For most of my 38 years, I have lived a life of no concern for my health. I have done things to jeopardize my health and well-being, but I wasn’t really concerned about it. I have gotten rid of unhealthy vices, and I don’t feel the need to return to them (other than Blue-Bell). I’ll still have Blue-Bell from time to time, but only if I can retain my self-control.
I have never been called obese, other than being just over the edge of what the obesity charts state, which seems like a really low weight to be considered obese. My cholesterol has been rated a little higher than normal. LDL was even high, but not high enough to warrant medication.
This year, I decided to take action on my weight. In January of 2011, Christle and I had started Atkins and we both did really well until we became pregnant with Sunni. I held the weight off for quite a while before gaining it back with a little extra.
This January, we started the same thing, only a little more slowly. When Blue-Bell started making Rocky Road again, I fell off the wagon for a little while but held off the 15 pounds I had lost in the first 6 weeks of the year. In July, we started back up on the diet, and I’ve lost approximately another 15 pounds to bring my total for the year to 30 pounds lighter. My BMI is around 27.5 now, so that’s great.
I started walking in January, and eventually started jogging. I reached my first goal of jogging for a mile straight, then two miles, then three miles. In July, I started a training plan to run a 10K. I have to attribute my weight loss to both the diet and the exercise. I’ve been running on this training plan for a little over a month, and I’ve already run 5.25 miles, only stopping to adjust my shoes.
The next thing I’ve started is a workout plan using Runtastic Results. I just started my 4th week of the plan, and my jeans are too big to wear. My appearance in the mirror is incredible compared to January. I like the feeling of being healthy. I like the way I look when I’m healthy.
I’d really like to stick with it, and plan to.
Category: Health
What’s healthy and what’s Not
I’m not planning to just quit soda. Â I’m going to ween myself. Â I usually bring 4 in my cooler to work every day. Â Tomorrow, I’m going to replace 2 of them with water bottles.
Next week, I’m going to replace another. Â The following week, I’m just going to bring water. Â The week after that I’m going to go without soda. Â I know it will be difficult because I’ve been without soda for a few hours… it’s an addiction. Â I have to have a plan, though, and this is the best I can come up with.
God Bless!
She’s Leaving
My grandmother wasn’t breathing for over 10 minutes yesterday. The tests have confirmed that she has barely any brain activity at all. The breathing machine will be removed in the morning.
I spent some time at the hospital this afternoon. It hit me harder than I thought it would. The hardest part was seeing Dad and Grandpa saying goodbye.
Grandpa told me that for the past few years at night before bed that he’d play his harmonica for Grandma. He said that for the past few weeks that he’d been playing “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” for her every night. He said that when he finished, she’d just say “I love you, too, Honey”. He’s really happy that she’s not in pain any more.
They raised a family rooted in God and His Word. They have remained faithful to studying their Bible, and keeping active in their prayer life which amounts to keeping up their relationships with God.
Grandma will be sorely missed. She has been a real blessing in mine and many other lives.
My Grandmother
She’s in the hospital. She had a heart attack yesterday just after 1pm. She hasn’t regained consciousness yet. I’m on my way up to spend some time with the family.
Getting Faster
I ran last night. I ran 1.5 miles in 13:13 before I worked out last night. That is the fastest mile & a half I have run. I passed the mile at 9:00 even, and I couldn’t even do that in Junior High. The thing that bothers me is that I don’t know how well I’ll do at a track instead of on the treadmill.
I forgot to bring some shorts to work today to work out in on my way home, so I just jogged in my jeans. It is amazing how hot a pair of loose jeans can get. I did a mile and a half in 13:45.
I didn’t do any more than that because I worked out last night. I like being able to see results when I look in the mirror. It really helps me focus on what I’m trying to achieve. I’m not sure if it’s better health or vanity, but either way, it’s working.
I’ve been working on improving my life. I’m going to school. I’m working out for the first time in a LONG time. Now I am struggling to improve my prayer life. That goes along with my relationship with God. I haven’t been working on that relationship as hard as I should, and I never want to say that again.
On top of that, I’m speaking my prayers instead of thinking them. I don’t think with my wife, I talk to her. I know that God knows my thoughts, but it builds my faith in Him to actually speak to Him.
God, give me the focus you want me to have.
MySpace is Up
Ok, the site is back up, and I’ve had no glitches today since it started working again mid-morning. I also heard on the radio about some power outtages in California because of the heat wave they’re experiencing.
I just got through working out… I mixed it up a bit, and it feels good right now. I think I’m going to have to mix it up every few weeks so I don’t get into a rut.
Daily Goal Tracking
I was doing my daily routine of browsing Digg, and came across this wonderfully simple tool. Joe’s Goals helps keep track of how your days are going, based on how much positive and negative stuff happens throughout each day. You can keep yourself in check by allowing friends to see your status.Â
The application is really easy to figure out. You can see and interact with an example just by going to the main page.
Take a Pill and Sleep Less
There are doctors working on this pill that will enable people to sleep as little as 2 hours a day and wake up feeling more refreshed than if they had slept for 8 hours without the pill. This sounds like something I would definitely be up for.
I am always looking for ways to manage my time better. With this pill, I’d be able to do a lot more, as well as spend more time with my family.
According to this article, one could possibly go several days without sleep. They’re talking about cracking our actual bodies… in other words, figuring out ways to get around the natural sleep cycles.
I’ll admit, it’s a bit scary, and I’m sure they’ll also prove that use of the pill will shorten your life by 30 years, but, hey, I’d be willing to try it out. If they prove that, I’ll take the pills that make me sleep for 22 hours a day once I retire. It’ll all work out in the end.
Perfect Time to Wake Up
I browse on a regular basis. I love seeing new technology, and it makes me want more toys. There’s a new toy being released soon that looks incredible.Â
I honestly don’t look at it as a toy, because I would consider it a health device. Just as a heart monitor will tell you when to get to the doctor/hospital, this alarm clock tells you when to wake up feeling the most refreshed.
There are cycles that people go through while sleeping. I never seem to wake up at the right point in my sleep cycle, and it usually takes me a little while to wake up. The Axbo actually monitors your heartrate with a wireless wristband, and wakes you up during the window of time you have preset when it is best for your sleep cycle. My explanation is not very clear, I know, but they explain it much better on HERE.
Right now you can get a second wristband for the second alarm for no additional cost.
I will not be buying this for myself anytime soon, but if you’re looking to get me something for valentines day, this $244 health device would be the perfect thing.