I have built a disclosure policy for the site at DisclosurePolicy.org and wanted to let you know how to find it. If you want to see it at any time, there is a link to it at the bottom of the page called, you guessed it, “Disclosure Policy“.
The concept of having a disclosure policy is good because having one maintains a level of credibility.  If my readers see that I have a disclosure policy and read it, they will understand that I am honest and up front with them. When people visit my site and see that I fully disclose my influences, they will be more likely to trust my posted opinions, sponsored or not.
I haven’t used paid advertisers very much on this blog, but it has been enough to keep up with the cost of the site. I don’t take advantage of just any advertiser either. I will always be honest and will not review or lie about a product that I have no trust in.
If you have your own site or blog, please check out DisclosurePolicy.org.
Author: kunefke
Who’s On First
I just heard this for the first time. I can barely see the screen through the tears of laughter. It’d be really interesting to find out how Abbott and Costello came up with that bit. From my understanding they did this bit thousands of times and it was just as good every time.
———->—–>—>   Who’s On First   < —<—–<———-
I went looking for this when I heard about it on Studio 60 two weeks ago. It’s a very funny show that isn’t getting the ratings they were expecting. If you haven’t seen it, you can watch the most recent episode by clicking HERE.
Do you know of any other comedy bits out there that compare to this? Leave a comment with the link or just let me know what you think of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s On First“.
Slacking Off
I’ve been slacking off lately, and it’s been really nice. When I say I’ve been slacking off, I don’t mean what most people mean when they say they’ve been slacking off. I haven’t been spending so much time on my computer when I get home from work. I’ve been playing with the girls, or spending time with Christle. I’m doing my best to keep the television off, because it distracts me from reality too much.
I’ve been more active on MySpace than I’d hope to be, but that’s why I set a cutoff date of November 30th.
I’m caught up on all of my schoolwork. It’s going alright, I guess. I have another paper to write this week. I haven’t decided whether I’m going to discuss GDP or interest rates. It sounds just as boring as it is, believe me.
I have to go to work now…
She’s Leaving
My grandmother wasn’t breathing for over 10 minutes yesterday. The tests have confirmed that she has barely any brain activity at all. The breathing machine will be removed in the morning.
I spent some time at the hospital this afternoon. It hit me harder than I thought it would. The hardest part was seeing Dad and Grandpa saying goodbye.
Grandpa told me that for the past few years at night before bed that he’d play his harmonica for Grandma. He said that for the past few weeks that he’d been playing “Have I Told You Lately That I Love You” for her every night. He said that when he finished, she’d just say “I love you, too, Honey”. He’s really happy that she’s not in pain any more.
They raised a family rooted in God and His Word. They have remained faithful to studying their Bible, and keeping active in their prayer life which amounts to keeping up their relationships with God.
Grandma will be sorely missed. She has been a real blessing in mine and many other lives.
My Grandmother
She’s in the hospital. She had a heart attack yesterday just after 1pm. She hasn’t regained consciousness yet. I’m on my way up to spend some time with the family.
That’s more than I thought I’d see today. I thought I saw a lot of it when I woke up, but it didn’t stop all day… well, I guess it did, but about 12 hours later.
Hot Wind and Rain
After a cool weekend it rained all night last night. I got up expecting a little coolness to be in the wind when I opened the door this morning, and it wasn’t cool at all. The wind felt like it was coming straight from the Equator. It sucks that the weather has to get hot again so quickly. The good thing is that I got to mow the grass this weekend in 72 degree weather instead of 95-100.
I’m Sticking to My Promise
I am dropping MySpace by December 1st. I have only had a few responses to my posts and I’ve already created a mailing list for those people. It already feels liberating to know that I’m dropping it.
I now have to deal with my commitment and follow through as well. It’s a little different for a few people though. I have just found two people from my past that I haven’t seen in a while. Just now adding them as friends and then vowing to leave MySpace feels kinda weird.
I’m going to limit myself to logging in only once at the end of every day. The best way to do that is to delete the bookmark I have for the site. Making it harder (like typing myspace ctrl+Enter is really that hard) has been proven in scientific studies to lower the amount of time doing it.
MySpace – I’ve Had Enough
Here’s what I just posted on MySpace:
I have had enough of MySpace. I’m giving it up soon. I know I’ve built a small life on here, but it’s not real. I already have my own place on the web – http://www.kunefke.us/blog – where I can share my life with anyone interested. I devote too much time to MySpace, where I probably see 1/3 of the ads I’m exposed to on a daily basis. I’ve got too much going on to devote so much time to this.
I enjoy keeping up with those in my friends list that I know in real life, but I’d rather do it in person, on the phone, or even by email, rather than the completely informal and not a lot of effort needed approach that comes with MySpace. Just being in someone’s email list is better than that. At least they have to think about whether they want you in on the conversation.
No acts have prompted this. I have not had any “bad” experiences with anyone on my friends list. I simply need to free up some time. I am going to stop doing so much on here and plan to close my account by the end of November.
If you are truly interested in keeping up with me, I will start sending out a monthly or bi-monthly email to a special list of people (who want to be included) with a short summary of how things are going and a link to remind you where I am on the web. If you want to be on that list, please send me a message with your email address so I can add you to the list. I would leave my email address on here, but closing my account would also close this blog, so that would be pointless. As long as you can read this blog, you can just send me a message with your email address… wow, I think I was rambling.
I haven’t posted much to my real blog in a week or two, but that would probably be different, if I hadn’t been spending so much time here. Please check out my blog by clicking on the link in the first paragraph of this post, and please don’t use THIS LINK.
I think I made myself clear. I like having real friends. I don’t like the fact that I have 51 friends on my MySpace account, but really only have a relationship with so few of them. I want real relationships, not superficial ones.
That Line
You know which one I’m talking about, too, don’t you? Some people call it pushing your buttons, I call it crossing “that” line. Don’t cross it.
There are a number of different lines to cross though. There’s the personal space line, such as when I’m changing clothes behind a door that’s not locked. I don’t expect anyone to cross the line of the door without at least knocking first and making sure it’s ok with me.
One line could be borrowing a neighbor’s property. You can come ask me to borrow some of my tools, and I’d more than likely be happy to make that happen; but come “borrow” it without asking, and I’d probably have a different reaction. I guess over time that those lines move with stronger relationships, but you get the point.
I’ve never dealt with this one, but there’s the moral lines of relationships with the opposite sex. Apparently a lot of people have a problem figuring out where those lines are without crossing them first. I don’t want to get close enough to see those lines. I have enough problems in my life that I don’t want any more to deal with.
Some people are annoying just to be annoying. They know they’re trying to get a rise out of you, and they keep on doing it until they’ve accomplished their goal. Their next step is to become calm and rational to make themselves feel as if they are better than the person who just lost it. I guess you’d call it a self-promotion. I figured out how to stop it today. Ignore the problem, and only address the problem when absolutely necessary. I’m not advising you to suppress the feelings that rise out of the annoyance, but I am advising you to let it go. I feel so much better now.
My new class started this week, and it looks like it will be both easy and hard. I will have to do a lot of reading, but overall it will be an easy class. I just have to maintain my class schedule better than last semester.