Our Nation’s Sovereignty is Under Attack

I have just signed a national petition opposing the U.N. “Law of the Sea” treaty that if ratified by the Senate would threaten our nation’s sovereignty. Additionally, it places the United States under an international authority, subjects our nation to direct taxation by the United Nations and could hamper our military.
A vote to ratify the treaty is expected before the end of the month.
This is a crucial issue that truly needs your immediate attention. Please click below for more information:

Secure Our Borders!

The Senate just defeated a bill to give amnesty to millions and millions of illegal immigrants. Such a bill would have cost taxpayers over $2 trillion and brought a flood of millions of immigrants to our nation.
Today we need to move forward and demand that Congress follow-up on their promise from last year to build a fence and secure our borders!
I just signed a petition to demand that Congress take action to secure our borders and build the fence. Nearly 750,000 Americans have signed this petition. Join us!
Please go here to sign: http://www.grassfire.org/42/petition.asp?PID=15175112&NID=1


I ran across this site this week when browsing my usual news sites. The organization is dedicated to keeping or reestablishing our right to carry concealed handguns on campus. Setting a standard of having “gun-free zones” does absolutely nothing for innocent, law abiding citizens, and tells those who would do us harm exactly where they could do the most damage with a lower risk of being stopped.

Gun-Free Zone

I don’t currently have a license to carry a concealed handgun, but I will in the not so distant future. I believe it’s part of my responsibility in having a family. I know I will probably not have my family with me at school, but isn’t it also my responsibility to do everything I can to return home in the same condition that I left it? I need to support them, but will not be able to if I am suddenly a victim of a random act of violence.

What do you think?

President’s Poll Numbers Escalate

For the second poll in a row, the President’s poll numbers have come up.  This poll saw the President’s approval rating rise from 29% to 34%.  When you factor in the margin of error, and the fact that the poll questions are always skewed against favoring the President, I’d say his approval rating is somewhere between 45 and 50%.
The primary reason that his numbers are going up is most probably the fact that the troop surge in Iraq has been getting some good results that are apparently too good for the reporters to ignore.  The surge has only just recently begun, and the reports have been that more troops have made a tremendous impact.  The number of troop deaths per day has decreased with the surge as well.  Troop morale has made a shocking increase, and it looks as if that will continue.
One other reason that the President’s approval rating has increased is probably due to the number of presidential candidate debates on both sides of the aisle.  They all seem like the same words in different physical locations.  These candidates are doing nothing but making people lose consciousness in the boredom.  They make President Bush look wonderful.
I like the fact that these liberal dummies will have to stop using poll numbers to make their points once the numbers have increased.  The fact that they have used them so much has really been annoying.  What’s even worse, is when the senate had the lowest approval ratings in it’s history after a vote that supposedly let the administration know that they “wanted out of Iraq”.  I think they jumped to the wrong conclusion.  What America voted for was change.  We want to win this war on terror, and what our government was doing then was not getting the job done.  Once they were elected, the new senators did nothing to help the war.  That’s why they are so unpopular.
Somebody needs to let them know that we are not against the war, but we’re against losing the war.

Recent Weather

Well, it looks like the rain has finally subsided. I’m glad that the rain has finally stopped, I just wish that it was January and I didn’t have to deal with the heat. I’ve heard a lot of talk about the heat recently, and I have a problem with the way people are reporting the temperature now.
I’ve noticed that when people at work talk about the temperature outside, they always say that the temperature is what the heat index is. For those that don’t know, the heat index is the temperature + what humidity makes the temperature feel like.
The problem with this is that by changing the language to say that it’s the “heat index” without mentioning that it’s the heat index, gives people the invisible “ammo” to suggest that it is actually hotter than it was last year. The only reason that this has changed in the past year is that there is apparently a decrease in temperature, but the people in charge want to keep the “global warming” hoax going.
I admit that over the past century that the average global temperature has increased by .7 degrees Celsius. The problem with this is that scientists around the globe have found that the temperature fluctuates. There has recently been a finding in Antarctica of a plant that could have only survived in a warmer climate. Findings such as this have found that the temperature has been at least 25 degrees Celsius higher than it is currently.
This leads me to wonder who would consider themselves smart enough to say that an average global temperature .7 degrees Celsius colder than the current temperature is the absolute perfect temperature for this planet to thrive. How do they know that an average temperature of 1 degree Celsius or 98 degrees Celsius is not perfect for this miraculous planet?
I don’t think that mankind is affecting the planetary ecosystem enough to change the climate. I am positive that 10 years of time will prove that this entire push for the fight against global warming will be looked upon by everyone as a political tool as well as a joke.

Pro-Immigration, Anti-Illegal Immigration

Recently large demonstrations have taken place across the country protesting the fact that Congress is finally addressing the issue of illegal immigration. Certain people are angry that the US might protect its own borders, might make it harder to sneak into this country and, once here, to stay indefinitely. Let me see if I correctly understand the thinking behind these protests.

Imagine that my wife break into your house. When you discover her in your house, you insist that she leave.
She insists, however, “I’ve made all the beds and washed the dishes and did the laundry and swept the floors; I’ve done all the things you don’t like to do. I’m hard-working and honest (except for when I broke into your house). According to the protesters, not only must you let me stay, you must add me to your family’s insurance plan, educate my kids, and provide other benefits to me and to my family (my husband will do your yard work because he too is hard-working and honest, except for that breaking in part). If you try to call the police or force me out, I will call my friends who will picket your house carrying signs that proclaim my right to be there. It’s only fair, after all, because you have a nicer house than I do, and I’m just trying to better myself. I’m hard-working and honest, um, except for, well, you know.
“And what a deal it is for me!! I live in your house, contributing only a fraction of the cost of my keep, and there is nothing you can do about it without being accused of selfishness, prejudice and being an anti-housebreaker. Oh yeah, and I want you to learn my language so you can communicate with me.”

Why can’t people see how ridiculous this is?! Only in America… if you agree, send it to your friends (in English). Share it if you see the value of it as a good simile.
If you still don’t understand why we should have a stronger grip on our borders and why we should deport people who are here illegally, blow it off along with your future Social Security funds.