We got to the hospital around 9:30 this morning, and we’re still waiting to have the baby. Dilation is coming along slowly and the epidural has been applied successfully, and as I’m typing the doctor has just broken her water sack. She’s 3.5 centimeters dilated, and we’re hoping to get to the faster paced stuff pretty quickly.
Smallville – 508 – Solitude
This episode was great! The only problem I had was with the commercial for Ford. I’m glad that they showed Professor Fine as who he really was. We all, even Clark, know that he’s not dead. Clark seems to be getting smarter.
Clark’s mom got better as soon as Fine “died”. I was surprised that Lana didn’t take any part in the episode. Chloe figured out how to get to the Fortress pretty quickly.
There was one problem, though. Jorel told Clark that “no one can undo what you have set in motion”. The problem is that Clark did it. I guess Jorel isn’t as smart as we thought he was.
Friday Morning
Well, Christle’s doctor has scheduled to have everything started early friday morning. Maybe this time we can have a better relationship with the hospital’s schedule. I’m not somebody else’s father, yet.
I was kinda hoping that she’d be born today, because that would’ve put our birthdays exactly 6 months apart. I guess she needs a little more time to grow.
Online Status Levels
I would like to see businesses across the country start setting up sites that allow their customers to go online and see their current status. I know that a lot of business do this with their sales process, and it is really convenient to be able to check out their site and see if my item’s been packed, shipped, or even what day it should get to my house, but I’m talking about a different kind of service.
Airports let you know how they’re doing on time. You can go to their website, or make a quick phone call to an automated system to see whether flights are on schedule or how far behind schedule they are. It makes it a lot easier to traffic the airport when everyone can get a clear picture of the time they need to pick someone up.
Hospitals, doctors’ offices, dentists’ offices, restaurants, pizza delivery, cable repairmen, phone repairmen, etc. have no such system. These are businesses that would GREATLY increase customer satisfaction. There has to be a way to get software similar to that of airlines.
We’re still waiting to find out when we can get to the hospital, and it’s really frustrating to still not have a clue as to what’s going on! They could probably have a lot fewer calls from people like us who want answers, if they simply gave us a place to stare at with simple explanations for their patients coming in to stare at, and not feel so helpless. With that note, I can also make the case that fewer calls from us would increase their productivity (not having to deal with us), and they wouldn’t fall so far behind.
You’ve probably guessed by now that we are still waiting for room at the hospital. L8r
Induction Delayed
Well, the hospital’s been backed up, and it looks like we’ll be checking in sometime between midnight and day-break. It’s a little frustrating just sitting around waiting on the hospital to call and let us know that they have room for us. By the time we get there, Murphy’s Law states that someone else will have gone into labor naturally, and we’ll have to sit around waiting for another bed to come available. … Oh well.
Inducing Labor
Tomorrow night we will be inducing labor in the evening. This should make for a long night. I’m already starting to feel the effects of the nerves on my stomach. Once she is born, though, it will be nice to be able to get a little rest without having to go to work the following morning.
Good night!
Lost – 206 – Abandoned
It was good. Sawyer still had some funny, even when he was knocking at death’s door. Ana Lucia explained why she’s so paranoid to ‘some’ degree.
Shannon wasn’t always a spoiled brat. In fact, she turned in to a meanie after she lost her wealth.
We only saw Jack for about a second as the other doctor told Shannon and her step-mom that her dad had died in one of the flashbacks. We didn’t see Kate or Sun. I don’t even remember seeing Hurley.
Next week should be good. We get to see the past 48 days that the ‘Tailies’ experienced. I’ll be an additional 5 minutes long, as well.
Smallville – 507 – Splinter
This was a pretty good episode. It seems to propel Clark towards his future.
Lana received a hunk of silver kryptonite with a note from Lex. Clark immediately gets stung with a splinter, and takes off. It seemed like he started seeing things that made sense, but also seemed way too stupid to be real.
When Clark was holding up the statements saying it was money, that was the defining moment of his sanity. He seemed to lose control of himself when he thought everyone around him was turning on him.
Professor Fine was surprisingly knowledgeable about Clark. He turned out to know exactly who Clark is. When Lex denied that he had seen the rock, I immediately pinned it on Fine. It only makes sense that Fine would want Clark to lose trust in the people he’s always had faith in.
We don’t know it for sure, yet, but it looks like Fine still wants it to look like Lex provided the Silver Kryptonite to continue the mistrust issues.
Lost Podcasts
I heard on The Transmission tonight that a few of the podcasters have gotten together and created a central location for all of their podcasts. It’s pretty cool because its hard to go a week or two at a time without LOST. It’s fun to hear other viewers’ theories and things they caught on the shows that I missed.
Check it out at lostcasts.blogspot.com.
Just When I Was Feeling Better…
I’ve been working out for the past week, and I was just starting to feel a little younger. Today I just received the postcard inviting me to my 10 year reunion next June. 10 years is a long time. I guess I better keep working out.