Category: Activities

  • Independence Day Addition

    I added a new addition to our yard this morning. Please continue to pray for our nation’s future and our leadership.  We need God’s help.

  • Christmas Cantata

    We’re having a Christmas Cantata this Sunday morning at Church.  We’ve been practicing for several weeks and have one more practice before we sing it publicly. We sang one of the songs during yesterday’s service and it was well received. If you’d like to come and don’t know how to get there, let me know,…

  • Alaina’s Birthday Party

    We’re hosting Alaina’s 6th birthday party here at our house today.  We’re surprisingly ahead of schedule, as far as cleaning and decorating are concerned.  As usual, my office is the last to go. There should be a nice crowd to fill the house, and we’re really looking forward to it. I spent some time this…

  • Christmas Parties

    The time for Christmas parties has arrived once again.  My first official Christmas gathering will be tomorrow night.  There’s a Christmas show at church tomorrow night, where we’ll be having cookies and stuff afterwards.  The kids are doing it, so it’ll mainly be all about the cookies… but it’s still my first “Christmas” event for…

  • Getting Ready for Christmas

    We set up the Christmas tree last night.  We had a good time doing it.  I kept feeling the urge to come in here and check my MySpace, but it wasn’t an option.  I didn’t even come in my office until we put the girls to bed. From 2006 Christmas Tree Setup It turned out…

  • One More Day

    Well, yesterday’s party went well and lasted longer than we’d planned.  I didn’t have time to do any of my schoolwork, so I’ll have to really focus today on getting through all of it.  Today’s the last day to be able to turn in my work, so there can be no more time to procrastinate….

  • Tonight’s Game

    …was a great game.  It was definitely worth the two dollars extra for admission that I usually pay to see a high school football game.  Until tonight, I had only been to three of East Chambers County’s games.  The first was against the high school I graduated from, Hamshire-Fannett.  At the time, I thought it…

  • Lily’s Birthday Party

    We’re preparing for Lily’s first birthday on Sunday. Her party is on Saturday, even though you could really call it our party, since Lily really doesn’t have any friend’s yet. I think I’m going to pull out the pit and cook up some party sausage links. I know it’s not much, but I’m really not…

  • Daily Goal Tracking

    I was doing my daily routine of browsing Digg, and came across this wonderfully simple tool.  Joe’s Goals helps keep track of how your days are going, based on how much positive and negative stuff happens throughout each day.  You can keep yourself in check by allowing friends to see your status. The application is really…

  • Semester Two Has Begun

    Ok… I realize it has been a while since my last post.  I guess I was tired after finishing the first semester.  My first week in my second semester has told me two things. This semester is going to be easier This semester is going to be much harder I don’t have to do as…