Happy New Year!

I took Alaina to the San Jacinto Monument today.  We had an ok time.  They’ve got the park closed off now so that you can’t even drive up to the monument unless it’s open and pay per person for entrance.  The same goes for the Battleship Texas.  It really stinks because it used to be an easy trip, but the entrance I always use is now blocked off because there isn’t a booth to take money at that entrance.  They aren’t charging a fortune, but it was an unexpected expense.
I am looking forward to a better year.  This past one was much better than the one before that, and I’m sure that it’s only going to get better.
Happy New Year!

TV This Fall

This fall we have had our fair share of good and bad television, even though we don’t have cable or satellite service.  There’s more bad than good, of course; we just have less of it to watch.
The good:  Heroes, Jericho, Lost, My Name is Earl, Smallville, Studio 60, The Office, and Til Death.  SNL had a few good episodes as well, but seemed to fall back into a slump pretty quickly.
The bad:  30 Rock, Show Me the Money, and everything else.
I’m really looking forward to January when 24 begins another all new season.  Lost will have 16 new episodes in a row with no reruns.  It should make for an entertaining season.  I just have to remember to turn the TV off when one of these is not on.

Tonight’s Game

…was a great game.  It was definitely worth the two dollars extra for admission that I usually pay to see a high school football game. 
Until tonight, I had only been to three of East Chambers County’s games.  The first was against the high school I graduated from, Hamshire-Fannett.  At the time, I thought it was a pretty bad game, mostly because I was cheering for H-F to win, and they lost in the last few minutes of the game.  The second was a great game because both ECC and Deweyville were undefeated (5-0) and ECC won 46-60 in a pretty competitive game.  The third was a blowout against a team that didn’t even make it into my memory because they didn’t even give ECC a fight until the last few minutes of the game – ECC won something like 7-48.
Tonight’s game against Hemphill was a tight one.  The score went like this:

ECC – Hemphill

0 – 6

0 – 8

6 – 8

8 – 8

8 – 14

8 – 15

14 – 15

16 – 15

16 – 21

16 – 23


22 – 23

28 – 23

29 – 23

35 – 23

35 – 29

Hemphill had control of the ball for almost the entire last 3 minutes of the game and came considerably close to scoring on almost all occasions, but ECC defense, or just plain luck, kept them from scoring to tie it up or win.
I’m really glad I chose to go see the game instead of stay at home cleaning for the party tomorrow.  I’ll have to make sure everyone knows that she’s the one that did most (nearly all) of the preparation for the party tomorrow.

Emmit Won!

Christle told me yesterday that Emmit won.  She saw them on Good Morning America.  He really deserves it, being a guy who has always been in the profession that isn’t known for being “graceful”.
No more “reality” shows for me for a while.
P.S. – In case you’re wondering what I’m talking about, I’m referring to my Dancing With The Stars post from a few days ago.

Dancing With The Stars

I can not begin to tell you how stupid so many of these shows on television are these days.  I feel myself getting dumber while watching every episode of any “reality” show I have ever watched.  I do my best to limit my personal exposure to them.
As good as Mario is, I have to say that Emmit was better.  It just looks like Mario is trying too hard.  Emmit looks like he’s working to improve, but trying to enjoy himself at the same time.
I just wanted to share that, so that I can get on with my life… I promise I’ll limit my “reality” show discussions to a minimum.

Who’s On First

I just heard this for the first time.  I can barely see the screen through the tears of laughter.  It’d be really interesting to find out how Abbott and Costello came up with that bit.  From my understanding they did this bit thousands of times and it was just as good every time.

———->—–>—>    Who’s On First    < —<—–<———-

I went looking for this when I heard about it on Studio 60 two weeks ago.  It’s a very funny show that isn’t getting the ratings they were expecting.  If you haven’t seen it, you can watch the most recent episode by clicking HERE.

Do you know of any other comedy bits out there that compare to this?  Leave a comment with the link or just let me know what you think of Abbott and Costello’s “Who’s On First“.


Ok, after a day of thinking about it, and letting God get through to me, I have come to the hard conclusion that my review of the movie last night was a little too harsh.  My Super Ex-Girlfriend was not as bad as I said last night.
I would not really enjoy being broken down in the desert during a sand-storm without the power to roll up the windows more than watching that pile of manure.  On a five-star scale, I’d probably give it a quarter of a star.
Hey, we all have our moments of weakness, and I know I am blessed to live in a country where I have the ability to spend money watching horrible productions while there are soldiers overseas fighting for that ability.
I just wish that we had walked out when we first thought to, so that I might not have felt so much dumber  for watching it afterwards.

My (Not So) Super Ex-Girlfriend

I do not understand how Hollywood can expect people to stop downloading movies and keep paying to go to the movie theaters.  The concept of the movie was great.  The production was horrible.  The constant focus on sex was absolutely horrendous.
There were a few random funny points, though.  It really seemed like they had a few jokes about having a super ex-girlfriend, and then they threw in enough of a plot to make a movie.
I might watch this movie again…  if I can’t find something else on TV and it is showing it for free over the air.  I wouldn’t even Tivo My Super Ex-Girlfriend, though.  It wouldn’t be worth the power consumption.
I don’t think the movie is even worth the space on this page, but I just had to spread the news so that maybe I can spare some poor soul a few dollars and keep up the will to live.
If you’ve seen the movie and disagree with my analysis, please do not comment, because I can only handle so much stupidity.
I spent $35 at the movie theater tonight, and I am actually wondering if I might have had a better time being broken down on the side of the road in the desert in a sand storm without the power to roll up the windows.
On a 5 star scale, I’d give this selection 3 turds.

Sending Messages to the Unknown

There’s a site that allows you to submit your blog to be transmitted into space. It’s kinda neat to think about really.


Imagine that some alien species gets their first contact from earth, and it’s a blog entry talking about politics, or the world working together to end AIDS, or a rant about an argument someone heard on Big Brother 7.
I think it’d be kinda neat to see that the aliens recognized my last name, Kunefke, and thought my family was the leaders of Earth.