Category: Politics

  • Thought for the Day

    I received this in an email today. Usually, I don’t like stupid stuff that asks to be spread, but this one was short and to the point. One Nation Under God Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you: Jesus Christ and the American G.I. One died for your soul, the other…

  • Dirty Little Secret: Kyoto Promises Are Nothing But Hot Air

    “MANY governments, including some that claim to be leading the fight against global warming, are harbouring a dirty little secret. These countries are emitting far more greenhouse gas than they say they are, a fact that threatens to undermine not only the shaky Kyoto protocol but also the new multibillion-dollar market in carbon trading.” I…

  • Global Warming Evidence Busted

    Al Gore used multiple references while trying to scare everyone into thinking that global warming was civilization’s fault.  There is an opposing argument to each claim in his movie, but I don’t have the time or energy to get to every one of them at once. One reference used was the fact that hurricanes have…

  • President Bush Humor

    I saw this video online and had to share it.  Steven Colbert got more press from this event due to his horrible whack at humor later in the evening, but the President should have gotten more recognition for his and Steve Bridges’ speech.

  • Finally Moved

    for the most part, anyway… We’ve moved most of our stuff into the house, and we’ve got boxes everywhere.  The only rooms that look close to done are the kitchen (gotta have access to the food), bathroom (that too), and of course, my office. It took us a few hours just to get my desk…

  • “Hate Bush” Politics

    I received a message from someone yesterday that had a list of things to “screw” (the word wasn’t really screw, but I don’t even like to use the irst letter o the real word used). For instance, 1. “screw” holidays, 2. “screw” bush, 4. “screw” vinnella icecream, 5. “screw” sports, etc. The thing that made…

  • State of the Union Address Transcript

    I’ve posted it HERE. It’s worth reading, especially if you missed seeing it on television.

  • 2006 State of the Union

    The following is a trascript of the State of the Union Address given by President George W. Bush on January 31, 2006. Mr. Speaker, Vice President Cheney, Members of Congress, Members of the Supreme Court and diplomatic corps, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens: Today our Nation lost a beloved, graceful, courageous woman who called America…

  • State of the Union

    The State of the Union is fantastic.  President Bush hit it on the head.  The Democrats thought they were being smart to clap and cheer when he said that Congress didn’t follow his lead to make reforms to Social Security, but the President showed how stupid they were by saying that Social Security is worse…

  • Glenn Beck on TV!!!

    I just heard yesterday’s show, and Glenn announced that in April(ish) he’ll be starting an hour long show on CNN Headline News!  It is supposed to be just like his radio show, except you will not have to be an Insider to see video of the broadcast! I guess you’ll have to pay for cable,…