eBay Scammer on Judge Judy

This stupid girl still thinks that she is justified in her actions because of a stupid technicality. What a moron!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJDK6ctRjqw&rel=1]

Strange Dream

I had a very strange dream last night (this morning).  I was at a wedding and a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in years was there.  We hung out and spent quite a bit of time together before I woke up.
It seemed as if something was different about him.  He was less focused on himself and more focused on everyone else around him.  That’s not just him, it’s the same with many teenagers and early to mid twenties people in America.  When I thought about that, I realized it was a change I haven’t completely made, myself.
I wish it was either more difficult to move apart through the years, or easier to let go when separation happened.  Some friendships seem like they’ll never be fully replaced.

Where is Common Decency?

Over the span of my short life of 29 years, I have seen human decency fall lower than I thought it could.  Respect for other people’s space, beliefs, health, privacy, property, and rights (to name a few) is almost a myth. 
Just 10 years ago, when someone noticed that a person didn’t cuss in their everyday speech, the person who cussed would normally keep their cussing down to a minimum when around that person out of respect.  People who smoked wouldn’t smoke around children (of course, after scientists discovered that it was bad for our health).  When a person said they were having trouble at home, the boss wouldn’t ask for all the gritty details.  Drivers didn’t drive on your property without expressed permission or damage your things just for the fun of it.  I remember living in an area where the neighborhood kids could ride bikes and play in the street without worrying about anything but letting people pass when they were driving down the road.
IMHO, I’m positive that the major reason for this trend is the fact that parents don’t go to church, or bring their kids to church any longer.  Church is an important place for a child to get involved and learn how to treat others.  I guess the real problem is that people today don’t have a relationship with God… I mean, how can they if they aren’t taught what they need to learn on a regular basis.  There are many children out there who want to know about God, and want direction/correction in their lives, but they’re not getting it.  We have children coming to our church without their parents that yearn for basic discipline.
I know what you’re saying… “yeah, right… what kid wants discipline?”  Every kid has it built into their DNA to look for authority.  The problem is that most of them never find it, and decide it doesn’t exist at a young age.  Just a few years later, they don’t look for or respect authority.  If they don’t believe in an authority, why on earth would they respect anyone else?
I’m bringing this up because someone I know is not being treated right.  The argument actually applies to more than a few people I know, but I’m upset about one in particular right now.  What is the best course of action for dealing with someone who is being rude, hurtful, and disrespectful to someone else you know?  I am currently questioning how to react.

Texas Rice Festival

It was fun.  I had a good time.  The food was great.
I have something else to talk about, but I don’t feel I can do it without serious repercussions.
I hate it when something is going on that I can’t write about, because I really need a way to vent.  Oh, well…

175,000,000 Listeners

A guy (we’ll call him L) at work today was talking during lunch about Howard Stern. He made the statement that Howard Stern got as rich as he is because he is the highest rated talk show host in the country. I objected to his claim, and he retaliated by claiming that Howard Stern has over 175 million listeners.
Everyone at the table froze. I began by asking everyone at the table if they listened to Howard Stern, and everyone said that they did not, even though a few have subscriptions to Sirius. I then started explaining that there are only 303 million people in the United States. You could see the fear in L’s eyes begin to show as he realized how dumb his argument was, however he continued to defend his statement by claiming that a superior at Circuit City stated it as a fact when going over sales of Sirius radios.
Needless to say, everyone at the table sat in awe as L explained why he thought that 175 million listeners was even possible, and that because his superior was convinced of it, he believed it. He then tried to convince me that Howard Stern was also available on the standard radio stations… just not in our area.  Maybe he didn’t see the news when Howard left radio to join Sirius.  I may be wrong, but his site doesn’t list any affiliates other than Sirius.
Sirius has just under 5 million subscribers.  They estimate that for each subscription, there is an average of 2 listeners. Through an independent study, they found that around 58% of all subscribers regularly tune in to listen. Based on estimates, there are just over 5 million listeners to the Howard Stern show each week. Compared with Rush Limbaugh’s ratings of 13.5 million listener minimum each week, I may be wrong, but Howard Stern is not the highest rated show.
I have called L out before, but this one was awesome.  We’ll be having fun with this one at least until he admits it was a stupid thing to say, much less believe.
I know that there are instances where something way out in left field may be easy to accept as truth, and I don’t approve of having this much fun at just anyone’s expense when it comes to being gullible In this case, however, L was either pulling the number out of thin air, or he was dumb enough to be that gullible. In L’s case, he has always given me the impression that he is fairly intellectual, so that evidence suggests that he made 175,000,000 listeners up to make a point.
87% of all statistics used in arguments are completely made up, and we just need L to own up to it.
If I am wrong about anything I post on here, let me know. I’ll admit it as soon as I see the evidence.

Recent Weather

Well, it looks like the rain has finally subsided. I’m glad that the rain has finally stopped, I just wish that it was January and I didn’t have to deal with the heat. I’ve heard a lot of talk about the heat recently, and I have a problem with the way people are reporting the temperature now.
I’ve noticed that when people at work talk about the temperature outside, they always say that the temperature is what the heat index is. For those that don’t know, the heat index is the temperature + what humidity makes the temperature feel like.
The problem with this is that by changing the language to say that it’s the “heat index” without mentioning that it’s the heat index, gives people the invisible “ammo” to suggest that it is actually hotter than it was last year. The only reason that this has changed in the past year is that there is apparently a decrease in temperature, but the people in charge want to keep the “global warming” hoax going.
I admit that over the past century that the average global temperature has increased by .7 degrees Celsius. The problem with this is that scientists around the globe have found that the temperature fluctuates. There has recently been a finding in Antarctica of a plant that could have only survived in a warmer climate. Findings such as this have found that the temperature has been at least 25 degrees Celsius higher than it is currently.
This leads me to wonder who would consider themselves smart enough to say that an average global temperature .7 degrees Celsius colder than the current temperature is the absolute perfect temperature for this planet to thrive. How do they know that an average temperature of 1 degree Celsius or 98 degrees Celsius is not perfect for this miraculous planet?
I don’t think that mankind is affecting the planetary ecosystem enough to change the climate. I am positive that 10 years of time will prove that this entire push for the fight against global warming will be looked upon by everyone as a political tool as well as a joke.

A Night at Days Inn

First off, I have to say that Days Inn has been a nice place to stay in the past.  I have had problems in the past, but that was due to local travel taxes that didn’t have anything to do with Days Inn business decisions.
I checked in this afternoon to a Days Inn that looked like it needed some maintenance and cleaning done to the outside of the property.  We dropped off some of our luggage to a room that smelled like a smoking room when I clearly asked for a non-smoking room.  The room was non-smoking, but I’ll explain my hypothesis on the smell later.  We went ahead and left to participate in the evening’s activities.
When we returned, I turned on the television about 15 minutes later to find that every channel except one would black out after being on for 15 seconds.  I called the front desk, and she reacted as if she knew about the problem, and that they “couldn’t figure out the parental control code that a previous customer had set up.”
They relocated us and the television worked, and the smell is better than the previous room, but it still smells like smoke.  We found that some ants were in the sink area about 30 minutes after we had already made ourselves comfortable, and decided to just deal with it until tomorrow, since we luckily had already had reservations at a higher quality hotel.
Christle tried to give the girls a bath, but the tub wouldn’t stop the water, so she ended up helping them take a shower, which was pretty difficult for her to do.  When I got out of my shower a little while later, I grabbed the last of our three towels that were thin and couldn’t have held much more water than one of our washrags that we have at home, when I noticed the reason for the smoke smell.
They don’t keep the smoking and non-smoking sheets and towels separated here!  The smell has penetrated the fibers of these fabrics and cause the entire facility to smell absolutely disgusting.
The only good thing I have to say about this place is that the wireless connection I’m using to post this was the easiest to set up out of every hotel/motel/inn I’ve ever stayed in.  Although, I’m not entirely sure that that is such a good thing.

Lazy Saturday

Yeah Right!
I mowed the grass last night.  That was a chore because I hadn’t been able to mow for like 2 weeks.  I had to keep half the deck out of the high grass because the belt came off of the wheels it was being so stressed.  It took me about 15 minutes to get it back on, but I figured it out.  I’m just glad it didn’t break.
I’m about to go out and spray the lawn for mosquitoes.  About 2 weeks ago, if you walked outside my house, you’d get attacked by thousands of mosquitoes that apparently nest in the grass.  I used a spray by Cutter that you attach to the waterhose to treat about 5,000 square feet of grass.  The next morning I might have seen 10 mosquitoes, but that evening when I got home I didn’t see one.
Apparently after one treatment, it is a good idea to spray the lawn down again a few weeks later to let the ground absorb more of the poison, and then you only have to spray just a little less than once per month during mosquito season (being in Texas, that’s like all year).
I haven’t done any schoolwork this week, but I do need to congratulate myself that even though I have done a lot of procastinating this semester, I have an A in both classes at the midpoint.  I had a 91 on my midterm for Accounting, but that was mainly because it was an open book test that was multiple choice and timed (strictly).  I only mention that one, because it was the one I was really concerned about.  Anyway, I have to do all my schoolwork today and tomorrow.  Hopefully I can get it out of the way today.
I have to work out today.  I meant to start working on my lower body earlier in the week, but I still haven’t started.  I did get some upper body workouts, and I also jogged 1.5 miles in under 14 minutes again (13:40).  That felt great, but it didn’t leave me any energy for my upper-body workout that day.  I didn’t get to finish it.  I guess I need to plan my workouts better.
My aunt and uncle from Texarkana are coming down today, and we’re going over my grandparents’ house to have dinner with them.  We don’t get to see them very often, and with his job, they don’t get to stay very long, either.  It should make the day come to a little more relaxing end.
Well, I think I’ll move past this method of procrastination and have some breakfast.

Read the Directions

I almost messed up my entire site this morning.  I was trying to update the theme of the blog to a more recent version, and I couldn’t even access the admin panel after uploading the current version.  It turns out that if I had read the directions included with the updated version, I would have known better. 
I’ll update it later, but I was really concerned that I had done something horrible for a little while.  I deleted the new theme from the themes folder, and everything returned to normal.  I guess this is another lesson that I shouldn’t take anything for granted… 
Why do some people say the phrase “take it for granite”?  Am I wrong, or are they?

Another Rumor to Stop with Snopes

I received this message via bulletin here on MySpace today, and felt the need to repeat something I posted a few weeks ago about Snopes.

The message I received is this:

Don’t buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new “patriotic” can
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,
“Under God.”
Pepsi said they didn’t want to offend anyone.

In that case, we don’t want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office either! So if we don’t buy any Pepsi products, they will not be offended when they receive our money that has the words
“In God We Trust” written on it.
They took out those special words **Under God.**
if you believe in God, please don’t just let this pass. God sees you every second of the day.
God loves you. You should love Him.
Give Him respect
Take a stand
Be on God’s side

I don’t know how anyone can drink Pepsi. I can’t stand the taste in comparison with Coca-Cola Classic. I don’t support rumors like this, though. I love Dr. Pepper, as it is my only source of hydration most days of my life. They look worse in the entire story. I am never drinking Dr. Pepper again…
Read Snopes Story about Under God Here
Ok, so I can continue drinking my Dr. Pepper… good, because I was already feeling the withdrawal symptoms. There is no merit to the Pepsi thing, and even the Dr. Pepper thing was taken entirely too far.
We must look at the entire picture and read a story before making judgement. I’m sure there were a few hundred people passing this around before it got to me. I am begging you to research stuff like this before you pass it on.
This kind of activity is what could end up costing good American’s a Presidential election, or much worse… the wrong American Idol winner.