It is true that McCain is not a true conservative. I have come to the realization, however, that anything we could do to keep Obama (or Clinton if she had gotten the Democratic nomination) out of the White House, would be in our best interest as a nation.
With rising fuel and energy costs, McCain seems to be the only one of the bunch who supports drilling for more oil. That is the only solution offered by any candidate that would impact the price of oil. Sure, research is needed in alternative fuels, but none of that research will have any impact on the current costs of fossil fuels. The mere knowledge that the United States of America is about to drill for its own oil would cut the speculation causing the rise in crude oil prices down to their legitimate sizes… not sure if I said that right, but the speculation bubble in crude oil prices would pop. The leaders of OPEC have stated publicly that the cost of a barrel of oil should be in the $60-$70 range. That’s about half of what it costs currently, and the rise in cost has only been caused by speculation of a decrease in the supply versus demand ratio.
The other relevant issues concern national security and the ongoing war on terror.
I don’t believe that our country should be charged with spreading democracy. That is the responsibility of the people of each individual nation. I do believe in stopping mass genocide. That is the evil of ruthless dictators, and should be stopped for humanitarian reasons.
Our borders need to be secure. I couldn’t say it any more simply than that. Wanna argue that point with me? Bring it on… comments are welcome and I wont edit them as long as they’re clean.
If we have evidence that our enemies outside of our borders are planning to attack us, we should stop them by the means we have available to us.
The liberal democrats want to play nice and “hope” that if we’re nice to the terrorists, that they’ll have a change of heart… the terrorists extremist religion doesn’t teach that way. Sure, they may act nice to your face, until they have their planning completed. Then the niceness will disappear.
As of this moment, I’ve decided to vote for McCain.
I’ve heard it said, that if your young and a republican, you don’t have a heart, but if you’re old and a democrat, you don’t have a brain. I’m not a republican, although that’s the direction I normally vote. I’m certainly nowhere near calling myself a democrat. To be honest, I’d be willing to say I’m more of a Libertarian. I’d prefer to say I’m Independent, though, because every party in the history of our country has taken stands, and then broken those stands over time. I’d prefer to be right than wrong, and the only way I can stay on that path is if I keep my associations limited to those who’ve stayed solid on their stands… like the NRA.
Author: kunefke
New Job
Well… a little bit has happened since my last post.
I finished my second semester, and yes, I finished with a 4.0. I started the first summer session, and I’m doing well in that class, although, it’s much harder than any other class I’ve taken so far. Digital Applications is the class I’m taking, and there’s a lot more lab work to do in this class versus the classes I’ve already taken. I’ve only got two more weeks to go in this class.
As you may know, I’m taking classes to get an Associates Degree of Applied Science in Instrumentation Technology. My current position is as a computer technician. Through my current job, I’ve made many acquaintances. Luckily, I was pleasant enough to make very few enemies. My reputation and experience from my current job has given me the opportunity to take a job in Instrumentation & Controls. I start the new job on June 30. My Insurance will be active on July 1, and I’ll be making much more than I’m currently making.
There have been quite a few interviews with several companies over the last 8 to 9 months for computer technician positions, but none came to fruition, although many seemed close to blooming. It’s one of those things that you don’t understand at the time, but God brought the reality to my face when He finally let everything fall into place.
I never could understand why none of those other jobs were good enough. Christle would tell me that God must have something better in store for me… I didn’t feel it, but I knew that she was probably right. None of those positions would have been better for my future or pay as well as this one. Also, if I had taken one of those jobs, this one would have been much harder to attain.
I am blessed.
Just one more week of doing the computer thing, and I’ll get to begin my new career. I’m really looking forward to it.
Space Pen Story
I was recently presented with this rather amusing story…
When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly
discovered that ball-point pens would not work in zero gravity.
To combat this problem, NASA scientists spent a
decade and $12 billion developing a pen that writes in zero
gravity, upside-down, on almost any surface including glass and
at temperatures ranging from below freezing to over 300 C.
The Russians used a pencil.
Your taxes are due again – enjoy paying them
I decided to check out snopes to see if they had any information about it… turns out, they do… CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH
2 Semesters Down at LIT
I’m nearly done with my 2nd Semester at LIT and again, with a 4.0. It hasn’t been an easy semester, at least nearly as easy as last semester. Having to go to class 4 nights a week and missing my family so much has been hard. Sure, some nights I’d get out early enough to spend some time with them, but then there’s homework.
I had twice as much homework this semester as I did last semester. The tests were much harder too. I have one online class this semester, and I learned much more in this one than I did in the two online classes I had last semester. I still have the final in that class to take before next Monday night.
I get nearly an entire month off before I start Summer I. The schedule is Monday through Thursday from 5-9:45pm. In one sense, I’m not looking forward to it, but I’ve also heard that this particular class never lasts as long as it’s scheduled. I’ve also learned that the teacher is very good at his job. It’ll be nice to get an entire class down in only 5 weeks.
I’ve got a class that has one less night per week for Summer II, and less hours per night as well. That will make a total of 7 hours of class down during the summer.
Next fall, I have three classes that will only be Monday through Wednesday, so I’ll have more time at home than I did this semester. The only problem is, it’ll be the last semester I’ll have that luxury since most of my remaining classes are almost all lab classes, which means two nights each for the remainder of my degree.
The time spent should be worth it in the end, though. I’m happy to have another semester (nearly) under my belt.
Primaries in 2008
There wasn’t much to choose from.
That basically sums it up. Lesser of evils… with all the different subjects to consider, I guess McCain is the least evil. His record doesn’t even show him as being a true conservative Republican, but people went out in droves to vote for him.
As you probably already know, he won because there were two that were more conservative than he is, that split the conservative vote. The GOP should have a primary primary. What I mean is, the GOP should have a… well, I guess it should be called a pre-primary where the conservatives run against each other and then the liberals run against each other. Base their placement in each category on their history. Then we could nominate one of two candidates instead of splitting the votes between so many candidates.
I know that wouldn’t even be considered anytime soon, I just wanted to get my opinion out there.
Clinton or Obama?
I don’t think I could bear to see or hear Clinton for four years. I’d be staying away from politics for a while. I don’t think I could bear her. Although, that would almost guarantee a conservative win in 2010 for the Senate.
Obama has no political accomplishments, and he has a shady history. That’s probably why he didn’t win much yesterday. A lot of that came up in the past few weeks, and it hurt him.
I can honestly say that I don’t know who I’ll be voting for in November. Do we try to keep a “Republican” in the White House, or do we opt for strategy and let the Dems win in 2008 for a chance of getting a conservative Senate and a true conservative in the White House in 2010? My problem with voting for McCain, is that if he wins, we will be stuck with a liberal president for at least 8 years, because the GOP will stand with the incumbent instead of going through another primary. Unless the Democrats move to a more conservative platform, like they stood on 40-50 years ago, we’ll be guaranteed another liberal 4 years in the White House.
Luckily, we have some time to ponder the positives and negatives of each scenario. If anyone has anything else to bring to the table, I’m open to hear them… I need all the information I can get.
Taurus 24/7 Pro
I like the features and quality of this pistol. It holds 17 rounds in the clip.
I’d hope I’d never have to shoot it at all, much less 17 rounds, but it’d make me a little more confident knowing I could stand up for myself a little longer in an emergency.
Back to Windows
I’m going back. I spent three and a half months on Ubuntu and enjoyed it. I had a few problems that kept creeping up on me, and instead of working through it, I decided to just go the easy way and drop Ubuntu… for now.
It’s hard to describe the problems, but I’m sure of it had to do with my experimentation. I just don’t have the time to troubleshoot every problem that I come across any longer.
I know Windows, and I’m comfortable just reinstalling and not having to do so much work to get things working the way they should.
Ubuntu has a little further to go before I’ll try it again, but please don’t let my experience hinder your future experience with it. It’s much better than it was, but with school, work, and family, I just can’t spend that time any more.
Tom Cruise on Scientology
The next clip is a parody of the above video that I found pretty funny and disturbing. <a href=””>the parody video Tom Cruise WANTS you to see!</a> on <a href=””></a>
Air Powered Cars!
This is awesome!
It’s a new year. I have no resolutions this year. 2007 was a good year. I have much to be thankful for.
Alaina had her 7th birthday party today. It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long since her first birthday party. I’ve always heard that time goes by more quickly with age, but it’s really sinking in, now.
School starts in a little over a week. I’m not looking forward to it like I was a few weeks ago. I’m not going to be home much during the week because of it. Sacrifices must be made, though, for progress to continue. I am looking forward to the end of school, though.
Oh, well… Happy 2008!