I’m nearly done with my 2nd Semester at LIT and again, with a 4.0. It hasn’t been an easy semester, at least nearly as easy as last semester. Having to go to class 4 nights a week and missing my family so much has been hard. Sure, some nights I’d get out early enough to spend some time with them, but then there’s homework.
I had twice as much homework this semester as I did last semester. The tests were much harder too. I have one online class this semester, and I learned much more in this one than I did in the two online classes I had last semester. I still have the final in that class to take before next Monday night.
I get nearly an entire month off before I start Summer I. The schedule is Monday through Thursday from 5-9:45pm. In one sense, I’m not looking forward to it, but I’ve also heard that this particular class never lasts as long as it’s scheduled. I’ve also learned that the teacher is very good at his job. It’ll be nice to get an entire class down in only 5 weeks.
I’ve got a class that has one less night per week for Summer II, and less hours per night as well. That will make a total of 7 hours of class down during the summer.
Next fall, I have three classes that will only be Monday through Wednesday, so I’ll have more time at home than I did this semester. The only problem is, it’ll be the last semester I’ll have that luxury since most of my remaining classes are almost all lab classes, which means two nights each for the remainder of my degree.
The time spent should be worth it in the end, though. I’m happy to have another semester (nearly) under my belt.