I’m only a few weeks from graduation and I’m really looking forward to having this part of my life behind me. I know that education doesn’t really stop in my field, but the kind I have to pay for and have scheduled weekly is almost over, and I’m really looking forward to the extra time at home with the family.
I currently have a 3.897 GPA, but after this semester, I’m estimating that I will have 3.867. That does mean that I’ll be graduating with Highest Honors! The ceremony begins at 7:00pm, May 12, 2011 at the Montagne Center. I went to my brother’s graduation this past December, and the ceremony was under an hour, although I’m guessing there’s a higher number of graduates in the Spring than the Fall.
Author: kunefke
2 Timothy 4:2-5
Came across this scripture last night, and found it relevant to something going on in my life right now…
Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction. For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. But you, keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.
Now, for those who don’t know, the book of 2 Timothy is a letter from Paul to Timothy where Paul is giving encouragement and instruction to Timothy for his ministry in Ephesus. Apparently, the same problems that happen today were problems back then…z other than all the technological achievements that have happened since. It’s very easy to find supporters of any cause under the sun. The problem is that until a person realizes they’ve been duped into believing something not based on truth, they won’t change. When you try to convince them that it isn’t based on truth, they study more from the “false prophets” who led them to their false truth, instead of those who actually speak the truth. They may say they study them as well, but all they really do is listen to a few speeches or read a few articles with nothing but skepticism in their hearts, unlike the times they study their false prophets.
One example of this is those political party followers who are either Die Hard Republicans or Die Hard Democrats. This is only a guess, but I’m sure any thinking person would agree my estimate is close, 90% of those people wouldn’t change their mind about their party affiliation unless their political party went the way of the Whig Party.
When it comes to Spiritual matters, I don’t know the answer to waking someone up to their bad influences or “false prophets”. I guess for the time being, I pray for God to reveal Himself to those I’m discussing, and for Him to guide me so that I can be a reflection of Him.
I had a wonderful 2010. Looking forward to 2011 and the possibilities that lie ahead. I got a few more A’s this fall and now my GPA is 3.897. Really looking forward to graduation in May!
This video was created in the UK to promote dropping personal carbon emissions by 10 percent in 2010. It was removed from the site it was posted to, due to the outcry it caused. This video shows exactly how the progressives view our decisions to join in. Thanks to the many people who repost videos online, I am able to show it to you here
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDXQsnkuBCM&fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0]
No pressure…
I have long believed that God still heals today, just as He did in the times of Biblical writings. I have heard many stories of physical healing that has taken place right in front of people. I have also heard of internal healing from terminal illnesses.
Christle’s grandfather had a disease that no one else, to our knowledge, has ever recovered from. He has no signs of it anymore.
While I didn’t see any physical healing or hear of any healing that took place on our mission trip to Peru, I have experienced a physical healing myself while I was there.
For about 6-8 months before the trip, I had been developing several callouses on the bottom of my right heel. They had gotten very deep. Mom said that if I didn’t go to a doctor to take care of it soon enough, I could have some major problems in the future.
I remember looking at them the night before I left for Peru, hoping that they wouldn’t hinder our trip. They had already been causing me pain while walking.
On Sunday, we spent hours standing in the front of the church praying for others. While I did witness things I had never seen before, I did not see physical healing take place, and I was a little bummed about it, because I had heard that it happens more frequently on mission trips outside of the States because those people have nothing else to turn to other than faith in God. My only reasoning available was that I apparently didn’t have enough faith. Trust me, I saw things that God could have healed right in front of me, and I would have been able to SEE it.
On the flight out there, I remember my foot hurting while I was standing in the back of the plane for a while. I don’t recall it hurting for the remainder of the trip. The day after we got back, when I had a break at work, I thought about those callouses because I came to the realization that they didn’t hurt. I removed my boot and sock, and my heal looked perfect. I even removed my other boot and sock to make sure my mind wasn’t playing tricks on me, but it looked perfect, as well.
I know callouses on my foot will not sound like a big deal to a lot of people. Compared to some scriptural healing, it is nothing. But God took a potential burden out of my life, and I didn’t even have to waste one minute looking for a doctor.
God 1-upped me and instead of showing me His healing power through my sight, He touched and healed me!
Congressman Pete Stark
This guy should be drug tested on a weekly basis to prove he’s as moronic as he sounds…
We landed in Houston around 6am yesterday, and drove into Winnie around 8:30. It was a fantastic father’s day. Not looking forward to a return to the standard routine. I’ve got to work hard to make sure I can go again.
I can honestly say that I’ve never been so happy to see Christle and the girls as I was yesterday morning.
We arrived in Huanuco around 5pm today. No one in our party has spent the night here. Our drive from Tingo Maria went well, except for the one person who got motion sickness, and the taxi that Pastor Kevin was in broke down 15 minutes outside of Tingo Maria… He caught another one quite quickly.
We ate at a restaurant one block from our hotel, and then had a reflective conversation for a few hours. It was really good.
I just got off of Skype with Christle and am headed to bed… Goodnight!
Progress in Tingo Maria, Peru
We´ve been making progress over the past few days.  Monday, all we did was put 100 corner posts together for 25 bunk beds.  It is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I´ll post a picture of what they look like if I can remember.
Monday night we went to minister on the street. Â Apparently, the pastor of the church we are visiting got a permit to do a service on the street. Â We brought sound equipment with us and within a few minutes of setting up,there were nearly 200 people surrounding us around 9:45pm. Â At the end of the service, around 30 people came to the altar call, and we know that 6 gave their lives to Christ for the first time!
Yesterday, we worked hard at the orphanage until around 2:45, and we went to a village just outside of town known as Shipibo. Â They live on the river, a 5 minute walk from outsiders, and speak a completely different dialect from the rest of the Peruvians. Â It looked like the village had about 40 people living there. Â We returned to the orphanage last night and worked until we finished building the beds somewhere around 9:45.
Today our goal is to finish grinding off exposed screw tips, sanding where we need to sand, and stain the beds.
We are returning to Huanaco one day early because the forcast right now includes rain every day, and that rain could delay us if we try to make it last minute. Â If we waited until then, we could miss our flight out of Huanaco if there were any complications. Â We will still be leaving Huanaco on Friday and leaving Lima late Saturday night.
Today we begin working on the beds at the orphanage. We want to increase the number of children they can take in so that there’s less children sleeping on the street at night. They are very poor here.
17 of us came to Peru from Winnie. So far, no one has gotten sick and everyone is staying safe. We start our journey home on Friday and actually land in Houston on Sunday, June 20th around 6:30am… At least, that’s the plan.