Kunefke.us Website

I am working on changing the website to look more personal, but with Tech Appeal. It may take a week or two, but it looks a little too… basic for my taste. I thought I had it a few months ago, but I guess everything needs time for real realization.

Gmail hits 2.5 Gigs

Well, my Gmail account just hit it’s 2.5 GB mark. I’m pretty sure everyone else’s did as well. I would consider this a major milestone in it’s progression upward. I’m only using about 75 MB on that email address, but I’m not sure how I feel about it.
I still feel like there’s a bunch of junk in there. I have this inherent need to go through and clean out the stuff I don’t need. I guess that I’m just not used to being able to search through my mail with an almost instantaneous search result. Using Google Desktop, I’ve had some times come up where I was able to find my mail in Outlook in no time flat. But I still feel the need to categorize all of the messages.
I guess I’ve just got to take the plunge and just stop putting labels on everything, except for the financial stuff, anyway.
Way to go Gmail! Thanks for the elbow room.
If you’d like an invite for a gmail account, shoot me an email.

MS Windows vs. Linux

There are many pros and cons to both Operating Systems. From what I understand, there are many more pros to Mac OSX than there are to Linux, though. With the current testing of Mac OSX on intel chips, it gives me reason to hold off on full move to linux until there is some news on OSX. From what I’ve heard, you can run programs built for Windows XP within OSX easily. It’s a little harder in Linux. I’ve figured out how to get things to run on Linux, it’s just a little harder, because something different is slowing me down every time I try something new. I’m just really looking forward to the day that I am not tied down to Microsoft. I’m still working on the Linux installation, I’m just a little tired.


This is my first post from Linspire. I’ve decided to make a drastic move from MS Windows to Linspire. I hope I don’t have to go back. I’ve taken about 3 hours to figure out how to get my wireless card working. It looks like I’m getting a connection!

Johnson Space Center

Christle and I went to JSC in Clear Lake on Monday as part of our Anniversary weekend. The technology available is absolutely astounding today when compared to 10 years ago. I don’t remember the last time I was there (probably in elementary school – early 80s), but there was so much more there. I landed the shuttle on the simulator that they had out there for anyone to play with. There were 6 year old kids that could land the shuttle on the simulator using the hardest setting. That’s better than I could, and I like to think of myself as a good gamer.
The tour was about as interesting as the ones anywhere else… pretty boring. The facts that we learned were pretty cool, though. I learned that they already have broken down what we could mine for on the moon, and they predict that 42% of what they could develop from the moon’s core is oxygen!
It is really amazing how small those first capsules were that the astronauts stayed seated in for all that time.
There’s not really a whole lot to do, though, so it might be worth it to stop by McDonald’s and pick up a 50% off coupon before you show up, though.

NASA Space Shuttle Launch

I am so happy that we finally are back in space with the shuttle. Sure, it’s outdated, and we could really do with some improvements on a design on a product that was designed nearly 30 years ago. I know they’ve made major improvements on that design, but they might be able to come up with something much better if they thought outside of the box.
I saw in Popular Science magazine a few years ago, that NASA was looking at redesigning the shuttle entirely. It was an awesome article, and the drawings were spectacular. I was excited that they might be designing one of them.
I’m sure that days after posting this, they’ll unveil a major redesign that they will start building immediately. GREAT! I hope that happens.
Many people I know, however, do not understand why the government wants to spend our tax dollars on sending people up to circle the globe for 2 weeks at a time. We have so many luxuries and equipment now, thanks to NASA and their missions, that most people don’t understand NASA had any involvement in them. For instance, NASA came up with the cordless drill. NASA also came up with the technology to make UV Protective lenses for our sunglasses because they had to come up with something to use while welding in open space. Hundreds of the products we use on a daily basis were brought to us through NASA, and no one even takes that into account when they dismiss NASA and it’s contribution to our society.
Please keep the astronauts up there in your prayers, and ask God to bring them home safely.

Secure Podcasting

I am looking for a way to podcast securely. I would like to be able to create usernames for the people visiting my WordPress blog, and a way they can authenticate when using a program such as iPodder. If you know of a way to do this, I would be eternally grateful. As well, I will post any information on the subject here if I should find it before I get any responses.
I did find a plugin for WordPress that looked like it would work for me, but it made it difficult to log in to the site, because it wouldn’t direct you to the login screen. It just went to this error screen stating that you weren’t logged in and it wouldn’t let the user see the site.
I know there has to be a free option available out there, I’m just having trouble finding it.


I don’t know why I can’t find any decent instructions on how to podcast. Sure, there’s lots of information on how to actually create and edit an mp3 file to publish, but there’s almost nothing out there that simply instructs on how to actually publish!!!
I found Podcast Research as the most informative site, and even then I had to experiment to see if I was getting too much fluff. Podcast Research is where I got the following code:

Here is our <a href=”http://www.kunefke.us/blog/wp-content/podcast_test.mp3″ title=”podcast_test.mp3″ rel=”enclosure”>test podcast</a>.

I used this code, edited of course, and did a test on this site. I set up iPodder and subscribed to my rss2 feed that is preconfigured for WordPress, and it downloaded the test mp3, with NO problem.
Just in case you’re wondering, my RSS2 feed using WordPress is
Just copy from there and paste into your RSS Reader
I just wanted to figure out how to podcast to members of my family and church as inexpensively as possible, and this is the way I do it. I hope if you stumbled upon this post, that it helped you do what you need to do.
For information on getting your podcast to the masses, you’ll probably need to look elsewhere, but there is info on that in Podcast Research.
Good Luck!


I have been working on a site for my church for the past few days, so that’s why I haven’t had a whole lot of time to update this one too much. I have the forum set up pretty well. I also figured out a few extra things to do to the forum here.


I have added a new feature to the forum. If you are on the site at the same time as someone else is, you can use the new chat room.
If you log in to the site, the chat link is at the bottom of the page. The number of users in the room, to my knowledge, is unlimited. The only thing is, you have to register and be logged in to use the ChatBox (the name of the program).
It was really fun for me to figure out how to get the whole thing configured. I’m just happy it worked. Let me know what you think.