If you’re easily offended, don’t bother clicking on this link.
Octopus Eats Shark
I didn’t believe it when I read it either, but it is absolutely amazing. Check out the video here.
Let me know what you think.
Dell could be taken out by Apple
I didn’t realize at first how much of an impact Apple would make in the computer industry by moving to Intel chips until I read this article. Apple is jumping into the market from the sidewalk with a turbo engine no one else can compete with.
I have a pretty good feeling that my next computer purchase will be from Apple, once they start selling their Intel line.
Intelligent Design in Pennsylvania
A judge said no today to intelligent design being in a public school’s biology class. I don’t understand how a theory can be set up above a widely believed religious explanation of the same subject. According to scientists, they are both theories. Apparently the judge in this case doesn’t believe that God has any place in school. If they really wanted to make a statement about how unreal they thought God was, they’d let it be taught as a “theory” that they could try to disprove. I guess they’ve figured out it can’t be done, so they’ve taken that option off of the table.
Read the article HERE.
1GB iPod Nano
That’s what I read on Yeah right!
I bought a 4GB Nano. 2 days after I received it, they announced the new iPod Video. I guess there’ll be a few people who fall into the trap of buying the NEW iPod, but I’m sure that the majority of iPod users would prefer more space than less. Bigger is better.
The only reason I’m stuck with my 4 Gigger is because of the “free laser inscription” which disables your option to send it back for a 15% restocking fee. I would’ve loved to get the video iPod if I’d known it was coming out. If you’re getting an iPod, don’t personalize it with the “free” laser inscription. It could end up costing you more than you’d like.
Hopefully the 1GB Nano is just a rumor, because it makes Apple look more desperate than I think they want to look.
President’s Secret Wiretaps
I can’t believe you people didn’t already know that this was happening. It has to. It has been happening for years! We know it was happening when Clinton was in office, and you complained then, too. After 9/11, I don’t know how anyone could not expect secret wiretaps to be taking place.
The President of the United States has the authority to authorize them, and that’s why he did it. The scandal here is the fact that someone leaked the legitimacy of the assumptions that I and many other Americans already had. In order for us to have one-up on the enemy, we as normal Americans need to be a little ignorant as to the stuff going on in our government in the realm of security.
Do you honestly feel SO important as to think that the United States Government has the time, energy, or staff to listen in to your phone calls to your grandmother who doesn’t like President Bush just like you? Are you conceited enough to think that your phone calls to your political affiliates are more important than those who are attempting to destroy America? Unless you’re a pedofile or a terrorist, stop screaming so loud. If you are a pedofile or a terrorist, I guess you can scream about it as loud as you want, so it’ll be easier to pick you off.
I know that the government is designed by the people for the people, but in this and many more cases, there’s certain things I don’t want EVERYONE to know about.
Christmas – 1 Family
We all have those parts of the family that we dread getting together with. There’s one faction of my wife’s family that makes it hard to get through Christmas. Not all of them are annoying, self-annointed, looking down their nose at you, selfish, self-righteous, and always know (think) they’re right people that make me wish I could get in a car accident on the way to the party so I have an excuse not to show up kind of people.
I just found out that they had their Christmas get-together this past saturday. They apparently sent word about the party through a third party that the event was happening, and we (Christle and I) didn’t find out about it until just today. There is a long story to this, but for the sake of wanting to keep things simple, I don’t want to get into it. I’m not offended… ok, I guess I am kinda offended. For those of you who have a brain out there, when you want to invite someone to something, invite them. Don’t tell anyone else to invite them. Build up some etiquette, and do it yourself.
The rest of Christmas should be great.
I really do miss the fact that we won’t be able to spend time with them, I’d just be a lot sadder if they’d cared to make sure we knew we were invited.
Merry Christmas!
Christmas Shopping
Christle and I went Christmas shopping yesterday, despite the fact that I was sneezing and coughing up a storm. We also went out to eat for her birthday.
I was amazed by how many people were out and about. It really makes you wonder where all these people are during the relatively normal times of the year. I felt the same way when everyone was taking off to get out of Houston for Hurricane Rita.
We drove by Best Buy around 4pm, and there were 2 tents set up and a line forming behind them. I told Christle that they “had” to have a shipment of Xbox 360s coming in and that they were staking claim to one. I just read somebody’s rant about the fact that they had limited quantities (DUH!), and that people were getting duped into buying a $449 laptop if they couldn’t get their hands on one of the available xbox 360s. They were upset with Best Buy, but I honestly feel that Best Buy was just making the best of what Microsoft was giving them to deal with.
Microsoft should have had more 360s available before they released them. They also should have released the xbox 360s with the hard drive and stuff included in one package for no more than $300, but that’s another story. IMHO, they really should have given the console away for free with a purchase of $300 or more in games, controllers, live gold service, etc. Then, they’d have a 360 in almost every gaming home in America. They’d have the majority of the market. Maybe I’ll finish this another time.
I had no problem, getting into Best Buy and getting what I needed in less than 6 minutes. I went to Old Navy, because I knew they were having some good sales, but when I went in, they didn’t have anything in my size, so I walked back out empty handed. Bath & Body Works was more packed than usual, and I got so confused with all the different smells, that I left and made Christle go in to find what we needed.
Walmart had about the same number of people in it as usual, and we were in and out of there in relatively good time.
I feel much better today, although Alaina’s not feeling too well.
Head Cold
I have a head cold. At least I think that’s what you’d call it. I love cold weather, but for the past few years, it seems like I’ve gotten sick quite a few times. I’m starting to question my love for cold weather.
King Kong
I haven’t seen it yet. Looks good.
They say that the first 55 minutes is visually stunning, but there’s not much action. Once you get into minute 56, there is non-stop action for over 2 more hours. I have heard that it is awesome, but they could have cut it down about 30 minutes.
I’ll write later after I’ve seen it.