She’s Leaving

My grandmother wasn’t breathing for over 10 minutes yesterday.  The tests have confirmed that she has barely any brain activity at all.  The breathing machine will be removed in the morning.
I spent some time at the hospital this afternoon.  It hit me harder than I thought it would.  The hardest part was seeing Dad and Grandpa saying goodbye.
Grandpa told me that for the past few years at night before bed that he’d play his harmonica for Grandma.  He said that for the past few weeks that he’d been playing “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” for her every night.  He said that when he finished, she’d just say “I love you, too, Honey”.  He’s really happy that she’s not in pain any more.
They raised a family rooted in God and His Word.  They have remained faithful to studying their Bible, and keeping active in their prayer life which amounts to keeping up their relationships with God.
Grandma will be sorely missed.  She has been a real blessing in mine and many other lives.

1 thought on “She’s Leaving

  1. We were sorry to hear about your grandmother. Thoughts and prayers go out to you and the family.

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