I’ve been reading a lot of spoilers and people talking about their theories about the island, numbers, people on Lost. It’s some interesting stuff, and if nothing else, seems to have helped some people get off their lazy rear-ends to learn something new. It may seem stupid to some people, but at least people are figuring out how to exercise their brains for the first time in a long time.
I really enjoy reading it, but sometimes I think people over do it. There are some really smart people watching this show, and on the same note, there are some really brilliant people behind the cameras. I just found out that the premiere episode was budgeted at around $10 million. That is so incredible that the people dishing out the money had THAT much faith in the show, and as far as I can tell, that faith was justified and then some.
The fan site that I find the most interesting is www.4815162342.com. The mere fact that the numbers used in the show are the page name makes it easy to remember, and also know that by communicating with people registered on the site, you know that 9 times out of 10, they are die-hard fans.
There are people that are fans that want to mess with noobies though. There was an “orientation film” released on the site that was debunked within 1 hour of it’s posting. Someone had gone to some lengths to piece together a film that looked pretty close to the same style film as viewed on the episode entitled Orientation. It was very good footage, but the way it was debunked was the way the DHARMA logos did not seem to look quite right. They did a good job, but the details of the logos brought to light the fact that the logos weren’t right, and that would only happen without the producers’ being involved. These producers have made sure that every detail of every scene fits in with the story, and is always consistent.
There is also a podcast that discusses Lost, called Transmission. These people just started in May, only have 9 podcasts, and were in the top 40 podcasts just a few weeks ago, but probably because Lost has been showing reruns for the past 2 weeks, have slipped down to number 93 on iTunes top 100 podcasts.
I am really glad that we get ABC in HD, because it really turns the movie-like quality footage into more of a movie-like atmosphere when it’s on. It makes the experience of Lost much better.
Category: Stupid Stuff
Just used when something is stupid, but had to be said anyway
If You Can Read This
I got this in an email today, and thought it was pretty neat. I was amazed at how quickly I could read it. Check it out…
Olny srmat poelpe can.
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter byistlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! If you can raed tihs fdoawrd it !!
Respectfully Submitted,
I’ve always been proud of myself on my ability to spell and use proper grammar. I guess I’ve been wasting my time.
The Next Big Thing
Does anyone have any bright ideas? I’m looking for any new ideas on the next big thing. I want to start something no one has thought of yet. If you have an idea, but don’t have the time or energy to get started, let me know about it, and I’ll kick a percentage of the earnings back to you on a regular basis.
I’m primarily looking for get rich quick schemes, but any ideas will do. Thanks for your input.
Leaving Home (RITA)
We’re leaving in the morning (3am) to head up to Athens, TX. We’ll be staying through Rita and hopefully be home on Sunday night. I pray that everything here stays in tact, and we don’t have any major damage. I just finished building a storage shed in the backyard, and I’d hate for all that time spent to go to waste.
I’m bringing my computer, some food and water, and my MP3 player loaded with 3 days worth of Glenn Beck broadcasts. I’m also bringing the video camera in case it’s needed as well.
I hope everyone else out there is taking the proper precautions, because hunkering down during a CAT5 hurricane is pretty nuts when you’re this close to it’s projected path.
Coincidence or Conspiracy?
I thought this was a pretty funny article about the supposed pictures of the attacked WTC towers being printed on the new $20 bill. I know it’s not “funny” funny, but the humor kinda cracked a smile in me.
For Sale
I’ve got all kinds of things I don’t need and there are many more things out there that I know I don’t need, but want. I think I’m about to go on an eBay selling spree. I’ve gotten rid of quite a few things using eBay, but I think it’s about time to get rid of some more.
EBay has made a little money off of me in the past few years, and I’ve got to admit, I’m glad they did, because it’s nice being able to get rid of stuff without having to go through the setup of a garage sale, and putting an ad in the paper just to get people to come look at my junk. I also get quite a few more people to look at it online versus coming to the yard sale.
The only real problem with dealing with stuff that way, is that I can’t get rid of old clothes for 25 cents a shirt and a dollar per pair of jeans… at least I think I can’t. I might just have to do a little experiment.
Big Brother 6 – Kaysar – I Spoke Too Soon
Well, it looks as if I spoke too soon about Kaysar being back in the house. I could be wrong, but it looks like they might be back-dooring him instead of James. It really doesn’t matter to me, because I like James just as much as I do Kaysar.
If I’m right, then Jen just made a lot of enemies on the outside. Kaysar had 82% of the vote to get back in the house, and then she stabs him in the back after she swore on her life that she was going to back-door James. I really hope there aren’t any hardcore maniac fans of Kaysar out there, because I would hate for someone to get hurt or go to prison for reacting to a “Reality” TV show.
I know, I know… I’m talking about a stupid show that means nothing. But the end is coming closer, and then my favorites are starting back up.
Big Brother 6 – Kaysar Recovers
I would have sworn that Kasar was not going to have a chance to get back in the house. All the evidence pointed to the fact that CBS was going to let Eric back in, no matter what America voted for.
There was one page on their site that asked who you thought was going to win BB6, and Eric was the only evicted houseguest who was not greyed out… and Kaysar was the last to leave!
Maybe enough people complained about the apparent outcome loud enough for CBS to get a clue. But then again, how do we know they didn’t adjust the numbers to let Kaysar in if Eric actually got more votes?
There is absolutely NO way that CBS could fudge the numbers enough to reflect Kaysar got 82% of the vote. On the other hand, who’s going to try to investigate, or “hold a recount”, if there’s that much margin of victory?
Oh, well… it just thrilled me to see Maggie and Ivette when Kaysar opened the front door. I was hoping they would get mad and leave the house, but it made me happier to see them miserable after realizing that America wasn’t as in love with their HERO as they were.
It was absolutely tremendous. I voted for Kaysar probably 15 times, even though I knew it wouldn’t make a difference. I just didn’t know it would be icing on the cake for Kaysar’s vote count.
I just found out that there are 2 Costco stores in the Houston area. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, there is an article on their business practices HERE. I also received an email from someone showing that Costco does not participate in the outrageous generic drug mark-ups that most other pharmacies take part in.
The nearest Costco is over 30 miles from here, but I hope they make an expansion to the East side of Houston soon.
No Excuses
I looked at weather.com this morning and it indicated that there would be thunderstorms all day long. I love thunderstorms. It’s just a small indication of the power of God.
We’re going to be pool-sitting for a family from church this week. It’s supposed to be fun. But the way it looks right now, it’s going to be raining the entire time they’re gone!
Oh, well.
We are putting an offer on a house today. It’s a pretty nice house. It would work out for us just perfectly for right now. I hope there’s no complications. One good thing is that the sellers have been looking for a buyer for quite some time, now, so we don’t have to compete with someone else’s offer this time.
I just realized that I haven’t posted in a few days, and I made a promise to myself that I’d stay consistent. I put the money towards this site (no matter how little) and I’m going to make use of it.