It seems like only a few days ago that we were having a long weekend and we’re already having another one. I guess I better enjoy it because I’m not due for another one for a few months.
I’m really looking forward to the next year. I’m not exactly sure why, but I’m looking forward to it anyway.
I got a new website for free. I thought up the URL while listening to TWIT. Let me know what you think I could do with
Category: Me
Back to Work
Well, I have to admit that I told Christle around noon yesterday that I didn’t have to return to work until tomorrow, and she took it better than I had expected. We had a nice weekend. People came over, I smoked my first turkey (it took forever to get it lit), ate a big Christmas dinner, and played a few new games. Having company over this weekend was a pleasure.
That being said, I must return to work tomorrow morning, and I already know that my plate is full. Only three days in this week, and I’m fairly sure that I will not have much down time. I actually spent some time today placing some orders for work online.
I’m listening to a few new podcasts recently, and I’m planning to post a few of my suggestions soon. If you’re new to podcasting or interested in finding out what they’re all about, I’ll try to explain the process a little more in the future. The one thing I’d like to make clear up front is that you don’t have to own an Apple iPod to be a podcast subscriber.
I know I’m not the only person returning to work tomorrow or sometime soon, so good luck getting over the break and getting back into the swing of things.
Long Week
Wow… was this week long enough? It seemed to creep by quickly even though I worked a lot while trying to get through it. I was trying to keep my posts up, but just didn’t seem to get to it as often as I’d have liked.
This has been a good year. There have been a few things we’d have skipped if we could have, but the good things have far outweighed the unfortunate.  I’ll expand on that next weekend, though.
I’ve got to get back to the gym. I haven’t been in almost 4 weeks! I’m going Tuesday morning. Really.
Merry Christmas!
Weekly Cleaning
I can’t seem to keep my desk clean!!! I get it just perfect and then I realize that I’ve cluttered it back up in what seems like no time at all. Why is it that I put stuff on my desk knowing that if I’d just put it where it belongs I wouldn’t have to deal with a cleaning job every week or two?
I don’t want to throw everything away because I may need it, so I have to make a concentrated effort to put everything where it belongs.
I’ve read countless stories of how to manage a desk/work environment so that it is always clean and tidy, but I can’t seem to apply the suggestions I’ve read to what I do on a daily basis.
What I am going to do over the next few weeks is try to develop a game plan for constant organization so that I will have a fresh start on the new year. If you have any ideas that may be useful, please let me know.
Just for reference, right now I have bills, a letter, receipts, my Bible, my Bible study guide, some bank stuff, a t-shirt, some tweasers, a few catalogs, a… thingy… that Alaina made for me, some loose change, a CD case filled with data CDs, and a rarely used external hard drive.
Christmas Parties
The time for Christmas parties has arrived once again. My first official Christmas gathering will be tomorrow night. There’s a Christmas show at church tomorrow night, where we’ll be having cookies and stuff afterwards. The kids are doing it, so it’ll mainly be all about the cookies… but it’s still my first “Christmas” event for the year.
I will be attending a Christmas party on Thursday and Friday. We’ll be having Christle’s dad’s extended Christmas gathering on Saturday, and then my Dad’s family gathering on Sunday. They both have their awkward parts… I will not be sharing any related stories… but it should be nice to see everyone, anyway.
Then I have to go an entire week without Christmas events. I’ll probably need a break anyway, though. I will be just rested enough to get back into the swing of things the following Friday night through Monday night.
Christle doesn’t read this blog very often. She doesn’t know that I have the day after Christmas off as a holiday this year. If she finds out, that’s fine. But the reason I haven’t told her, is because I don’t want to do anything that day but sit around and enjoy the day. I’m afraid that if she finds out too early, that plans might change. I don’t want that. If things work the way I’d like, I’ll probably get up and leave at the same time I usually go to work, and go work out. Then when I get done with a much needed workout, I’ll come home and say… “I thought I told you…”
Then I’ll show her this post, and we’ll have a nice laugh about it.
Getting Ready for Christmas
We set up the Christmas tree last night. We had a good time doing it. I kept feeling the urge to come in here and check my MySpace, but it wasn’t an option. I didn’t even come in my office until we put the girls to bed.
It turned out nice. Christle originally wanted a 7.5′ tree, but we realized after setting this one up that our ceiling is only 7.5′ high, so the angel wouldn’t have fit on top anyway. It’s a good thing we decided on the 6.5′ tree.
Not MySpace
I no longer have a “space” on MySpace. I have officially cancelled my account and have removed the site from my hometabs. I saved all the pages that meant anything to me as a momento and also saved all of my friends’ links so that I can still check in on them every now and then. I just can’t interact with them on MySpace anymore.
The fact that I don’t have to check on who is trying to contact me or deal with spam in that extra service any longer feels good. I will also cut my advertising exposure by about a third.
I’ve secretly been dreading the followthrough of my announcement ever since I decided to make the announcement. I didn’t want to do it, even after I had made my mind up. I tried dropping my usage without dropping the account, but I just couldn’t make myself do it.Â
Christmas is right around the corner and I am really looking forward to it. The cold front that came through today really makes it feel more like Christmas.
Happy Thanksgiving
I know it’s a few days late, but I didn’t feel like spending too much time on the computer for the past few days. I sent out a few Hallmark Greeting E-Cards on Wednesday, and if you didn’t get one, make sure I have your email address for next time.
I had a good weekend and enjoyed a LOT of good food. In fact, I think I’m going to get some more right now.
Deleting Friends
I started deleting friends from MySpace. One of them asked why I kept saying I was leaving and didn’t just leave… she’s gone. I don’t care. She wasn’t really a friend anyway, just someone who wanted to date me in high school, but I wasn’t attracted enough to her to actually start anything. I know that may sound mean, but it’s true. Her message wasn’t all that nice, either.
It’s funny how easy it is to let go of relationships when you get older. It takes real effort to maintain relationships now. That is probably why so many marriages fail these days. Christle and I determined to stay together until death when we got married. It seems that most people think they can change their mind 5 years down the road, and look for other relationships while they’re married.
With access to as many friends as you want, there needs to be a new word to describe people who used to be defined as friends. “Best friends” doesn’t do it any more, because in today’s terms, “best friends” could mean someone you actually speak with on a weekly basis, yet never talk about anything that has any actual meaning.
I’m going to try to think of a new word to use with the old definition of friends. Let me know if you think of one first. If it’s a good one, maybe we can build a relationship and become “_______”.
While we’re on the subject, maybe we can come up with a new term for “marriage”? Maybe we can come up with something that will have a more permanent meaning to society, such as “bondage”, but have a positive connotation, like “candy”. “Cotton Bondage”? “Candied Bondage”? “Iron Love Candy”? I’d use them, but they sound kinda naughty at the same time, so a lot of people would turn them down based on that fact. Is there anything that would sound better?
I have a new place to share my pictures. Picasa is a program that Google created to organize photos and create little albums on your desktop. They’ve expanded it and given 250MB of free storage for photos to anyone holding a Google account.
If you are a member of the family and would like a google account that is in the Kunefke.US domain, just shoot me a quick email letting me know how you’d like your email address to look. For instance, mine is while Christle’s is