Trading in my Nano for a Video

Well, not exactly…
I recently had to use the iPod warranty for reasons I do not wish to publish. When I received it back, they apparently replaced it with a new one. I’m selling it on Ebay so I can buy an iPod video. I’m already looking forward to having the extra space and the ability to load up videos on it.
If you’re trying to figure out how to “de-personalize” your iPod, hope that it breaks (not intentionally, and not physically) while still under warranty.

Upgraded Neuron Theme

I’ve upgraded this theme, or rather, updated my copy of it.  I didn’t realize that I was using an old version of it until just a few days ago.  I downloaded it, uploaded it, and modified it to look as close to the old theme as I could think to change.  I like the better, cleaner look, myself.
By the way, the WordPress 2.0 upgrade definitely helped out the site.  It’s much more smooth, and a lot easier to maintain.
Happy New Year!

Christmas Gift – Best Buy Gift Cards

I received 2 gift cards for Best Buy for Christmas this year, and took almost the whole week to figure out what to get with them.
As I’ve stated previously, I don’t need any CDs because I’m using for all my music needs. I rent games when I feel like playing on the Xbox. I don’t usually buy DVDs from Best Buy, because I can usually get better deals through Columbia House or in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart.
I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of my own money to get something special. My first thought was to get a bunch of the Energizer E2 batteries to use on our cameras. Then I figured out that that might not be a great gift.
I went online and found the perfect thing for me. I seem to have a problem with keeping the fridge filled with soft drinks (primarily Dr. Pepper). I don’t like filling it up to only get a few of them for myself. I found a small refridgerator that will hold a six pack. It was $50, and with the shipping and tax, I didn’t have to spend more than $11 myself.
I’m a big fan of gift cards for Christmas and Birthdays. It’s a lot better than getting stuff I don’t need or want.
The funny part of this story is that I’ve decided to stop drinking so much soda for my new year’s resolution.

1960 Spacewar

I found a link on to one of the first computer games developed. Spacewar was developed in 1960 and is kinda cool. It took some getting used to.
Just a quick starter for you… Once you click on the button, one person controls the first spaceship with a,s,d,f, and the second person controls the rocket with k,l,;,’.
I didn’t read the readme at the top of the page and it took me a good 35 seconds to figure out what buttons to push.
Click on the link at the bottom of this page to get started.

WordPress 2.0 In Use

I believe I have correctly updated the site to the new version.  Here’s hoping it makes some improvements.  The good thing about the entire process is that it took me all of 15 minutes to update, fix problems and get it running correctly.  The troubleshooting was relatively easy, and I didn’t get frustrated with any of the process.
I don’t like the new look of the console.  It looks much less attractive.

WordPress 2.0 Available on Monday

I am very excited about the upgrade that will be available on Monday for WordPress. It should make running this blog a lot easier.
If you don’t already know what WordPress is, it is the software that runs this Blog. It was the easiest to figure out when I started it and it doesn’t require a whole lot of maintenance. The next release should make it even easier than it already is.

Christmas Shopping is Done

We have completed our Christmas shopping. We don’t have to buy anything else for Christmas this year. It makes my Christmas that much more special, because I don’t want to have to think of buying anything for Christmas again.
I’d be even happier if my iPod hadn’t died today. For some unknown reason, it will not reset, or let me update it with the ipod updater. Windows will not detect it at all. I’m feeling helpless. Hopefully the warranty will be worth the pdf it was saved to (in leiu of the paper it was printed on). I’ve already filed for the warranty work, so hopefully that will work out.

Dell could be taken out by Apple

I didn’t realize at first how much of an impact Apple would make in the computer industry by moving to Intel chips until I read this article. Apple is jumping into the market from the sidewalk with a turbo engine no one else can compete with.
I have a pretty good feeling that my next computer purchase will be from Apple, once they start selling their Intel line.

1GB iPod Nano

That’s what I read on Yeah right!
I bought a 4GB Nano. 2 days after I received it, they announced the new iPod Video. I guess there’ll be a few people who fall into the trap of buying the NEW iPod, but I’m sure that the majority of iPod users would prefer more space than less. Bigger is better.
The only reason I’m stuck with my 4 Gigger is because of the “free laser inscription” which disables your option to send it back for a 15% restocking fee. I would’ve loved to get the video iPod if I’d known it was coming out. If you’re getting an iPod, don’t personalize it with the “free” laser inscription. It could end up costing you more than you’d like.
Hopefully the 1GB Nano is just a rumor, because it makes Apple look more desperate than I think they want to look.