First Contact

I got my first contact through the site last night. A friend from the past googled my name and found this site. I am pretty revved about it, because the site’s only been up for like 6 or 7 weeks. These web crawlers seem to be getting better over time.
I’ll be out of sync for the next few days… L8r

It’s a …

I can’t stand driving in the city. All these people driving all over the place, everyone thinking that their destination is more important than mine, and now there’s fewer lanes to drive in because of the stupid Metro Rail.
I saw at least half the people driving were talking on their cell phone, and I saw a lady digging through her purse while on her cell phone going 70 mph in a 55 mph zone.
At least the A/C worked in the car. The A/C in my truck isn’t working, and that would have made it much worse… that and the fact that my truck has a standard transmission.
One thing that made it bearable, was that I wasn’t at work. Work isn’t usually bad, but I’ve been doing a boring job for the past week. So, since I wasn’t at work, it made it a little better.
Our doctor has just moved his office to another building. That office is awesome. The hallway goes around the perimeter of the building, so you can see the city, which actually looks good when you’re not on the road. It was a spectacular view.
The technology that is in an ultrasound machine is actually quite stunning. 5 years ago, when we saw Alaina under the ultrasound, there weren’t quite as many details that you could look at, but this child was absolutely stunning. We got pictures of the hands and fingers, feet and toes, spine, brain, face, ribs, legs, etc. The baby looked like it was licking it’s hand at one point. We could actually see definitive movements.
Then the nurse moved the ultrasound thingy, and it looked as if our baby was mooning us. There, clear as day, were easily recognizable signs of a labia. We’re 95% sure we’re going to name her Christina Lily.
I tried to draw the story out as long as I could, but I can’t concentrate on much right now, so…
Have a good’n!…

Boy or Girl?

We’re supposed to find out today. Everyone keeps asking us what we think it’ll be, and we keep saying that there’s a pretty good chance that it’s either a boy or a girl.
I know it sounds lame, but it’s true. I hate it when people ask me what I want, because I don’t want to feel bad about the fact that I wanted a boy and then found out it was a girl, or vice versa. I want this baby to be healthy. I want this child to have a strong mind. I want this child to follow Christ much more closely than I have. I’ll post something later if we find out anything definitive.

America Supports You

The President’s speech last night was one of necessity. The people of this nation must understand that war is long and made up of many battles. The people of today have fallen prey to their own conveniences by believing that what needs to be done can be done multiple times faster than yesteryear.
NASA’s space program is a program that is taking every bit of time needed to strategize, and plan to make their next shuttle launch a successful one. If they were to try to launch a month after the Discovery incident, they would not be showing signs of their concern for getting the job done right.
If we pull out now, or set a deadline, the terrorist attacks would probably stop… at least until we pulled out. Then they’d take over the country because the newly freed people wouldn’t be equipped to defend themselves without proper training. Then all the work we’ve been doing out there would be for nothing but a bigger war in the future that could very well come to our country instead of theirs.

    Time for a RANT
    I just wish that at the same time we were over there, that the President would close our borders. It seems that almost all conservatives, and even some liberals want the border closed. We need to build a wall along the Mexico/US border and put troops all along the border (close enough to see each other, anyway), to protect our border from illegal immigrants/terrorists from infiltrating our population. STOP talking about probable amnesty/immigrant worker programs, because the longer that kind of talk continues, the higher the amount of people crossing our borders illegally gets every day.
    If they don’t watch out, our government will be brought down by the people of this country. Our government was established by the people for the people, and it seems that now the government has turned into an elite group of lawmakers that think they can make and break rules at their convenience for their own political aspirations. Stop with your own agenda, and stand for the agenda of America.

That’s my little rant for the day. I know that building a wall and placing servicemen all along that wall may be a little extreme, but going overboard beats what we’re doing now.
The President’s speech was a good one and necessary. If you didn’t catch it, he promoted a web site to show our support for the troops. This weekend is Independence Day, and a good time to stand together and show our troops how much they mean to us. Visit to send a message to our troops overseas.

Battle Cry for a Generation

I recently found Battle Cry, a web site devoted to spreading the Gospel of Christ to teens in the Millennial Generation (those born from the mid 1980s to now.
There’s some startling facts and truths revealed on the impact that our country’s slide from God has caused. Back in the early 1900s, almost all of the nations people were qualified as Evangelical Christians. Since then, there has been a dramatic fall in those numbers. For instance, today, only 35% of the Baby Boomer Generation are qualified Evangelical Christians.

An Evangelical Christian is a person who:
– believes that Jesus Christ is the sole source of salvation through faith in Him,
– has personal faith and conversion with regeneration by the Holy Spirit,
– recognizes the inspired word of God as the only basis for faith and Christian living,
– and is committed to Biblical preaching and evangelism that brings others to faith in Jesus Christ.
found on

The Baby Boomer Generation is the generation with the most influential people in business and politics today, and you can see where that is leading us. We’ve had prayer taken out of school, disgustingly perverted music industry, morally drained television and movies, civil initiatives promoting gay marriage, porn invasion of the internet, and 50% of all marriages today are ending in divorce.
If nothing changes, at the current rate that the Evangelical Christian population is falling, only 4% of the Millennial Generation will be qualified Evangelical Christians.

Here’s what 4% might look like:
• In Sweden last year, Pastor Ake Green preached against homosexuality and other sexual sin because he was fed up with his nation’s embrace of the homosexual lifestyle. Pastor Green was sentenced to prison under the “hate speech law,” even though he ended his sermon with a message of grace and
• In the Netherlands, it is now legal to euthanize children. Nearly one-third of pediatricians have killed infants, and twenty percent of those killings were done without the consent of parents. These doctors will give a deadly shot to a child if they believe the child’s suffering is intolerable or if he/she has an incurable illness. It is completely up to the personal discretion and conviction of the doctor.
Quote from Battle Cry Presentation downloaded from

There is so much more information that they have freely available on their web site. I encourage you to check it out and download the documents they have available for free.
Battle Cry for a Generation

Secure Podcasting

I am looking for a way to podcast securely. I would like to be able to create usernames for the people visiting my WordPress blog, and a way they can authenticate when using a program such as iPodder. If you know of a way to do this, I would be eternally grateful. As well, I will post any information on the subject here if I should find it before I get any responses.
I did find a plugin for WordPress that looked like it would work for me, but it made it difficult to log in to the site, because it wouldn’t direct you to the login screen. It just went to this error screen stating that you weren’t logged in and it wouldn’t let the user see the site.
I know there has to be a free option available out there, I’m just having trouble finding it.

Camping This Weekend

I’m going camping this weekend. We’re taking the youth from church. We’re leaving tomorrow, and will return on Saturday.
I don’t think we’ll do this again until we can stay at least 2 nights, but we should have fun, none the less.
Well, I’ve got to run, so we can get everything ready to go.


I don’t know why I can’t find any decent instructions on how to podcast. Sure, there’s lots of information on how to actually create and edit an mp3 file to publish, but there’s almost nothing out there that simply instructs on how to actually publish!!!
I found Podcast Research as the most informative site, and even then I had to experiment to see if I was getting too much fluff. Podcast Research is where I got the following code:

Here is our <a href=”″ title=”podcast_test.mp3″ rel=”enclosure”>test podcast</a>.

I used this code, edited of course, and did a test on this site. I set up iPodder and subscribed to my rss2 feed that is preconfigured for WordPress, and it downloaded the test mp3, with NO problem.
Just in case you’re wondering, my RSS2 feed using WordPress is
Just copy from there and paste into your RSS Reader
I just wanted to figure out how to podcast to members of my family and church as inexpensively as possible, and this is the way I do it. I hope if you stumbled upon this post, that it helped you do what you need to do.
For information on getting your podcast to the masses, you’ll probably need to look elsewhere, but there is info on that in Podcast Research.
Good Luck!


It’s amazing how many different things I seem to get myself involved in.
Some things take hours upon hours of sitting in front of a computer figuring out how to work code (that I have no previous experience with), so I can get a stupid chat program to work on a phpBB2 site. Then there’s other things that people want me to do that may take only 15 minutes to do, and I just can’t (don’t want to) find the time, but reluctantly find the time just before they leave.
My dad always says that when it comes to business, it makes you more valuable to be the “Go-To Guy”. I have learned and practiced that in my professional life for the past few months, and it seems to be what they like about me. I just wish I knew where to draw the line in my personal life, because sometimes I feel like people take advantage of the fact that I have more than average knowledge about all things technical.
Of course, when I say “all things technical”, I am referring to the layman’s viewpoint. I know that I just have an analytical mind that can figure stuff out, and that works in my favor.
It’s kinda like this web site. There are some people out there that think creating and running a site like this is something that is incredibly hard. It might actually be for them. But, I know how to find information, and use mostly precreated code to do all of this. It’s not the “rocket-science” some people think it is.
Anyway, my point is that I am keeping busy with this and my church’s site. We’re looking for a house. I’m also mapping out and planning to install a network at the church. We’re taking the youth to go camping next weekend, and my wife was telling me that we need to spend some more 1 on 1 time with the youth during this summer on days other than “church” days.
I got myself into most of it so I guess I better stop complaining.

Michael Jackson Verdict

I can’t believe that Michael Jackson didn’t get convicted of at least giving alcohol to a minor. At the very least, he should have gotten that!
I do, however, believe that the jury did the right thing. The prosecution should have made sure that the family didn’t have a history of trying to pull scams, and telling lies. There were so many holes in their credibility, that an honest juror couldn’t help but acquit Jackson. I know that most of America knows he has molested children in his past, but I know I could’nt pin him with THAT evidence.
There’s also a BIG difference between this and OJ, and Robert Blake. That’s the fact that there is major evidence in those two cases. I saw Craig Ferguson last night, and he was joking that Robert Blake’s alibi included the word “gun” and he was still acquitted! Every juror in the jury for OJ, KNEW that leather shrinks when wet! The other BIG difference is the fact that there were dead bodies.
With the Jackson case we’ll probably never find out what really happened. At least, not in this lifetime.