I forgot to bring some shorts to work today to work out in on my way home, so I just jogged in my jeans. It is amazing how hot a pair of loose jeans can get. I did a mile and a half in 13:45.
I didn’t do any more than that because I worked out last night. I like being able to see results when I look in the mirror. It really helps me focus on what I’m trying to achieve. I’m not sure if it’s better health or vanity, but either way, it’s working.
I’ve been working on improving my life. I’m going to school. I’m working out for the first time in a LONG time. Now I am struggling to improve my prayer life. That goes along with my relationship with God. I haven’t been working on that relationship as hard as I should, and I never want to say that again.
On top of that, I’m speaking my prayers instead of thinking them. I don’t think with my wife, I talk to her. I know that God knows my thoughts, but it builds my faith in Him to actually speak to Him.
God, give me the focus you want me to have.