This episode was great! The only problem I had was with the commercial for Ford. I’m glad that they showed Professor Fine as who he really was. We all, even Clark, know that he’s not dead. Clark seems to be getting smarter.
Clark’s mom got better as soon as Fine “died”. I was surprised that Lana didn’t take any part in the episode. Chloe figured out how to get to the Fortress pretty quickly.
There was one problem, though. Jorel told Clark that “no one can undo what you have set in motion”. The problem is that Clark did it. I guess Jorel isn’t as smart as we thought he was.
Category: Entertainment
TV, Movies, Music, Games
Lost – 206 – Abandoned
It was good. Sawyer still had some funny, even when he was knocking at death’s door. Ana Lucia explained why she’s so paranoid to ‘some’ degree.
Shannon wasn’t always a spoiled brat. In fact, she turned in to a meanie after she lost her wealth.
We only saw Jack for about a second as the other doctor told Shannon and her step-mom that her dad had died in one of the flashbacks. We didn’t see Kate or Sun. I don’t even remember seeing Hurley.
Next week should be good. We get to see the past 48 days that the ‘Tailies’ experienced. I’ll be an additional 5 minutes long, as well.
Smallville – 507 – Splinter
This was a pretty good episode. It seems to propel Clark towards his future.
Lana received a hunk of silver kryptonite with a note from Lex. Clark immediately gets stung with a splinter, and takes off. It seemed like he started seeing things that made sense, but also seemed way too stupid to be real.
When Clark was holding up the statements saying it was money, that was the defining moment of his sanity. He seemed to lose control of himself when he thought everyone around him was turning on him.
Professor Fine was surprisingly knowledgeable about Clark. He turned out to know exactly who Clark is. When Lex denied that he had seen the rock, I immediately pinned it on Fine. It only makes sense that Fine would want Clark to lose trust in the people he’s always had faith in.
We don’t know it for sure, yet, but it looks like Fine still wants it to look like Lex provided the Silver Kryptonite to continue the mistrust issues.
Lost Podcasts
I heard on The Transmission tonight that a few of the podcasters have gotten together and created a central location for all of their podcasts. It’s pretty cool because its hard to go a week or two at a time without LOST. It’s fun to hear other viewers’ theories and things they caught on the shows that I missed.
Check it out at
Astros Sign Garner Through 2007
The Astros have signed Garner through the 2007 season. I like this and I am sure that a lot of fans feel the same way I do.
I hope that Clemens can make it through another season, although I would hate to see him get hurt just to try to be the hometown hero one more year. I believe he’s still got a good year in him, simply because his 2005 season looked like he in in his Prime.
I will be looking for more news of the 2006 roster.
Lost – Stuff I Just Noticed
Episodes 201 and 202
I saw the DHARMA logo on the shark’s tail. It was clear as day. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it the first time I saw the second episode. Of course I was looking for it this time.
I also noticed that the DHARMA logo was on all of the food containers. I didn’t notice it before, but I would have thought that something like that would have been mentioned on one of the discussion threads. I’m sure it was, but I probably didn’t see that needle in the haystack.
Jack’s wig is really freaking me out. Why would they make him wear a piece THAT obvious?
The living quarters in the hatch looked clean and brand new until Locke and Kate showed up… Why is that?
How on earth could Jin have gotten back to the island so quick as to have been captured, and then got away before Michael and Sawyer crawled up on the beach? That was kinda creepy.
Smallville – 506 – Exposed
Tonight was a really good episode. The references to The Dukes of Hazzard were pretty funny. I guess they had to show some distance between Clark and Lana since in the last episode she tried to feast on Clark. I think she also had to be out of the way for Lois Lane to do a striptease for Clark. Lois really seemed out of place. I don’t recall their mentioning Martha in the episode, but I probably just missed it.
Lex and Clark seem to have been out of touch over the past few weeks, and it seems that their relationship is still tense but smoothing out. It’ll probably get a little rougher once Jonathan Kent announces that he’s running for Senator against Lex. I’m not 100% positive that’s going to happen, it’s just that all the evidence points to that fact. The election wasn’t finished, “Luke Duke” announced he was dropping out of the race, and “Luke” just told “Bo Duke” that he was better suited for the job.
I’m surprised we didn’t get to see the professor in this episode, or even a mention of him. I really hope there’s an opportunity to get Sam Jones III in sometime this season. Now that Chloe knows Clark’s secret, it’d be kinda fun to see Pete & Chloe help Clark fix something without his having to hide his involvement from either of them. It would be really cool to see what Pete’s been up to for the past year and a half as well.
The plot of the episode was pretty simple. But I still felt satisfied with it all the same.
I’d hate to see the series end this year. I’ll have to look up to see if I can find any info about a possible 6th season. It’s probably been posted for months already. I’m sure they could fit another season in with no problem at all. If nothing else, I’d love to see a spin-off of the transformation of Chloe and Lois’ involvement in The Daily Planet. Either way, if Chloe’s going to be one of the deaths this season, that more than likely will be the signal of this being the last season of Smallville. I would feel pretty safe about betting on the fact that if they kill off Chloe in any season, that will probably be the last season. If she dies this season, this is the last season. Hopefully we wont have to see that. That would really suck to have to watch the new opening credits without her in them.
I heard a big rumor today. It’s kinda old news. Back in August it was confirmed that Dean Cain will be making an appearance on Smallville as a love interest of Lois’. That might be kinda cool seeing Tom Welling and Dean Cain come face to face kinda like Martin and Charlie Sheen in Hot Shots 1 or 2 (can’t remember, and really don’t care which one it was).
I’m off to bed with dreams of flying.
ABC’s Lost
I’ve been reading a lot of spoilers and people talking about their theories about the island, numbers, people on Lost. It’s some interesting stuff, and if nothing else, seems to have helped some people get off their lazy rear-ends to learn something new. It may seem stupid to some people, but at least people are figuring out how to exercise their brains for the first time in a long time.
I really enjoy reading it, but sometimes I think people over do it. There are some really smart people watching this show, and on the same note, there are some really brilliant people behind the cameras. I just found out that the premiere episode was budgeted at around $10 million. That is so incredible that the people dishing out the money had THAT much faith in the show, and as far as I can tell, that faith was justified and then some.
The fan site that I find the most interesting is The mere fact that the numbers used in the show are the page name makes it easy to remember, and also know that by communicating with people registered on the site, you know that 9 times out of 10, they are die-hard fans.
There are people that are fans that want to mess with noobies though. There was an “orientation film” released on the site that was debunked within 1 hour of it’s posting. Someone had gone to some lengths to piece together a film that looked pretty close to the same style film as viewed on the episode entitled Orientation. It was very good footage, but the way it was debunked was the way the DHARMA logos did not seem to look quite right. They did a good job, but the details of the logos brought to light the fact that the logos weren’t right, and that would only happen without the producers’ being involved. These producers have made sure that every detail of every scene fits in with the story, and is always consistent.
There is also a podcast that discusses Lost, called Transmission. These people just started in May, only have 9 podcasts, and were in the top 40 podcasts just a few weeks ago, but probably because Lost has been showing reruns for the past 2 weeks, have slipped down to number 93 on iTunes top 100 podcasts.
I am really glad that we get ABC in HD, because it really turns the movie-like quality footage into more of a movie-like atmosphere when it’s on. It makes the experience of Lost much better.
Smallville – 505 – Thirst
The whold vampire thing was kinda stupid. I guess the writing was ok for a halloween special, but I guess it just surprised me to see Clark and Lex kinda get a little closer toward the end. The way the episode was written with the whole thing from Chloe’s perspective was pretty good, though.
I don’t care what kinda superhero you are, I don’t see how anyone could walk anywhere near someone who just yesterday tried to bite a hunk of flesh from my neck, much less keep dating them. At least Chloe showed a little apprehension in the episode where Lana almost split her head with an axe.
I’m not sure where the idea for the show came from, but I guess it’s the best you could do with a halloween based episode.
Good job, Astros
The Astros have never been to the World Series, until now. They finally made it, despite overwhelming odds. Such as when the Houston Chronicle printed their tombstone, or when Jeff Bagwell couldn’t stand the pain any longer, and had to undergo surgery early in the season.
We came very close to winning every single game of the Series. The deck seemed stacked against them in every game. That was magnified when Bud opened the roof of The Juice Box and left Houston out of the decision. “What’s best for baseball,” my rear. I really don’t think limiting the World Series to 4 games is really all that good for Baseball. I believe that we could have won at least one game in Houston if the roof would’ve been closed, and it would have generated more revenue for Houston, St. Louis, and Baseball. Stupid people make me mad.
We’re all proud of the Astros for making it farther than ever before, and as my dad said, “The sun will come up tomorrow, just like it did today.”