Well, yesterday’s party went well and lasted longer than we’d planned. I didn’t have time to do any of my schoolwork, so I’ll have to really focus today on getting through all of it. Today’s the last day to be able to turn in my work, so there can be no more time to procrastinate.
Lily acted the same way yesterday when Christle put her hands in the cake that Alaina did when she turned one. She didn’t like it and didn’t want that stuff on her hands.
For the first time since we’ve moved in, our house looks like we haven’t just moved in. There are no boxes out in walkways or even visible. Christle did a great job with the house and with getting me to clean my office.
Category: School
Almost Done with NAU
I’ve only got one week left. I’ve got a research paper to finish. I need to finish my marketing plan. I have to do part of my final exam online, and the larger part of that final exam with my proctor on Thursday night. It feels really good to have just a little more to do.
I’m a lot more excited than I thought I’d be.  I am really looking forward to having a physical class to attend this spring.
This Semester Almost Over
I’m coming close to finishing off this semester. I look forward to being done with this one. It’s been the hardest to get through so far.
I registered to go to LIT next semester. I’m going to try for an Associates in Instrumentation. My brother, Josh, just started going for the same thing this semester, and he seems to be enjoying it.
As I’ve said before, I’m not sure about having to be at class on time, but it will definitely help me to not procrastinate as much as I have been able to for the past three semesters at NAU.
Just a few of the classes required for Instrumentation are available online, and the good thing about that is that LIT uses the same Web Application as NAU, so I already know how the classes will work, even though I’ll probably only be able to use it for one or two of them during my quest for the degree.
There is one thing I am proud of myself for, though. I have (almost) made it through three semesters without becoming overwhelmed or failing anything. I only took three semesters at Lamar University right out of high school and basically quit going during my third semester. I have a low GPA during those three semesters and I’m not proud of that. I feel that I’ve made it up during the past three semesters, and I have finally gotten over my fear of failure in attending school.
Slacking Off
I’ve been slacking off lately, and it’s been really nice. When I say I’ve been slacking off, I don’t mean what most people mean when they say they’ve been slacking off. I haven’t been spending so much time on my computer when I get home from work. I’ve been playing with the girls, or spending time with Christle. I’m doing my best to keep the television off, because it distracts me from reality too much.
I’ve been more active on MySpace than I’d hope to be, but that’s why I set a cutoff date of November 30th.
I’m caught up on all of my schoolwork. It’s going alright, I guess. I have another paper to write this week. I haven’t decided whether I’m going to discuss GDP or interest rates. It sounds just as boring as it is, believe me.
I have to go to work now…
That Line
You know which one I’m talking about, too, don’t you? Some people call it pushing your buttons, I call it crossing “that” line. Don’t cross it.
There are a number of different lines to cross though. There’s the personal space line, such as when I’m changing clothes behind a door that’s not locked. I don’t expect anyone to cross the line of the door without at least knocking first and making sure it’s ok with me.
One line could be borrowing a neighbor’s property. You can come ask me to borrow some of my tools, and I’d more than likely be happy to make that happen; but come “borrow” it without asking, and I’d probably have a different reaction. I guess over time that those lines move with stronger relationships, but you get the point.
I’ve never dealt with this one, but there’s the moral lines of relationships with the opposite sex. Apparently a lot of people have a problem figuring out where those lines are without crossing them first. I don’t want to get close enough to see those lines. I have enough problems in my life that I don’t want any more to deal with.
Some people are annoying just to be annoying. They know they’re trying to get a rise out of you, and they keep on doing it until they’ve accomplished their goal. Their next step is to become calm and rational to make themselves feel as if they are better than the person who just lost it. I guess you’d call it a self-promotion. I figured out how to stop it today. Ignore the problem, and only address the problem when absolutely necessary. I’m not advising you to suppress the feelings that rise out of the annoyance, but I am advising you to let it go. I feel so much better now.
My new class started this week, and it looks like it will be both easy and hard. I will have to do a lot of reading, but overall it will be an easy class. I just have to maintain my class schedule better than last semester.
I started this blog as a way to get my thoughts out and share stuff that’s on my mind. I have an overwhelming sense of “creativity” in me that seems to have to fight it’s way out. I want to create a NetCast (aka podcast) that allows me to speak my mind rather than type it, but it’s a lot of work.
I have spent the last few weeks struggling with the amount of time I spend in front of the computer instead of with my family, yet I haven’t been able to figure out what to add to this thing. I don’t like the amount of time I’ve spent in front of the computer over the last few weeks, but I also don’t like the fact that I haven’t posted anything in that amount of time as well.
I’m starting my second class for the semester tomorrow, and I have no idea how that’s going to affect my schedule. I feel like Macroeconomics is a breeze, even though it’s not that interesting to me. It may be a little different when I write my papers for it, but I don’t think I’ll have much of a problem with that.
I have to write a paper soon about an economic situation going on in the world. Does anyone out there have any ideas about an economic situation going on right now that I can write about? I’d appreciate any help that doesn’t require me to use any more brain power than I feel like using, which isn’t much. Heck, I’ll even give you credit for the idea.
After this semester, I think I’m going to cut myself off from media for a few days, just to relax my brain. I need the break, because I think I have a problem… an addiction to news. Digg provides the fix most of the time, but I have to go elsewhere every now and then, because I get caught up with Digg stories pretty frequently.
The Texans lost today. The road to an 8-8 season looks like a far away dream for us right now. The Astros didn’t pull it out this season like they have for the past two years. I wouldn’t expect Roger Clemens to come out again after this season. I’d almost be willing to bet that this season’s final Astros game will be Clemens’ last. It really stinks. My only reason for thinking that is because I don’t know why he’d want to play for a losing team again. He probably already regrets signing back up this year after helping them get to the World Series for the first time last year. That was an accomplishment that will probably not be met this year.
I’m not a sports expert, and that’s about all the sports talk I have in me.
I had a great weekend. Christle and I met a few new people and really enjoyed the time we spent with them. This should be a good week.
Took a Break
I was getting too overwhelmed at work for the past few weeks so I decided to take a long weekend. I took thursday and friday off to do some shopping and get some stuff around the house done.
I mowed the grass yesterday, and it’s a good thing I did instead of letting Christle talk me into slumming it all day. It has been raining here since I woke up this morning.
I have an official “farmer’s tan” now. I don’t know why, but I’ve been putting off writing to this thing… I think I forget what this thing is all about every now and then. It’s about what-ever-the-heck I want it to be about.
Luckily, right now at least, there is PayPerPost to help cover costs associated with this site. Not that my posts add anything of relevance to society in the grand scheme of things, but it does give me a place to vent when the urge hits me.
My third semester of school started this week. It’s going to be difficult, but I can do it.
My buddy Steven and his wife Becky just had a new baby yesterday. Congratulations, Steven & Becky!
Getting Ready for Another Semester
Only one more weekend to go before I have to start hitting the books again.
I’ve actually already started reading ahead. It looks more interesting than I had anticipated.
I’m coming up with a few ideas for a podcast. My main problem is picking a topic. I love watching the Diggnation podcast on a weekly basis. I also like listening to Jay and Jack’s Lost Podcast. They are pretty funny, and really do a great job on everything but the volume throughout the shows.
I feel pretty confident that I can produce high quality, I just don’t think a one-man show can really do that well in the podcasting sphere.
I can’t remember the name of the podcast that was solo, because apparently it fell off the charts due to lack of subscription renewals (which are free, by the way). The one that I listen to on a daily basis is great. I pay for the subscription to his site, GlennBeck.com, and he is absolutely worth listening to.
I really want to do it right, so if I don’t post one, it’s because I didn’t get it right. I have the hardware, software, and know-how to get it done, but I might have to get someone to co-host it with me to make it really good. Christle isn’t really into this sort of thing, so she’s out. Any volunteers?
I guess I got a little off topic…
I’m Almost Done
I’ve finished taking my finals, but I still have a little work to turn in.
I have a final grade of 93.8 in meteorology. I was surprised at how high my score is on that exam.
There’s no way I can get an A in my accounting class. Hopefully I’ll have a B, but the final exam was faxed and mailed in by my proctor, so I may not know for a few days. I feel pretty confident about my performance on the final, but some of my assignments earlier in the semester didn’t cut it.
I have today to turn in what’s left, and after that, I’ve got nothing to do but wait and see what my score is. I’m looking forward to two weeks without having to do school work.
I’ve registered for next semester. I’m taking macroeconomics and marketing. I’m really hoping that neither one of those will be as hard as accounting was this semester.
I have final exams to take next week, so if I don’t post much for a few days, I’m just studying, or testing, or both.
This is my hardest semester so far since getting back in school.