The Astros have never been to the World Series, until now. They finally made it, despite overwhelming odds. Such as when the Houston Chronicle printed their tombstone, or when Jeff Bagwell couldn’t stand the pain any longer, and had to undergo surgery early in the season.
We came very close to winning every single game of the Series. The deck seemed stacked against them in every game. That was magnified when Bud opened the roof of The Juice Box and left Houston out of the decision. “What’s best for baseball,” my rear. I really don’t think limiting the World Series to 4 games is really all that good for Baseball. I believe that we could have won at least one game in Houston if the roof would’ve been closed, and it would have generated more revenue for Houston, St. Louis, and Baseball. Stupid people make me mad.
We’re all proud of the Astros for making it farther than ever before, and as my dad said, “The sun will come up tomorrow, just like it did today.”
Author: kunefke
Chicago 2, Houston 0
Well, Houston’s coming home 2 behind in the World Series. We’ve got 3 games in a row starting Tuesday night. I hope that the noise of the fans will keep the White Sox players out of the game.
I hope that Brad Lidge can get over losing 2 games in a row to home-runs. I know it is just a coincidence, and I hope he knows it, as well.
Smallville – 504 – Aqua
This was an episode that focused primarily on the future Aqua-Man.
It was relatively good, in the fact that the graphics in the water of them swimming very fast were pretty good.
You might say that it didn’t have anything to do with Clark Kent’s history, but IMO, Aqua-Man helped Clark see what Lex was doing to the sea-life, and it convinced him that Lex was not the person he thought he was. Although, if you really think about it, Lex might not have turned out so bad, if Clark wasn’t around to make Lex get so interested in the Supernatural.
Oh well, it was a pretty good episode, in that it further split Clark and Lex’s friendship.
Astros make it to the World Series!
It’s actually happened! The Astros are going to the World Series for the first time ever. This should be a fun week!
Smallville – 503 – Hidden
The intro was kinda stressful, and again, I loved watching the new credits. We then get to see Clark waking up next to Lana. This, I’m sure, was put into the beginning to stress the fact that Clark and Lana “got together”.
Chloe made the entire stressful scene with Clark’s parents a little more bearable and ultimately led to getting Clark out of the house. The only thing that was not really believable was the way people seemed to get around town so quickly.
Watching Clark get shot was weird. Tom Welling did a good job of pulling it off. His ability to act, IMHO, isn’t mentioned often enough.
We see Clark flat-line, pronounced dead, and disappear from the hospital in nothing but boxers.
The fact that Lionel has been inhabited by Jorel was kinda cool as well. Clark woke up in the Fortress of Solitude in his clothes? I don’t understand why he would be clothed? That didn’t make a whole lot of sense.
When Clark jumped onto the missile, it was really cool. The fact that he knew that he couldn’t be harmed by falling back to earth didn’t even seem to cross his mind. What if he would have fallen next to a meteor rock?
The way it didn’t show him trying to explain his sudden recovery to Lana was almost as if they couldn’t really figure out a way to do it. Then, I noticed that earlier, Lana got mad when Lex went into her apartment uninvited, but then just barged into Lex’s. Kinda a double-standard, huh?
A few holes in the story, but overall it was a great episode.
Smallville – 502 – Mortal
This episode of Smallville was great. It was well thought out and made sense.
Seeing Clark overcome the obstacle without his Kryptonian abilities was very exciting. It gave him an opportunity to be the hero without having to hide his heroics.
Lex seemingly letting those freaks get loose to test Clark was kinda unexpected. Seeing Clark figure out that Lex was responsible, and then take the action to confront him about it was really awesome.
Then we get to see Clark and Lana get a little closer in the end sequence. This is interesting because it is something we’ve been longing for for quite some time.
Astros go to NLCS!
For the second year in a row, the Astros are going to play the Cardinals to go to the World Series. After the best game in recent baseball history, maybe even all of baseball history, they win their series with the Braves in only 4 games.
I’ve got to admit, I gave up on the Astros at the middle of the 8th, when the Astros were losing 6 to 1, and turned on a movie. About 40 minutes later, my wife called me, I paused the movie, and checked to see the final score… 6 to 6 in the 11th. I watched every minute from then until about 2 hours after the game was over. If you didn’t get to see it, make sure you get a copy of the game to watch. I’m sure you can purchase a digital copy of it on for a pretty low price. —–UPDATE—– $3.95 to download the entire game. You can burn it to CD or do whatever you wish with your copy.
Let’s hope they can break the next cycle of losing to the Cardinals when it counts…
Astros Wild Card Winners
Now that the Astros have allowed the Braves to even the series for their return to Houston, we have to hope that history doesn’t repeat itself. The stats show that in their history, Houston hasn’t done too well when starting the first 2 games of the post season with a split.
Hopefully Oswalt and Backe can get in the proper modes, but more importantly, we need the rest of the team to give us some hits. The only way we can win, is if we can get hits.
I know, I know… I’m hearing it all over the place… “DUH!” I’m just saying that most often, it’s not completely the pitcher’s fault when there’s a loss.
Mom & Dad
Dad called me last night to find out about the Astros schedule for the post-season. He had just gotten out of a cold shower and was sweating already because they still didn’t have power being close to Beaumont. He was setting up the generator to run a window unit during the night. He told me that he had heard that the power should be on sometime during the week.
About 10 minutes after I hung up with him, Mom called me to tell me that they had been sitting in the living room talking, when she noticed the TV Guardian light come on. They had unplugged everything they could think of, so that there wouldn’t be a strain on the power, once it came on. They forgot, however to unplug the television and all connected devices. Just as she was beginning to convince Dad that it wasn’t a reflection from outside, they both saw the TiVo come on and the record light came on shortly after.
Talk about a moment of joy! It was very exciting to hear that they had power, and all seemed to be working. Hopefully Beaumont and Port Arthur will be able to open up soon. I know quite a few people who have been displaced, such as my brother, who are very interested in getting back to their normal routines.
Smallville – 501 – Arrival
The first episode of Smallville this season was a thriller and a disappointment all at the same time. By saying this, I want to point out that I am a major fan of Smallville, and the way they have developed the characters and story line during their entire four seasons, barring a few episodes that just seemed to be stretching.
Before getting into the details of the show, I must say that the new Credit sequence at the beginning of the show was spectacular. The people who put that together are very good at what they do, and made the sequence very pleasing to my eyes, and I’m sure to most other viewer’s eyes.
The very beginning, when the Fortress of Solitude (FOS) was built really played well with my eyes. The way they made the inside of the FOS look so closely to that of the Superman movies was really cool as well.
The FOS also looked tremendous. How is it that Chloe walked right into the thing and found Clark so quickly? I’d figure she’d have to run into a few dead ends before finding the right place within the FOS. I may be wrong here, but when I think of Fortress, I think of a building the size of a small city.
Clark and Chloe’s conversation at the hospital was hysterical. It was something we’ve been wanting to see for quite some time. Chloe looks a little older than she did in the finale last season. It almost makes me wish Lana wasn’t around.
Wouldn’t the two from Krypton have known how to fly? Why didn’t they do anything more than what Clark could already do? Did they not want to clue him in on what HE may be able to do?
The supposed “climax” where the “fight” between Clark and the Prophets of Zod was absolutely lame. That had to be the most boring fight of TV this year. Put a vortex in the room, Clark gets out of it, while they turn their backs on him (sounds like a scene from Austin Powers), and he bumps them into the vortex without any more incidents. It ended almost “prematurely”. I think they could have made it a bit more entertaining.
Seeing Clark’s finger bleed after barely touching a piece of glass was humorous, yet it DID get the point across that he had lost his abilities when the sun had set. I think that if he had lost his abilities in any other fashion, it would have been hard for the audience to pick up on it.
Lex picking up Chloe in the Yukon was expected and wonderful at the same time. It’s almost as if he has minions keeping track of every computer entry of everyone he knows and they update him every time someone’s name comes up. I wonder how large that staff is, and how much of LutherCorp’s budget is dedicated to that task.
Clark and Lana beginning a ‘new’ relationship at the end was cool. The only problem is that we MUST see it end when he (we know this happens) gets his abilities back, and can’t bring himself to let her in on his little (BIG) secret. It will end their dating relationship for good. I hope that they will keep them together for a little while before the whole “secrets between lovers” thing starts up.
Then we see the spaceship… with the “thing” coming out of it. Apparently this guy will have a role that spans a few episodes, because it doesn’t look like he’ll be in the next episode.
I can’t wait for next thursday.