Author: kunefke

Every Day

Every Day I have to start the cycle over again.  Giving my life over to God is currently a struggle.  My body fights to maintain control, but I have to submit to Him.  I fail often, but not as often as I did before.  I have a headache. I’ve raised most of the money needed […]


I’m not planning to just quit soda.  I’m going to ween myself.  I usually bring 4 in my cooler to work every day.  Tomorrow, I’m going to replace 2 of them with water bottles. Next week, I’m going to replace another.  The following week, I’m just going to bring water.  The week after that I’m […]


I have spent countless hours wasting time on an online game.  I’m not gonna say what game, because then I might actually be guilty of hooking someone else into it’s claws.  It’s a fun game where you work with others around the world, building cities, making friends and enemies alike.  It’s free to play and […]

Windows 7

As a student, I get access to some software at discounted prices. I bought a legal copy of Windows 7 from Microsoft for $30 at I installed it the night of the release a week ago. I installed an early beta version some time ago, and it didn’t impress me much. This, so far, […]

In or Out 2010

I believe in a balanced budget and therefore will vote for a freeze in government spending until that goal is realized. I believe government should not increase the financial burden on its citizenry during a difficult economic times, therefore I will oppose all tax increases until our economy has rebounded. I believe more than four […]

Common Sense

I finished reading Common Sense by Glenn Beck this weekend. It really is an eye opener. As much as I pay attention to news and listen to talk radio, I had no idea how much all this spending is doing to possibly ruin the future of America for our children until I saw it in […]

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