I have been looking forward to this ever since the end of Big Brother 6. I already know who’s in the house, and I’m not going to spoil it for you. I already know one of the big secrets, and all I can say is this… “Power Comes in Pairs”. To some that may be too obvious, but for the rest of you, who’s reading this blog, anyway?
The thought of so many people being in this game that have already thought of what they’d do if given the opportunity again being in one house astounds me. The only way to make it more interesting is to mess with all of their expectations of the rules and the house itself. The fact that CBS absolutely “must” change the rules makes for some tremendous anxiety.
I’m in the middle of a semester of school. I hope I can maintain my focus on my schoolwork for the next 6 weeks so I can really enjoy the show after finals.
Category: Entertainment
TV, Movies, Music, Games
President Bush Humor
I saw this video online and had to share it. Steven Colbert got more press from this event due to his horrible whack at humor later in the evening, but the President should have gotten more recognition for his and Steve Bridges’ speech.
Watch TV Online (Free & Legal)
Go to THIS SITE to watch last night’s episode of Lost with only 4 commercials if you have a broadband Internet connection. I missed the first few minutes of it myself, and just caught up on what I missed. You can also check out Alias, Desperate Housewives, and Commander in Chief. If only the other networks could take this model and duplicate it…
MySpace is Good?!
With all of the negative press that MySpace gets, I thought this article needed to be spread around. These stupid punks actually posted their plans on MySpace and surprisingly enough, someone had the brains to report it.
Read the article HERE.
The Grooviest Motel in Wisconsin
I have to admit… this is just one of the dumbest, funniest things I’ve read through in a while. If you don’t find it funny within the first few dozen pages, try starting over and reading the commentary out loud. I almost died from lack of oxygen this afternoon I was laughing so hard. You can see it by clicking HERE.
Please let me know that I’m not the only one laughing at this.
Lost – Where’s the New Stuff?
I know that this seems to be a trend right now, but please give us a few episodes in a row. We’ve already been threatened with the possibility of not figuring everything out for 5 seasons, but can you at least give us multiple new episodes a few weeks in a row?
Sure, each episode goes through much more production than most one hour shows, but it’s getting old having to wait 2 or 3 weeks at a time for a new episode. Hopefully you’re just holding back to have a good finish to your second season with the last 6 or 7 weeks without a rerun. Please let that be the case.
I just came across what will probably be one of the best games to come out this decade. It is being built for the PC, but it is rumored to be designed for the Xbox 360 & Nintendo Revolution as well.
The name of the game is Spore. They originally wanted to call it ‘Sim Everything’, but through the production, “it” wanted to keep it’s code name as the title.
When you begin the game, you start out as a simple spore that lives in a drop of water. Over time, you evolve until you are large enough and have the mental capacity to have a tribe. Your tribe evolves into a civilization. You can then control an entire solar system, making your way to interstellar travel.
One of the neat things about this game is that the creatures you develop are uploaded to the network, so that other users can interact with your species. There is no interaction between users, but the number of species that can be created is immense.
The video is kinda long (35 minutes), but it is very informative about how much fun the game is going to be. It is supposed to be released before the end of this year.
Check it out HERE
Couldn’t Watch Smallville
For some unknown reason, I couldn’t watch Smallville tonight. Well, the reason is halfway known.Â
When Chloe was in the shower, you could see the creepy looking face looking at her through the shower curtain. She freaked me out. The problem is that I was sick when I watched. I wasn’t feeling well already, but the theme just magnified that fact.
I had to turn it off before they got to the first set of commercials, and I watched the rest of Survivor. It looks pretty good. It was much more light-hearted, as well.
I’ll watch the recording of Smallville later.
XL Big Game
Well, I’m freaked out at how close I came to predicting the outcome of the game. Either I’ve got dumb luck, or I’m more genius than I thought I was.
I found on Digg that Google has all the commercials that aired tonight at http://video.google.com/superbowl.html
Many of those ads were hilarious.
New SED Video
I saw something in a report on CES a few weeks ago that described this new technology. Apparently the blacks are the best out of any displays we currently have, and the contrast ratio is supposed to be close to 100,000:1 by the time they start production THIS YEAR. According to recent reports, it could start at a price lower than plasma when it first came out. They will only be producing panels larger than around 55 inches diagonally.
Read about it HERE.