July 2008

Well, this month has gone by rather quickly. I made an A in my Summer I class, had a break, and am nearly 60% through Summer II. The new job is going better than expected, and the company I’m working for is the primary reason for that.
Happy Anniversary, Christle! Nine short years down, and many more to come. I am happy we started this nine years ago today.
I’ll try to post more often about stuff other than myself in the future.

New Season

A lot seems to have happened since my last post.  I’ll keep it short, though.
I started my new degree plan at LIT this semester.  I am studying for an Associates in Instrumentation Technology.  It should allow me to stay busy throughout my life.  So far, I’m doing very well in all three of my classes, and it doesn’t look like that will change.
Heroes started back up last week, and it looks very interesting.  Before that comes on, Chuck is pretty funny.  It just doesn’t look like it can last very long.  It looks like it has a low budget, but I don’t know if it will have the ratings to stay on.  It was funny to see the reference to “Oceanic 815” from LOST.  Apparently it was shot down.  That had to be a real part of LOST.  I don’t see how ABC could throw that in without it having some truth.  Journeyman, however, looks great.  I like the concept, and the realistic consequences of his time travel makes it even better.  The main character, Kevin McKidd, was in ROME, and is the perfect part for this character.  It’s amazing how much younger they can make him look.
Alaina began piano lessons last week, and she’s really enjoying it.  After only one lesson, it’s difficult to know how well she’ll do, but we’ll wait and see.  She started going to dance classes this week.  She is in Jazz, Ballet, and Tumbling.  She’s very excited about this because she is always dancing, and has always wanted a stage to do it on.  Now she can practice and perform in front of everyone at the end of the year.  Her teacher says she did very well for her first day.
I don’t remember if I’d posted this before, but I got an accoustic guitar back in May and I’ve been practicing a lot over the past month.  I’ve finally started developing some callouses on my left hand’s fingers from playing so much.  I’m starting to get the keys down right, and I’m pretty close to being able to play all the way through a few songs without messing up too much.
The Texas Rice Festival is this weekend, and I’m looking forward to seeing a few people I haven’t seen in years.  Usually this is the only time of the year that people from here come back home, and hang out in public for everyone else to visit with.  It should be a fun weekend.
I guess that sums it up better than I thought it would.

Merry March

Well, March has arrived quickly this year.  I didn’t post much last month, but we all deserve a little break every now and then.  I plan to post more often, although I know that’s always what I’ve planned to do.
The family’s been sick for the past few weeks.  It’s been pretty rough suffering with illness.  I thank God that it is not what it could be.  These things are temporary, but could be far worse.
I’m trying to kill a opossum that’s been sneaking around my house.  Everytime I see it, I have forgotten my gun, and every time I bring my gun, I can’t seem to find it.
My new classes start in two days.  I am looking forward to the new challenges that will come with them.  I plan to get my coursework done early so that I will not have to struggle with due dates.

She’s Leaving

My grandmother wasn’t breathing for over 10 minutes yesterday.  The tests have confirmed that she has barely any brain activity at all.  The breathing machine will be removed in the morning.
I spent some time at the hospital this afternoon.  It hit me harder than I thought it would.  The hardest part was seeing Dad and Grandpa saying goodbye.
Grandpa told me that for the past few years at night before bed that he’d play his harmonica for Grandma.  He said that for the past few weeks that he’d been playing “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” for her every night.  He said that when he finished, she’d just say “I love you, too, Honey”.  He’s really happy that she’s not in pain any more.
They raised a family rooted in God and His Word.  They have remained faithful to studying their Bible, and keeping active in their prayer life which amounts to keeping up their relationships with God.
Grandma will be sorely missed.  She has been a real blessing in mine and many other lives.

Semester One is Over!

I have finally finished my first semester back to school.  I have a final average of 99.2 and 95.9 in my two classes, and both averages are higher than they were at the middle of the semester.
I knew that the semester would be short, but in the middle of it, I thought it wouldn’t end.  Two more weeks of rest before the next semester starts… I’m trying to enjoy it.

Finally Moved

for the most part, anyway…
We’ve moved most of our stuff into the house, and we’ve got boxes everywhere.  The only rooms that look close to done are the kitchen (gotta have access to the food), bathroom (that too), and of course, my office.
It took us a few hours just to get my desk into the house, but it was worth it, because it looks great in my office.  I’m glad we moved most of the stuff on Friday, because Saturday was a horrible day for moving.  I haven’t seen rain that hard since Rita.  I did get the lawn mowed before the rain came down too hard, though.
I’m looking forward to being able to work closer to home because the drive to and from work everyday would eventually get to me.  I’m going to the new location in Beaumont on Wednesday, and from what I understand, they have some work backed up for me, so I could be there consistently for a short period of time.
I went jogging tonight because I haven’t been in over two weeks.  The track here is cool because it is more round than elongated, so it seems like the track is shorter, even though it apparently is not.  It looks like they wanted more sidline space between the field and the track so they just widened it to make the arcs longer and the straight parts shorter.
I had the misfortune of talking about politics at work today.  Just yesterday, Christle and I were talking about the definition of prudence (discretion in practical affairs, or knowing when to keep your mouth shut to avoid embarrassment or distress).  Take the advice I did not use, and just keep politics and religious talk out of the workplace.  Doing so will make life so much less stressful.  I guess there is room for bending that rule, but it should only be when asked outright for advice, or if you’ve known the person (or people) for more than 5 to 10 years.
The conversation ended smoothly, and I don’t think any feelings were hurt, but it was just one of the most awkward conversations I’ve ever had at work.  I think I’ll remember to just make my way out of those conversations from now on.

Finally Moving

I’m shutting down my computer to let it cool down before we start moving tomorrow.  I’m really excited about getting out there.  We’re going to have bare essentials tomorrow night, but we’ll be moving everything else on Friday.

Starting School in March

I’ve gotten registered and I’m ready to start getting things done.  I’m attending National American University’s Online Campus.  I’m taking two classes, and they’re probably going to be easier than the rest I’ll be taking.