Category: Politics

  • In or Out 2010

    I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized. I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its citizenry during a difficult economic times, therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded. I believe more than four…

  • Open Letter to Our Nation’s Leadership

    Glenn Beck read an open letter to our nation’s leadership on his radio program a few days ago that expressed my frustration with our government with an honest precision. I agree with the entire letter, except for the part about being a former Democrat… I’ve never been a Democrat, yet I don’t consider myself a…

  • This Darn Global Warming…

    In my 30 years on this earth, I’ve never seen it snow this early in the season.  It is snowing very hard this evening, over two weeks before Christmas day.  If I didn’t know any better, either the earth has made up for manmade warming much faster than we could have reacted, or efforts to…

  • Get Ready for a New America

    America is completely different than it was just a few years ago… or at least it will be.  According to Obama’s own statements regarding his policies, many of our freedoms are about to be lost… no, make that taken away from us. Those who said they were voting for Obama for economic reasons are completely…

  • Sarah Palin at the RNC


  • McCain/Palin

    I have to admit, in an earlier post, I was disappointed with John McCain as the Republican nominee for President of the United States.  He has failed to show true conservatism, such as when he lobbied for amnesty for illegal aliens.  I was holding off on a decision on my vote based on his campaign,…

  • Election 2008

    It is true that McCain is not a true conservative. I have come to the realization, however, that anything we could do to keep Obama (or Clinton if she had gotten the Democratic nomination) out of the White House, would be in our best interest as a nation. With rising fuel and energy costs, McCain…

  • Primaries in 2008

    There wasn’t much to choose from. That basically sums it up. Lesser of evils… with all the different subjects to consider, I guess McCain is the least evil. His record doesn’t even show him as being a true conservative Republican, but people went out in droves to vote for him. As you probably already know,…

  • Man-Made Global Warming Report Challenged

    Finally, after just a few years, scientists are speaking out in rather large numbers to denounce the claims made by Al Gore in his political, and completely ridiculous piece of fiction.  An Inconvenient Truth is being challenged by over 400 of the very scientists that wrote the report for the United Nations. I, as well…

  • The Law is the Law

    The following is an email I received today. It represents the true feelings of many Christians I know, and probably many Christians I haven’t heard from on the issue. Please read it, and if you feel the same, pass it along to as many people as you can. So if the US government determines that…