I’m a little confused about how to make the best use of this real estate. I’m changing things up over the next week or so. Not that anyone will notice. Just thought I’d get the information out of my head and onto my screen.
Category: Stupid Stuff
Just used when something is stupid, but had to be said anyway
Stupid Nissan
Watching the game today, I keep seeing these stupid Nissan commercials. “What if everything ran on gas?”. Imbeciles! What do you think you’re charging your electric vehicle with? All this commercial does is make me want a motor installed on all my appliances so that I can burn a little more gasoline. Ok, I guess it also makes those morons who can’t think for themselves and are sitting on the fence about global warming fall on your side. I wont be buying a Nissan. I used to like you, but these commercials are utterly idiotic… worse than the recent Prius commercials.
About to Graduate!
I’m only a few weeks from graduation and I’m really looking forward to having this part of my life behind me. I know that education doesn’t really stop in my field, but the kind I have to pay for and have scheduled weekly is almost over, and I’m really looking forward to the extra time at home with the family.
I currently have a 3.897 GPA, but after this semester, I’m estimating that I will have 3.867. That does mean that I’ll be graduating with Highest Honors! The ceremony begins at 7:00pm, May 12, 2011 at the Montagne Center. I went to my brother’s graduation this past December, and the ceremony was under an hour, although I’m guessing there’s a higher number of graduates in the Spring than the Fall.
Congressman Pete Stark
This guy should be drug tested on a weekly basis to prove he’s as moronic as he sounds…
Just an FYI on the Sodas
I did actually go through the whole week with only 1 soda, and that was cause after giving blood, the lady handed me one, and I gulped it down before I realized what I was doing. I consider it a success because I wasn’t living my life around getting to the next soda.
Common Sense
I finished reading Common Sense by Glenn Beck this weekend. It really is an eye opener. As much as I pay attention to news and listen to talk radio, I had no idea how much all this spending is doing to possibly ruin the future of America for our children until I saw it in print.
I just got through the 3rd chapter of The 5000 Year Leap. It amazes me how the men who founded this great nation were so honest and virtuous in their leadership. They make today’s leaders look like scoundrels in comparison. The worst part I can see is that there’s no longer a new land to run to to claim our freedom once again. If we ever want to get back to the principled government our founders had in mind for us, it’s going to take a lot of hard laborious work led by an unwavering determination.
I can’t say that I have a choice in the matter. I’ve got to educate myself more so that I can make correct decisions and also have the ability to teach my children so they can know true history and build a better future with that knowledge.
Second Amendment Defined
The word in the Constitution that nailed down the definition of the Second Amendment is “Individual”.
That’s right, individuals, not just military personnel, have the right to own guns for “personal use”.
This is a big win for our personal freedoms.
Before the ink was dry, Pelosi made a statement that Washington is still going to be able to regulate gun ownership in D.C. It’s amazing how when the Supreme Court rules on something in the socialists fascists leftists favor, they announce that it’s iron-clad, but if the Supreme Court rules in the other direction, the socialists fascists leftists announce that they’re researching ways to get around the ruling.
Space Pen Story
I was recently presented with this rather amusing story…
When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly
discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity.
To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a
decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero
gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and
at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.
The Russians used a pencil.
Your taxes are due again – enjoy paying them
I decided to check out snopes to see if they had any information about it… turns out, they do… CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH
2 Semesters Down at LIT
I’m nearly done with my 2nd Semester at LIT and again, with a 4.0. It hasn’t been an easy semester, at least nearly as easy as last semester. Having to go to class 4 nights a week and missing my family so much has been hard. Sure, some nights I’d get out early enough to spend some time with them, but then there’s homework.
I had twice as much homework this semester as I did last semester. The tests were much harder too. I have one online class this semester, and I learned much more in this one than I did in the two online classes I had last semester. I still have the final in that class to take before next Monday night.
I get nearly an entire month off before I start Summer I. The schedule is Monday through Thursday from 5-9:45pm. In one sense, I’m not looking forward to it, but I’ve also heard that this particular class never lasts as long as it’s scheduled. I’ve also learned that the teacher is very good at his job. It’ll be nice to get an entire class down in only 5 weeks.
I’ve got a class that has one less night per week for Summer II, and less hours per night as well. That will make a total of 7 hours of class down during the summer.
Next fall, I have three classes that will only be Monday through Wednesday, so I’ll have more time at home than I did this semester. The only problem is, it’ll be the last semester I’ll have that luxury since most of my remaining classes are almost all lab classes, which means two nights each for the remainder of my degree.
The time spent should be worth it in the end, though. I’m happy to have another semester (nearly) under my belt.
Air Powered Cars!
This is awesome!