Category: Politics

  • Our Nation’s Sovereignty is Under Attack

    I have just signed a national petition opposing the U.N. “Law of the Sea” treaty that if ratified by the Senate would threaten our nation’s sovereignty. Additionally, it places the United States under an international authority, subjects our nation to direct taxation by the United Nations and could hamper our military. A vote to ratify…

  • Stop the formation of the North American Union

    Momentum is building in our government to create the “framework” for a North American Union that would undermine our nation’s sovereignty and open our borders. I just signed an important citizen petition opposing these latest efforts. Please click on the following link to find out more information and sign:

  • Secure Our Borders!

    The Senate just defeated a bill to give amnesty to millions and millions of illegal immigrants. Such a bill would have cost taxpayers over $2 trillion and brought a flood of millions of immigrants to our nation. Today we need to move forward and demand that Congress follow-up on their promise from last year to…


    I ran across this site this week when browsing my usual news sites. The organization is dedicated to keeping or reestablishing our right to carry concealed handguns on campus. Setting a standard of having “gun-free zones” does absolutely nothing for innocent, law abiding citizens, and tells those who would do us harm exactly where they…

  • Drew Carey on Medicinal Marijuana

    This video is on Drew Carey is doing a whole project with them discussing different issues. This is what I would call a very strong case for legalizing medicinal marijuana use. What do you think?

  • Fred Thompson

    I’m not making a decision, yet. This video makes Fred Thompson look good to me, though.

  • President’s Poll Numbers Escalate

    For the second poll in a row, the President’s poll numbers have come up.  This poll saw the President’s approval rating rise from 29% to 34%.  When you factor in the margin of error, and the fact that the poll questions are always skewed against favoring the President, I’d say his approval rating is somewhere…

  • Recent Weather

    Well, it looks like the rain has finally subsided. I’m glad that the rain has finally stopped, I just wish that it was January and I didn’t have to deal with the heat. I’ve heard a lot of talk about the heat recently, and I have a problem with the way people are reporting the…

  • Environmental Hysteria

    Penn & Teller show why Environmental Hysteria is Bull***t! Penn has a bad mouth, so don’t watch this with kids in the room, but the evidence they provide is as astounding as it is funny.

  • Pro-Immigration, Anti-Illegal Immigration

    Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly…