Well, I’ve installed a few more programs and made sure that I’ve configured most of my hardware with updated drivers. I started creating an image file about 5 hours ago, and it looks like it will take another 4 hours. It looks like my Windows XP partition is around 18 Gigs.
With all of the programs installed, updates downloaded and installed, and Windows configured the way I like, I think this will save me around 9 hours of work. Actually, it will save me more like 18 hours. I won’t be able to use my main PC for about 9 hours, but all I have to do is start the program and move the image file to the proper partition. I won’t actually have to sit in front of the computer for any of the actual input stuff either.
I would recommend to anyone who finds themselves regularly reinstalling Windows, to create yourself an image file after your next reload. It makes the process go SO much more smoothly.
Another Reload
As I’ve done many times before, I’ve reloaded my PC. I’ve got the original Windows XP Home Edition loaded, most of my software loaded, my iPod synchronizing, my network printers working, and I’m pretty comfortable with this load.
I would create an image file of the load, but it would be about 14 Gigs and that’s a bit much. I may just do it anyway, though. Actually, I think I will create an image. It would probably save me hours of reinstallation, as well. OK, you’ve just witnessed me change my own mind in a matter of seconds.
Now I’m working on cleaning up my desktop (the one made of wood). I guess I can make the image file while I’m doing that.
Texans Blow It
Well, the Texans have blown it in the last 60 seconds of play 2 weeks in a row. They had their chance to finally get another win, and they got happier than they should have been, and their defense didn’t drop the ball, but just let it get by them. Frustration seems to be their running theme.
Iraq War Strategy
For everyone who kept complaining that President Bush never had a clear plan for the War in Iraq, I guess you’ve got to find something else to complain about. He made the strategy we’ve been using since 2003 available to everyone, and you can read it by clicking HERE.
ILLEGAL Immigration
I am part of a discussion group here in Houston, and a few people, apparently upset about President Bush’s stance on illegal immigration yesterday, posted some responses to his plan. This made me upset because they didn’t seem to see or understand the fact that illegal immigrants, while just trying to provide more for their “starving” families, are still here and working in the United States illegally. Here’s what I wrote to them:
I can’t stand it when people claim that we’re disenfranchising illegal workers by forcing them to go back home. They’re here ILLEGALLY. If you ILLEGALLY speed, you will be fined. If you ILLEGALLY take drugs, you will be fined and spend time in jail. If you ILLEGALLY murder someone, you will spend time in jail. Why is it ok that when people ILLEGALLY come into our country and take our jobs (that other Americans supposedly are too good for [in that case, are you saying we’re better than illegal immigrants?])? Stop making excuses for ILLEGAL behavior.
Yes, there are a lot of people coming over here and working ILLEGALLY just to bring some money back home for their “starving” families. The problem is that when you let them get away with their ILLEGAL actions, you’re also allowing the bad ILLEGAL immigrants. There are murderers, thieves, and thugs ILLEGALLY crossing our borders on a constant basis, and I don’t believe that there is a reason to sacrifice the SAFETY of my family for the ILLEGAL jobs of ILLEGAL immigrants.
We need to shut the borders down, send all of the ILLEGAL immigrants home, and streamline the immigration process so that those that need jobs can get them and be regulated in their activities during their visit to our country. My great-great-grandfather was a stowaway on a ship from Germany, but when he arrived here in the great United States of America, he registered and became a legal citizen.
Those that want to take advantage of our great country should do so. My only requirement, is that they do so LEGALLY.
Please realize that they are breaking the law, and if you let them slide on that law, you’re probably going to start letting other lawbreakers slide as well.
I wish that every American (blue, red, & in between) can get it through their thick skulls that there IS a procedure to immigrate to America legally, and we shouldn’t just give them a free pass because the procedure is “too hard” to follow.
I’ve been looking at DealDetectives.com for a few weeks now, and I like it. I found a few good deals, and got a heads-up for some really good deals for “Black Friday”. I also found a coupon for 12% off of my first purchase from Overstock.com. I went ahead and bought some of Christle’s Christmas presents with that.
I’ve seen them post some awesome deals for Dell.com (19″ flat panel with 4 usb2.0 ports on the side for under $300.00, and quite a few more) and I just didn’t have the extra cash to take advantage of them.
Today’s Sunset
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I was going out to the car to get some receipts to prepare for my mail-in rebates, when I saw the sky. After a day that was filled with rain that seemed so dull, it seemed wonderful to see something so beautiful.
I think that if I had had my camera as soon as I walked out, it would’ve come out 10 times better.
Happy Thanksgiving
Things I am thankful for:
– God, for being who He is, and for giving me these and more reasons to be thankful
– My parents, who raised me with the knowledge of God, and set a great example for how to live
– My wife, who raised me the rest of the way
– Alaina, my daughter who made me realize it was time to become a man
– Lily, my second daughter who has made me realize it is time to be a real husband and father
– Our Founding Fathers, who led America in our independence and let us be free
– Our military (my brother Josh included), past and present, who have defended our freedom and fought for our values
– George W. Bush, for his leadership in the War on Terror
– Glenn Beck, last but certainly not least, for his ability to help me see the humor in present times
Happy Thanksgiving,
What are you thankful for?
Lily & Me
We were up all day and were all very tired. Here is Lily and me posing for the camera.
After all of the initial stuff, she became the calmest baby I’ve ever seen. I guess the word I’m looking for is passive. She nursed right away, and within the first few times she nursed, it was apparent that she was being fed. She’s very beautiful.
Christina Lily Kunefke
She was born at 12:14am this morning weighing in at 8 pounds 5.8 ounces and measuring up to 19 7/8 inches long. She’s absolutely beautiful.
The doctor checked on Christle around 11:45pm and said that she was 4 centimeters dilated, and it looked like we’d be delivering around 3am this morning. About 10 minutes later, Christle told me to go tell the nurse that she was hurting more than she thought she should be. The nurse came in about a minute later and said that Christle was dilated to 9, almost 10, and things accellerated into overdrive.
We’re greatly blessed.