Author: kunefke

Boy or Girl?

We’re supposed to find out today. Everyone keeps asking us what we think it’ll be, and we keep saying that there’s a pretty good chance that it’s either a boy or a girl. I know it sounds lame, but it’s true. I hate it when people ask me what I want, because I don’t want […]

America Supports You

The President’s speech last night was one of necessity. The people of this nation must understand that war is long and made up of many battles. The people of today have fallen prey to their own conveniences by believing that what needs to be done can be done multiple times faster than yesteryear. NASA’s space […]

Secure Podcasting

I am looking for a way to podcast securely. I would like to be able to create usernames for the people visiting my WordPress blog, and a way they can authenticate when using a program such as iPodder. If you know of a way to do this, I would be eternally grateful. As well, I […]

Camping This Weekend

I’m going camping this weekend. We’re taking the youth from church. We’re leaving tomorrow, and will return on Saturday. I don’t think we’ll do this again until we can stay at least 2 nights, but we should have fun, none the less. Well, I’ve got to run, so we can get everything ready to go. […]


It’s amazing how many different things I seem to get myself involved in. Some things take hours upon hours of sitting in front of a computer figuring out how to work code (that I have no previous experience with), so I can get a stupid chat program to work on a phpBB2 site. Then there’s […]

I have been working on a site for my church for the past few days, so that’s why I haven’t had a whole lot of time to update this one too much. I have the forum set up pretty well. I also figured out a few extra things to do to the forum here.


I have added a new feature to the forum. If you are on the site at the same time as someone else is, you can use the new chat room. If you log in to the site, the chat link is at the bottom of the page. The number of users in the room, to […]

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