I have been working on a site for my church for the past few days, so that’s why I haven’t had a whole lot of time to update this one too much. I have the forum set up pretty well. I also figured out a few extra things to do to the forum here.
I have added a new feature to the forum. If you are on the site at the same time as someone else is, you can use the new chat room.
If you log in to the site, the chat link is at the bottom of the page. The number of users in the room, to my knowledge, is unlimited. The only thing is, you have to register and be logged in to use the ChatBox (the name of the program).
It was really fun for me to figure out how to get the whole thing configured. I’m just happy it worked. Let me know what you think.
New Forum
I’m toying with the idea of just using this blog to write my own daily journal of various thoughts and things to remember. Then starting a forum that everyone else can discuss upcoming activities on. The forum I’m toying with is pretty neat visually and pretty easy to navigate once you’ve played with it for 5-10 minutes. Check out the test forum HERE and let me know what you think of it.
If you don’t know what RSS is, you should probably check it out. I feel that I am addicted to news headlines. RssReader is the program I use to put all the headlines into one place. Let me know what you think if you try it.
High School Reunion
I received an email today from someone I went to high school with asking for snail mail contact information for our 10 year reunion. She got my email address from Hamshire-Fannett.com. I’m not old enough for that, though. It’s only 1 year away.
I’m supposed to have more to brag about before the 10 year reunion comes around, aren’t I? I mean, what else is there to do at these things? I didn’t have a relationship of much meaning at all with 95% of the people in my class. If you’re one of the 5%, then you know who you are, but most of the people I miss from HS are from classes other than my own.
I just don’t have much desire right now to attend the reunion, but I may change how I feel between now and next summer. Who knows, I might have won the lottery by then! I guess right now, the only other reason to attend, other than to see the friends I had in HS, is to show off my beautiful wife and children(1 daughter with another little one on the way right now).
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
My Aunt Janna sent me an email telling of the service of the Guards at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I put the entire email on the page entitled Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Glenn Beck
I have been listening to Glenn Beck on the radio for what seems like a very long time. He is a Christian who has a terrific sense of humor and also has a sense of politics. Apparently, a few years ago, his show was completely serious, and they found that their listening audience started tuning in more for the comic relief. The show is one of my favorites. I added the link to Glenn Beck to the Links list.
I have been an Astros fan all of my life. Not that my life’s been that long, but I have been.
I made it a point to watch/listen to as many games as I could all season last year, even when they weren’t doing all that well in the mid summer. It felt really good to see them get so close to the World Series. I even felt good about the season as a whole after they lost the National League Series.
I felt even better to find out that Roger Clemens had signed on for another year. Brandon Backe had been picked as a starter and Andy Pettitte had been getting better. Berkman was getting close to full recovery, and the only real big question was whether Burke or Biggio would be starting at 2nd base.
The first 2 weeks of the season were pretty good. Then they started playing more road games. I almost feel sick to my stomach when I see the scores come across my pager. I’m kinda scared that we’re not going to get to the Series until the club’s 50th season and then we’re probably not going to win it until the 75th or 100th.
I really hope that’s not the case. And I’d love to get tickets and go to a game even if it were today. I’d root and cheer for the Astros during the entire game. I just wish that it weren’t so depressing when they have these streaks of bad luck. It’s so hard to detach myself from the way they’re playing, and not let it affect my daily life.
It’s almost as bad as rooting for the Texans, even though they’ve only had a few seasons. At least they were pretty close to a .500 season last year.
Rush Limbaugh/Al Sharpton
I saw on the Drudge Report that Reverend Al Sharpton is considering taking Rush up on his offer to sit in and host the show for about 30 minutes at a time to show him what makes him so successful. A kind of internship, if you will.
It would be a good broadcast. I hope he’s not just saying he’s into it to make people think he’s not afraid of Rush, and then gonna tuck his tail between his legs saying that they can’t come to an agreeable format/agreement.
U. S. Marine Leonard Kunefke
I found this article about my grandfather’s first cousin, Leonard Kunefke, and his service in the Marines. It is pretty interesting and is composed of a 2-part feature on his service. You can view the article here.
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