I’ve successfully uninstalled the beta of IE7. All you have to do is go to Add/Remove Programs, check “Show Updates” and uninstall the IE7 beta “update”.
I had to do this because the site that I use to log in and do my timesheet will not accept IE7 Beta as IE 5.5 or higher.
Category: Tech Stuff
Stuff dealing with the site or anything else technical
I started using 30boxes this weekend, and it’s pretty cool. It’s the same for your calendar as google is for email.
Check it out HERE, and add me to your buddy list if you sign up for an account.
New SED Video
I saw something in a report on CES a few weeks ago that described this new technology. Apparently the blacks are the best out of any displays we currently have, and the contrast ratio is supposed to be close to 100,000:1 by the time they start production THIS YEAR. According to recent reports, it could start at a price lower than plasma when it first came out. They will only be producing panels larger than around 55 inches diagonally.
Read about it HERE.
I’ve recently heard about tagworld. Well, actually when I was looking up how to customize MySpace.com, I saw a link to “the alternative to MySpace”.
You can find my profile at www.tagworld.com/bkunefke.
My first impression is “WOW!” I thought I was dreaming when I finished setting up my profile, and was surprised that I was not inundated with ads on my profile. I’m sure there will be a few ads here and there, but I was not overcome by them.
The interface is more smooth and visually attractive.
I’ll play with the two, and I will have to decide which one to keep using more often. Right now, I’m close to choosing tagworld, but I really haven’t had more than a week’s experience using either. I think I’ll give them each a month, and see what I think of them then.
What do you think?
Filing Taxes
I just filed my taxes for 2005. It was relatively easy, and I did it all online.
I used www.olt.com to prepare and file all of my paperwork. If your income falls between $10,000-$50,000, you can e-file for free. Otherwise, the cost to e-file is only $7.95.
Here in Texas, we don’t have a State Income Tax, but if your state does have an income tax, it’s only $7.95 to file at OLT.
I’ve used software (Tax***) that I’ve bought for the past few years, and this was just as easy as those. The website automatically filled out extra forms without my having to tell it to. I had the option to remove them, but I didn’t need to.
There are other free options for preparing and filing online. You can find the entire list HERE.
My ID on MySpace is bkunefke.
You can get to my profile by going to http://www.myspace.com/bkunefke
Push The Button
I was browsing threads at The Fuselage and came across this neat little game where you can voluneer to push the button.
The game is harder than you’d think. You have to wait the 108 minutes to push the button without entering anything else in. Sure, there are a few eggs built into the program, but it’s really hard to keep from doing something else.
Try entering ‘help’ without the quotes, and you’ll get one of the simpler eggs. I wouldn’t get carried away with trying stuff out, though, because I’d hate to see the end of the world come any sooner than I already have to.
If you have the time to check it out, press the Execute button at the bottom of the page linked above.
Tab Sidebar for Firefox
I’ve been looking for a way to gain more vertical space and utilize the horizontal space (like putting the toolbars on the left or right of an application) for a while.
With video displays moving to the widescreen format, moving toolbars to the side instead of the top of the application just makes sense.
There is an extension for Firefox that allows you to put your tabs on the left side of your browser instead of taking up space at the top.
The cool thing about this extension is that there are a few more bells and whistles than the original tab bar to play with.
Perfect Time to Wake Up
I browse Digg.com on a regular basis. I love seeing new technology, and it makes me want more toys. There’s a new toy being released soon that looks incredible.Â
I honestly don’t look at it as a toy, because I would consider it a health device. Just as a heart monitor will tell you when to get to the doctor/hospital, this alarm clock tells you when to wake up feeling the most refreshed.
There are cycles that people go through while sleeping. I never seem to wake up at the right point in my sleep cycle, and it usually takes me a little while to wake up. The Axbo actually monitors your heartrate with a wireless wristband, and wakes you up during the window of time you have preset when it is best for your sleep cycle. My explanation is not very clear, I know, but they explain it much better on HERE.
Right now you can get a second wristband for the second alarm for no additional cost.
I will not be buying this for myself anytime soon, but if you’re looking to get me something for valentines day, this $244 health device would be the perfect thing.