Progress in Tingo Maria, Peru

We´ve been making progress over the past few days.  Monday, all we did was put 100 corner posts together for 25 bunk beds.  It is a lot harder than I thought it would be.  I´ll post a picture of what they look like if I can remember.
Monday night we went to minister on the street.  Apparently, the pastor of the church we are visiting got a permit to do a service on the street.  We brought sound equipment with us and within a few minutes of setting up,there were nearly 200 people surrounding us around 9:45pm.  At the end of the service, around 30 people came to the altar call, and we know that 6 gave their lives to Christ for the first time!
Yesterday, we worked hard at the orphanage until around 2:45, and we went to a village just outside of town known as Shipibo.  They live on the river, a 5 minute walk from outsiders, and speak a completely different dialect from the rest of the Peruvians.  It looked like the village had about 40 people living there.  We returned to the orphanage last night and worked until we finished building the beds somewhere around 9:45.
Today our goal is to finish grinding off exposed screw tips, sanding where we need to sand, and stain the beds.
We are returning to Huanaco one day early because the forcast right now includes rain every day, and that rain could delay us if we try to make it last minute.  If we waited until then, we could miss our flight out of Huanaco if there were any complications.  We will still be leaving Huanaco on Friday and leaving Lima late Saturday night.

One response to “Progress in Tingo Maria, Peru”

  1. Dad Avatar

    It sounds like your trip has been fruitful. It is absolutely great when you can see immediate results like the 30 people who responded to the altar call. Your crown will be a little heavier when you cast it at the feet of Jesus with the stars awarded for your service.
    I thank God for your willingness to serve, son and am still praying for your safety and success.
    Your mom and I took Christle some tomatoes yesterday and visited for just a few minutes on our way to the church to work on Bible School preparations. They were doing fine. She said the dryer worked fine for her. I took it apart Friday, inspected everything without finding a smoking gun. I really expected to find a problem with the heating element. I put everything back together carefully, reset the breaker and it worked. I don’t know if there was a loose connection or what, but it works fine. I just hope it continues to work.

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