I almost messed up my entire site this morning. I was trying to update the theme of the blog to a more recent version, and I couldn’t even access the admin panel after uploading the current version. It turns out that if I had read the directions included with the updated version, I would have known better.Â
I’ll update it later, but I was really concerned that I had done something horrible for a little while. I deleted the new theme from the themes folder, and everything returned to normal. I guess this is another lesson that I shouldn’t take anything for granted…Â
Why do some people say the phrase “take it for granite”? Am I wrong, or are they?
Category: Tech Stuff
Stuff dealing with the site or anything else technical
New Blue Binary Theme
I’ve decided to change things up a little. I don’t want to get too used to the old theme, but I didn’t want to stray too far away from the old one either. This one is still blue, but you can choose which theme you like better out of this one and three more over to the right side of the screen.
I like this one, and I am learning a little more about how to code in PHP by figuring this one out.
How do you like it?
Pay Per Post
Blogging has expenses, but I personally don’t enjoy having ads all over the place on my blog. The concept of a company paying bloggers to hype a product is interesting, though.

In most cases, the requirement is a neutral post, that gets people to start talking about the product, service, or entertainment. It’s a sort of “buzz producer”.
Let me know what you think of their pitch. I kinda like it.
What do you think of this idea?
Another Rumor to Stop with Snopes
I received this message via bulletin here on MySpace today, and felt the need to repeat something I posted a few weeks ago about Snopes.
The message I received is this:
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,“Under God.”
Pepsi said they didn’t want to offend anyone.
In that case, we don’t want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office either! So if we don’t buy any Pepsi products, they will not be offended when they receive our money that has the words
“In God We Trust” written on it.
They took out those special words **Under God.**
if you believe in God, please don’t just let this pass. God sees you every second of the day.
God loves you. You should love Him.
Give Him respect
Take a stand
Be on God’s side
I don’t know how anyone can drink Pepsi. I can’t stand the taste in comparison with Coca-Cola Classic. I don’t support rumors like this, though. I love Dr. Pepper, as it is my only source of hydration most days of my life. They look worse in the entire story. I am never drinking Dr. Pepper again…
Read Snopes Story about Under God Here
Ok, so I can continue drinking my Dr. Pepper… good, because I was already feeling the withdrawal symptoms. There is no merit to the Pepsi thing, and even the Dr. Pepper thing was taken entirely too far.
We must look at the entire picture and read a story before making judgement. I’m sure there were a few hundred people passing this around before it got to me. I am begging you to research stuff like this before you pass it on.
This kind of activity is what could end up costing good American’s a Presidential election, or much worse… the wrong American Idol winner.
Device Burns Fuel with Almost Zero Emissions
“Simple design makes ultra-low emission combustion more efficient, affordable and stable.”
This looks like a step in the right direction
read more | digg story
Visual Task Tips
If you’re primarily a Windows user, and you utilize Windows’ ability to have multiple programs open at once, you might enjoy this little utility.
It allows you to see a preview of what the window looks like by hovering over the item in the task bar. It is very easy to install and looks very simple, in that it does not consume much of the system’s resources.
Where I Live
You can see where I live by clicking HERE. Live Local is much more detailed than Google Maps according to this site.
Wow. I thought I had seen everything.
Meebo is a site that allows you to log into several instant messenging clients at the same time using your browser. I’ve got to say I’m pretty impressed with the capabilities there.
Watch TV Online (Free & Legal)
Go to THIS SITE to watch last night’s episode of Lost with only 4 commercials if you have a broadband Internet connection. I missed the first few minutes of it myself, and just caught up on what I missed. You can also check out Alias, Desperate Housewives, and Commander in Chief. If only the other networks could take this model and duplicate it…
1954 Personal Computer Outlook
I saw this picture and had to share it.
The text reads as follows…
Scientists from the RAND Corporation have created this model to illustrate how a “home computer” could look like in the year 2004. However the needed technology will not be economically feasible for the average home. Also the scientists readily admit that the computer will require not yet invented technology to actually work, but 50 years from now scientific progress is expected to solve these problems. With teletype interface and the Fortran language, the computer will be easy to use.
The funniest part about this is the fact that they actually thought this would be a small computer in the beginning of the 21st century. I’m glad they were way off, but who knows where we’d be right now if they hadn’t envisioned the possibility of having computers in people’s homes way back then… Their vision wasn’t that far off, though, when you compare what we have now to what they had access to back then.Â