Category: Health

What’s healthy and what’s Not


For most of my 38 years, I have lived a life of no concern for my health. I have done things to jeopardize my health and well-being, but I wasn’t really concerned about it. I have gotten rid of unhealthy vices, and I don’t feel the need to return to them (other than Blue-Bell). I’ll still […]


I’m not planning to just quit soda.  I’m going to ween myself.  I usually bring 4 in my cooler to work every day.  Tomorrow, I’m going to replace 2 of them with water bottles. Next week, I’m going to replace another.  The following week, I’m just going to bring water.  The week after that I’m […]

She’s Leaving

My grandmother wasn’t breathing for over 10 minutes yesterday.  The tests have confirmed that she has barely any brain activity at all.  The breathing machine will be removed in the morning. I spent some time at the hospital this afternoon.  It hit me harder than I thought it would.  The hardest part was seeing Dad […]

Getting Faster

I ran last night.  I ran 1.5 miles in 13:13 before I worked out last night.  That is the fastest mile & a half I have run.  I passed the mile at 9:00 even, and I couldn’t even do that in Junior High.  The thing that bothers me is that I don’t know how well […]


I forgot to bring some shorts to work today to work out in on my way home, so I just jogged in my jeans. It is amazing how hot a pair of loose jeans can get. I did a mile and a half in 13:45. I didn’t do any more than that because I worked […]

MySpace is Up

Ok, the site is back up, and I’ve had no glitches today since it started working again mid-morning.  I also heard on the radio about some power outtages in California because of the heat wave they’re experiencing. I just got through working out… I mixed it up a bit, and it feels good right now.  […]

Daily Goal Tracking

I was doing my daily routine of browsing Digg, and came across this wonderfully simple tool.  Joe’s Goals helps keep track of how your days are going, based on how much positive and negative stuff happens throughout each day.  You can keep yourself in check by allowing friends to see your status. The application is really […]