Glenn Beck did it and had the highest ratings in Primetime Cable News on November 15th. You have to see this video and understand what we as Americans are up against. I have listened to Glenn’s radio show for years and his television show is honestly the most refreshing thing on cable news right now.
I don’t know how long this link will remain active, but you can see the video HERE.
The Islamic terrorists do not want you to see this video.
If for no other reason, watch it for that one so that you will have a better understanding of what kind of people are out to destroy us and our way of life.
One More Day
Well, yesterday’s party went well and lasted longer than we’d planned. I didn’t have time to do any of my schoolwork, so I’ll have to really focus today on getting through all of it. Today’s the last day to be able to turn in my work, so there can be no more time to procrastinate.
Lily acted the same way yesterday when Christle put her hands in the cake that Alaina did when she turned one. She didn’t like it and didn’t want that stuff on her hands.
For the first time since we’ve moved in, our house looks like we haven’t just moved in. There are no boxes out in walkways or even visible. Christle did a great job with the house and with getting me to clean my office.
Tonight’s Game
…was a great game. It was definitely worth the two dollars extra for admission that I usually pay to see a high school football game.Â
Until tonight, I had only been to three of East Chambers County’s games. The first was against the high school I graduated from, Hamshire-Fannett. At the time, I thought it was a pretty bad game, mostly because I was cheering for H-F to win, and they lost in the last few minutes of the game. The second was a great game because both ECC and Deweyville were undefeated (5-0) and ECC won 46-60 in a pretty competitive game. The third was a blowout against a team that didn’t even make it into my memory because they didn’t even give ECC a fight until the last few minutes of the game – ECC won something like 7-48.
Tonight’s game against Hemphill was a tight one. The score went like this:
ECC – Hemphill
0 – 6
0 – 8
6 – 8
8 – 8
8 – 14
8 – 15
14 – 15
16 – 15
16 – 21
16 – 23
22 – 23
28 – 23
29 – 23
35 – 23
35 – 29
Hemphill had control of the ball for almost the entire last 3 minutes of the game and came considerably close to scoring on almost all occasions, but ECC defense, or just plain luck, kept them from scoring to tie it up or win.
I’m really glad I chose to go see the game instead of stay at home cleaning for the party tomorrow. I’ll have to make sure everyone knows that she’s the one that did most (nearly all) of the preparation for the party tomorrow.
Emmit Won!
Christle told me yesterday that Emmit won. She saw them on Good Morning America. He really deserves it, being a guy who has always been in the profession that isn’t known for being “graceful”.
No more “reality” shows for me for a while.
P.S. – In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, I’m referring to my Dancing With The Stars post from a few days ago.
Lily’s Birthday Party
We’re preparing for Lily’s first birthday on Sunday. Her party is on Saturday, even though you could really call it our party, since Lily really doesn’t have any friend’s yet.
I think I’m going to pull out the pit and cook up some party sausage links. I know it’s not much, but I’m really not sure how many people will be coming.
Christle’s having her sister come over Friday night to help her get the decorations and last minute cleaning done. That will be a big help to me because I really wanted to go to the ECC high school’s first playoff game.
One good thing about this weekend is that the weather should be cool and sunny.
Dancing With The Stars
I can not begin to tell you how stupid so many of these shows on television are these days. I feel myself getting dumber while watching every episode of any “reality” show I have ever watched. I do my best to limit my personal exposure to them.
As good as Mario is, I have to say that Emmit was better. It just looks like Mario is trying too hard. Emmit looks like he’s working to improve, but trying to enjoy himself at the same time.
I just wanted to share that, so that I can get on with my life… I promise I’ll limit my “reality” show discussions to a minimum.
Deleting Friends
I started deleting friends from MySpace. One of them asked why I kept saying I was leaving and didn’t just leave… she’s gone. I don’t care. She wasn’t really a friend anyway, just someone who wanted to date me in high school, but I wasn’t attracted enough to her to actually start anything. I know that may sound mean, but it’s true. Her message wasn’t all that nice, either.
It’s funny how easy it is to let go of relationships when you get older. It takes real effort to maintain relationships now. That is probably why so many marriages fail these days. Christle and I determined to stay together until death when we got married. It seems that most people think they can change their mind 5 years down the road, and look for other relationships while they’re married.
With access to as many friends as you want, there needs to be a new word to describe people who used to be defined as friends. “Best friends” doesn’t do it any more, because in today’s terms, “best friends” could mean someone you actually speak with on a weekly basis, yet never talk about anything that has any actual meaning.
I’m going to try to think of a new word to use with the old definition of friends. Let me know if you think of one first. If it’s a good one, maybe we can build a relationship and become “_______”.
While we’re on the subject, maybe we can come up with a new term for “marriage”? Maybe we can come up with something that will have a more permanent meaning to society, such as “bondage”, but have a positive connotation, like “candy”. “Cotton Bondage”? “Candied Bondage”? “Iron Love Candy”? I’d use them, but they sound kinda naughty at the same time, so a lot of people would turn them down based on that fact. Is there anything that would sound better?
Almost Done with NAU
I’ve only got one week left. I’ve got a research paper to finish. I need to finish my marketing plan. I have to do part of my final exam online, and the larger part of that final exam with my proctor on Thursday night. It feels really good to have just a little more to do.
I’m a lot more excited than I thought I’d be.  I am really looking forward to having a physical class to attend this spring.
I have a new place to share my pictures. Picasa is a program that Google created to organize photos and create little albums on your desktop. They’ve expanded it and given 250MB of free storage for photos to anyone holding a Google account.
If you are a member of the family and would like a google account that is in the Kunefke.US domain, just shoot me a quick email letting me know how you’d like your email address to look. For instance, mine is while Christle’s is
This Semester Almost Over
I’m coming close to finishing off this semester. I look forward to being done with this one. It’s been the hardest to get through so far.
I registered to go to LIT next semester. I’m going to try for an Associates in Instrumentation. My brother, Josh, just started going for the same thing this semester, and he seems to be enjoying it.
As I’ve said before, I’m not sure about having to be at class on time, but it will definitely help me to not procrastinate as much as I have been able to for the past three semesters at NAU.
Just a few of the classes required for Instrumentation are available online, and the good thing about that is that LIT uses the same Web Application as NAU, so I already know how the classes will work, even though I’ll probably only be able to use it for one or two of them during my quest for the degree.
There is one thing I am proud of myself for, though. I have (almost) made it through three semesters without becoming overwhelmed or failing anything. I only took three semesters at Lamar University right out of high school and basically quit going during my third semester. I have a low GPA during those three semesters and I’m not proud of that. I feel that I’ve made it up during the past three semesters, and I have finally gotten over my fear of failure in attending school.