Astros Wildcard Run

Well, with 45 games left, the Astros must have a record of 27 and 18 to win 90 games this year. They are ahead by one game for the Wild Card and behind by 10 games for the Central Division Title. I hate to burst some bubbles, but the Central Division is almost not even an option, but they can stay ahead in the Wild Card race. They just have to win more games than everyone else in the National League. It sounds easy enough, but is it? I don’t think so.
That game last night against the Cubs was one fun game to watch. Astros 12, Cubs 4. It was really exciting. Too bad you can’t get to the playoffs by scoring the most points.

Big Brother 6 – Kaysar – I Spoke Too Soon

Well, it looks as if I spoke too soon about Kaysar being back in the house. I could be wrong, but it looks like they might be back-dooring him instead of James. It really doesn’t matter to me, because I like James just as much as I do Kaysar.
If I’m right, then Jen just made a lot of enemies on the outside. Kaysar had 82% of the vote to get back in the house, and then she stabs him in the back after she swore on her life that she was going to back-door James. I really hope there aren’t any hardcore maniac fans of Kaysar out there, because I would hate for someone to get hurt or go to prison for reacting to a “Reality” TV show.
I know, I know… I’m talking about a stupid show that means nothing. But the end is coming closer, and then my favorites are starting back up.

MS Windows vs. Linux

There are many pros and cons to both Operating Systems. From what I understand, there are many more pros to Mac OSX than there are to Linux, though. With the current testing of Mac OSX on intel chips, it gives me reason to hold off on full move to linux until there is some news on OSX. From what I’ve heard, you can run programs built for Windows XP within OSX easily. It’s a little harder in Linux. I’ve figured out how to get things to run on Linux, it’s just a little harder, because something different is slowing me down every time I try something new. I’m just really looking forward to the day that I am not tied down to Microsoft. I’m still working on the Linux installation, I’m just a little tired.

Big Brother 6 – Kaysar Recovers

I would have sworn that Kasar was not going to have a chance to get back in the house. All the evidence pointed to the fact that CBS was going to let Eric back in, no matter what America voted for.
There was one page on their site that asked who you thought was going to win BB6, and Eric was the only evicted houseguest who was not greyed out… and Kaysar was the last to leave!
Maybe enough people complained about the apparent outcome loud enough for CBS to get a clue. But then again, how do we know they didn’t adjust the numbers to let Kaysar in if Eric actually got more votes?
There is absolutely NO way that CBS could fudge the numbers enough to reflect Kaysar got 82% of the vote. On the other hand, who’s going to try to investigate, or “hold a recount”, if there’s that much margin of victory?
Oh, well… it just thrilled me to see Maggie and Ivette when Kaysar opened the front door. I was hoping they would get mad and leave the house, but it made me happier to see them miserable after realizing that America wasn’t as in love with their HERO as they were.
It was absolutely tremendous. I voted for Kaysar probably 15 times, even though I knew it wouldn’t make a difference. I just didn’t know it would be icing on the cake for Kaysar’s vote count.


This is my first post from Linspire. I’ve decided to make a drastic move from MS Windows to Linspire. I hope I don’t have to go back. I’ve taken about 3 hours to figure out how to get my wireless card working. It looks like I’m getting a connection!

Johnson Space Center

Christle and I went to JSC in Clear Lake on Monday as part of our Anniversary weekend. The technology available is absolutely astounding today when compared to 10 years ago. I don’t remember the last time I was there (probably in elementary school – early 80s), but there was so much more there. I landed the shuttle on the simulator that they had out there for anyone to play with. There were 6 year old kids that could land the shuttle on the simulator using the hardest setting. That’s better than I could, and I like to think of myself as a good gamer.
The tour was about as interesting as the ones anywhere else… pretty boring. The facts that we learned were pretty cool, though. I learned that they already have broken down what we could mine for on the moon, and they predict that 42% of what they could develop from the moon’s core is oxygen!
It is really amazing how small those first capsules were that the astronauts stayed seated in for all that time.
There’s not really a whole lot to do, though, so it might be worth it to stop by McDonald’s and pick up a 50% off coupon before you show up, though.

NASA Space Shuttle Launch

I am so happy that we finally are back in space with the shuttle. Sure, it’s outdated, and we could really do with some improvements on a design on a product that was designed nearly 30 years ago. I know they’ve made major improvements on that design, but they might be able to come up with something much better if they thought outside of the box.
I saw in Popular Science magazine a few years ago, that NASA was looking at redesigning the shuttle entirely. It was an awesome article, and the drawings were spectacular. I was excited that they might be designing one of them.
I’m sure that days after posting this, they’ll unveil a major redesign that they will start building immediately. GREAT! I hope that happens.
Many people I know, however, do not understand why the government wants to spend our tax dollars on sending people up to circle the globe for 2 weeks at a time. We have so many luxuries and equipment now, thanks to NASA and their missions, that most people don’t understand NASA had any involvement in them. For instance, NASA came up with the cordless drill. NASA also came up with the technology to make UV Protective lenses for our sunglasses because they had to come up with something to use while welding in open space. Hundreds of the products we use on a daily basis were brought to us through NASA, and no one even takes that into account when they dismiss NASA and it’s contribution to our society.
Please keep the astronauts up there in your prayers, and ask God to bring them home safely.


I just found out that there are 2 Costco stores in the Houston area. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, there is an article on their business practices HERE. I also received an email from someone showing that Costco does not participate in the outrageous generic drug mark-ups that most other pharmacies take part in.
The nearest Costco is over 30 miles from here, but I hope they make an expansion to the East side of Houston soon.

Judge John G. Roberts

As far as I can tell, Judge Roberts is a fine selection for the Supreme Court Nominee. It took some giblets for President Bush to nominate a man with a great resume to replace a woman on the Supreme court, instead of settling with another woman with lesser credentials.
Way to go President Bush!
Now… about our borders…

No Excuses

I looked at this morning and it indicated that there would be thunderstorms all day long. I love thunderstorms. It’s just a small indication of the power of God.
We’re going to be pool-sitting for a family from church this week. It’s supposed to be fun. But the way it looks right now, it’s going to be raining the entire time they’re gone!
Oh, well.
We are putting an offer on a house today. It’s a pretty nice house. It would work out for us just perfectly for right now. I hope there’s no complications. One good thing is that the sellers have been looking for a buyer for quite some time, now, so we don’t have to compete with someone else’s offer this time.
I just realized that I haven’t posted in a few days, and I made a promise to myself that I’d stay consistent. I put the money towards this site (no matter how little) and I’m going to make use of it.