Digg & Newsvine

I’ve posted some syndication pages from Digg and Newsvine.  I like the look of both, but Newsvine is still in the ‘beta’ stage.
If you’d like an invite to join Newsvine, just send me an email and I’ll send you an invite.
I honestly like Digg a little more, but it’s really about personal preference.  I love that some of the guys from Digg.com have a video podcast talking about the top stories of the week, and they’ve done one for the past 30 weeks in a row.  They are very funny.
Newsvine is visually stunning.  I love the colors, but It kinda feels a little cluttered.
What do you think?

Glenn Beck on TV!!!

I just heard yesterday’s show, and Glenn announced that in April(ish) he’ll be starting an hour long show on CNN Headline News!  It is supposed to be just like his radio show, except you will not have to be an Insider to see video of the broadcast!
I guess you’ll have to pay for cable, but it’ll be worth the cost of cable to be able to see Glenn Beck on the Big Screen (19″ TV in my living room) every evening during the week.
Ever since KPRC dropped Glenn from the schedule, I’ve felt a detachment from him, even though it’s only been a week, and I’ve listened to every podcast.  But now, I will get to see him on TV, and lose my sense of detachment!
I’d like to thank HBO, CNN, Glenn, and everyone else who worked to make this fantastic dream come to a… vision… that we all hope will be… a successful reality.  (Yeah, that sounds right)
I’ll post more info on the new show as I get it.

75 Steps to Becoming Your Own Web Host

I found a post on digg about a plan to become your own host in 75 easy steps. These Steps, at first I thought would be long and tedious, but it appears that each step is simple.
The instructions do not cover security and issues that usually arise later on after the server is running and exposed to the rest of the net, but it does look like it will get you started.

Build Your Own Tivo

I wanted to document this site I found on digg.com.
Building one yourself can be expensive, but it could definitely save money by not having to pay for a box and service for it.  All of the progression in the programs you can use for a PVR has led to some pretty user friendly and attractive displays.
The instructions I found can be seen HERE.

24 Season Premiere

I just finished watching the first two hours of this season’s 24.  I watched the first season, and I was impressed.  I didn’t watch any of the episodes until the entire season was over.
After the second season, I was informed that it didn’t end.  I didn’t want to get sucked in, so I didn’t watch any of that season or the last one.
This season has been given a lot of hype, and I just couldn’t take it.  I think the best part of the first hour, was the fact that the guy who killed the former president, was killed within the hour.  That was a big surprise.  I would’ve expected to wait until the last few episodes to even know who did it.
I think I’m stuck with watching this season now.

Lost – Monster Revealed (Kinda)

We finally got to see what the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 see when they see the Monster up close.  The view was absolutely stunning.  It really reminds a lot of people of the nanobots in Prey, a book by Michael Crichton.  I don’t believe that’s what it is, but once I get past that point, where else is there to go?
There are only two possibilities (as far as anyone can tell) for what the Monster is.  It’s either some kinda machine, smoke-and-mirrors type machine, created by man, or it’s supernatural.  Why is it that the people who are more intrigued than afraid don’t get killed by it like the pilot did?  That kinda action makes me think that it’s supernatural, but what does Dharma and Hanso have to do with it?
Last nights episode made me happy, because I finally got to see what it looks like.  I hate to say it, but there are many more questions now, and I’m half tempted to not watch another episode until the end of the show altogether, so I can take a week’s vacation and watch every episode without having to wait between shows.  —   —   —   —   Yeah right!  I wouldn’t be able to make it past two days after the next show.

950 KPRC Drops Glenn Beck

The day Glenn Beck is named as the 3rd most listened to talk show, KPRC drops them for a local guy. Apparently people have been complaining that our Houston Talk Radio Station needs to have more local hosts so they can talk about local stuff.
Why they’d pull the best part of their program schedule to get another local host right after the other one makes absolutely NO sense to me. If you’re trying to make people happy with more local talk, spread it around so that the people who listen in the afternoons can hear it. They’re trying to appease some demand but they’re not spreading the locality around. If anything, they should’ve pulled Michael Savage, and put someone local in that time slot.
I really think they should create a new station, and put all the local guys over there. Then, maybe they could fit Phil Hendrie (hilarious – they dropped him a few years ago) into the syndicated station.
I lost my appetite when I heard that other guy this morning. I’ve been waiting for Glenn to get back from vacation for 3 weeks, and they drop his show today?! I’m really glad I’m already an insider, and can download his show every day. It just feels like a big disconnect.

Theme Switching

I’ve been playing with switching the theme of this blog.  I’ve gotten tired of it, even though the features of Neuron are my favorite.  I’ll see how I like Blix, and figure it out over time.  I just need a change of scenery for at least a few weeks.

New Keyboard – February 1, 2006

I saw this keyboard months ago, and I didn’t think it would hit the market for years.  It looks like they’ve finally built a stock of them and they’re going on sale next month.
The keys have small LED screens in them that let you program them for what you are using the keyboard for.  When you press the CAPS key, all the letters change from lower case to upper case.  They can actually turn dark red when you’re playing a game like Doom, and there’s even a screensaver mode for the board when you’re not using it.
Check it out here.
I’ve made up my mind to not buy any more toys for myself this year, but I wouldn’t mind getting it for my birthday in May.