Things I am thankful for:
– God, for being who He is, and for giving me these and more reasons to be thankful
– My parents, who raised me with the knowledge of God, and set a great example for how to live
– My wife, who raised me the rest of the way
– Alaina, my daughter who made me realize it was time to become a man
– Lily, my second daughter who has made me realize it is time to be a real husband and father
– Our Founding Fathers, who led America in our independence and let us be free
– Our military (my brother Josh included), past and present, who have defended our freedom and fought for our values
– George W. Bush, for his leadership in the War on Terror
– Glenn Beck, last but certainly not least, for his ability to help me see the humor in present times
Happy Thanksgiving,
What are you thankful for?
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