.
I forgot to bring some shorts to work today to work out in on my way home, so I just jogged in my jeans. It is amazing how hot a pair of loose jeans can get. I did a mile and a half in 13:45.
I didn’t do any more than that because I worked out last night. I like being able to see results when I look in the mirror. It really helps me focus on what I’m trying to achieve. I’m not sure if it’s better health or vanity, but either way, it’s working.
I’ve been working on improving my life. I’m going to school. I’m working out for the first time in a LONG time. Now I am struggling to improve my prayer life. That goes along with my relationship with God. I haven’t been working on that relationship as hard as I should, and I never want to say that again.
On top of that, I’m speaking my prayers instead of thinking them. I don’t think with my wife, I talk to her. I know that God knows my thoughts, but it builds my faith in Him to actually speak to Him.
God, give me the focus you want me to have.