Here’s what I just posted on MySpace:
I have had enough of MySpace. I’m giving it up soon. I know I’ve built a small life on here, but it’s not real. I already have my own place on the web – – where I can share my life with anyone interested. I devote too much time to MySpace, where I probably see 1/3 of the ads I’m exposed to on a daily basis. I’ve got too much going on to devote so much time to this.
I enjoy keeping up with those in my friends list that I know in real life, but I’d rather do it in person, on the phone, or even by email, rather than the completely informal and not a lot of effort needed approach that comes with MySpace. Just being in someone’s email list is better than that. At least they have to think about whether they want you in on the conversation.
No acts have prompted this. I have not had any “bad” experiences with anyone on my friends list. I simply need to free up some time. I am going to stop doing so much on here and plan to close my account by the end of November.
If you are truly interested in keeping up with me, I will start sending out a monthly or bi-monthly email to a special list of people (who want to be included) with a short summary of how things are going and a link to remind you where I am on the web. If you want to be on that list, please send me a message with your email address so I can add you to the list. I would leave my email address on here, but closing my account would also close this blog, so that would be pointless. As long as you can read this blog, you can just send me a message with your email address… wow, I think I was rambling.
I haven’t posted much to my real blog in a week or two, but that would probably be different, if I hadn’t been spending so much time here. Please check out my blog by clicking on the link in the first paragraph of this post, and please don’t use THIS LINK.
I think I made myself clear. I like having real friends. I don’t like the fact that I have 51 friends on my MySpace account, but really only have a relationship with so few of them. I want real relationships, not superficial ones.