Category: Tech Stuff

Stuff dealing with the site or anything else technical

School Work

I created a second blog to use for school.  I know that at some point I will need to use it for communication with my professors or classmates.  School is taking much longer than I anticipated, but I know it’ll be worth it in the long term. My NAU blog can be found HERE.  I […]


I just came across what will probably be one of the best games to come out this decade. It is being built for the PC, but it is rumored to be designed for the Xbox 360 & Nintendo Revolution as well. The name of the game is Spore. They originally wanted to call it ‘Sim […]

Catching Up

I’m getting caught up on a lot of things.  It feels good to get things done and behind you. I can’t wait to move.  I’m looking forward to it greatly.  I just hope my work situation gets better instead of worse.  I’m moving farther away from Houston, but there’s a chance I may be working […]


I’ve been revamping the setup of my entire web portfolio, barring this one.  No, this one will stay right where it is. The rest of it is getting reorganized, though.  I’m moving stuff around… which means that I basically have to recreate a lot of it, as the location of the scripts and pages are […]

MySpace Phenomenon

I don’t understand it.  Yet, I do understand. I remember years ago when AOL was “the internet”.  It was fun to just get in a chat room and chat with random strangers.  It was easy to get to know people and even make up an alternate personality just for fun. The funny thing is, as […]

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