Mom & Dad

Dad called me last night to find out about the Astros schedule for the post-season. He had just gotten out of a cold shower and was sweating already because they still didn’t have power being close to Beaumont. He was setting up the generator to run a window unit during the night. He told me that he had heard that the power should be on sometime during the week.
About 10 minutes after I hung up with him, Mom called me to tell me that they had been sitting in the living room talking, when she noticed the TV Guardian light come on. They had unplugged everything they could think of, so that there wouldn’t be a strain on the power, once it came on. They forgot, however to unplug the television and all connected devices. Just as she was beginning to convince Dad that it wasn’t a reflection from outside, they both saw the TiVo come on and the record light came on shortly after.
Talk about a moment of joy! It was very exciting to hear that they had power, and all seemed to be working. Hopefully Beaumont and Port Arthur will be able to open up soon. I know quite a few people who have been displaced, such as my brother, who are very interested in getting back to their normal routines.

1 thought on “Mom & Dad

  1. Finally caught up on all the info going on with the Kunefke’s on your end of the world. Ha! Got word from Joshua that the power was turned on at their house. . .finally. He quickly left the hotel (his job supplied for him) and headed home. They’ve been working 12 to 14 hour days doing the clean-up they were hired to do. Hot days of working in the heat with long sleeve uniforms. . yuk! I’ve had at least 8 full days of the heat (inside AND out) and I couldn’t do it. Of course, after being in Iraq for so long in the high heat there, with all the things the Army had to wear, I guess he just takes it in stride.
    Life is good and things could have been so much worse here on the home place. While going through Fannett I noticed a trailer that had been damaged by the storm. And yet right in the very middle of it stood three glass doors with etched flowers on them.
    I want to have a camera every time I see it. A storm so furious to tear into the metal and yet delicately leave the glass is amazing to me!
    Your dad has been working diligently trying to put order back into the care of the yard this week but it’s slow going. The little cool front since last night has helped a bit. I think John said we lost 8 trees total. (And not small ones either) Oh well, it was very nice that they all fell away from the house. Our neighbor across the street has a huge old oak tree lying on top of their roof. No damage to the roof but the roots are showing and it’s as if the tree just decided to take a nap on the roof. I don’t envy the job of removing THAT tree.
    Well, enough for now. Thought I’d jot down my two cents worth. Kiss the ‘girls’ for us. Love ya lots

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