I completed my Associates Degree of Applied Sciences in Instrumentation and graduated on May 12, 2011 with a 3.907 GPA. As most people know, education does not end with graduation. I’m currently pursuing a few courses that will help in my current line of work, Process Control, in September.
I’ve also decided to get back into the art of creating, designing, editing, modifying media for consumption on the web and beyond. I’m participating in online training courses to build my knowledge of the capabilities and restrictions of certain media tools.
My decision to begin this endeavor began a few months ago, when Mom asked me to help her build a web site for her new photography business. I helped her find a designer, and she found a company to help her design a logo. When she got her finished products, they were good… perfect for what she needs. My decision was based on the fact that I knew I could do just as good, if not better, work. Add that to the extra income I could potentially make from it, I just needed to figure out a way to learn those skills with the greatest efficiency.
A friend of mine who is currently doing work in media directed me to a site that has hundreds of hours of online video tutorials for a cheap monthly rate. I’m currently in a 7-day trial period, but what I’ve learned in just the past three days is incredible. I’m not going to name them until I have at least finished one full course (over 15 hours of video in itself).
I’m going to do a little work to the root page of the site for some testing, and possibly create some wordpress (blog) themes to see how well they’re used, and what people think of my work before I start trying to sell anything. I believe I have a good eye for what looks good, and it has always disturbed me to find that I couldn’t find the exact look I wanted without paying for it. Apparently, that’s because you get what you pay for. Not a new concept for me, but not a concept I thought of getting on the other side of until now.
The best thing about getting into this type of business, is that I can build it on my own from the ground up, and not really risk anything but time, unless you factor in that it is all about furthering my education. Time must be a factor when increasing knowledge.
Category: School
July 2008
Well, this month has gone by rather quickly. I made an A in my Summer I class, had a break, and am nearly 60% through Summer II. The new job is going better than expected, and the company I’m working for is the primary reason for that.
Happy Anniversary, Christle! Nine short years down, and many more to come. I am happy we started this nine years ago today.
I’ll try to post more often about stuff other than myself in the future.
New Job
Well… a little bit has happened since my last post.
I finished my second semester, and yes, I finished with a 4.0. I started the first summer session, and I’m doing well in that class, although, it’s much harder than any other class I’ve taken so far. Digital Applications is the class I’m taking, and there’s a lot more lab work to do in this class versus the classes I’ve already taken. I’ve only got two more weeks to go in this class.
As you may know, I’m taking classes to get an Associates Degree of Applied Science in Instrumentation Technology. My current position is as a computer technician. Through my current job, I’ve made many acquaintances. Luckily, I was pleasant enough to make very few enemies. My reputation and experience from my current job has given me the opportunity to take a job in Instrumentation & Controls. I start the new job on June 30. My Insurance will be active on July 1, and I’ll be making much more than I’m currently making.
There have been quite a few interviews with several companies over the last 8 to 9 months for computer technician positions, but none came to fruition, although many seemed close to blooming. It’s one of those things that you don’t understand at the time, but God brought the reality to my face when He finally let everything fall into place.
I never could understand why none of those other jobs were good enough. Christle would tell me that God must have something better in store for me… I didn’t feel it, but I knew that she was probably right. None of those positions would have been better for my future or pay as well as this one. Also, if I had taken one of those jobs, this one would have been much harder to attain.
I am blessed.
Just one more week of doing the computer thing, and I’ll get to begin my new career. I’m really looking forward to it.
Success – Fall 2007
I finally received confirmation that I got an A in all three classes this semester. So I’m starting the degree off with a 4.0.
I know that the classes will only get harder as I continue to strive toward this goal, but I will do everything I can to stay focused on the prize at the end.
This does add some relief to some of my doubts, though. I was worried that I had forgotten something important throughout the semester, and through some unfortunate fluke, been disqualified for the semester. At least, that’s what I dreamed. Maybe those stupid nightmares will stop now.
So, here’s a little something that I think took some real talent, and gives my mind a quick break.
Merry Christmas!
Fall Semester 2007 is Complete
Not only that, but I’m fairly positive that it has ended with a 4.0 for the semester. I’m glad it’s over and I have 5 1/2 weeks off. I was getting exhausted with the heavier schedule. Now I have a busier schedule to look forward to starting in mid-January. Luckily, an instructor for this semester will be teaching one of my classes next semester, so that should make things move a little more smoothly.
I almost don’t know exactly how to spend my time, now. I have this feeling like I have something due, but I have no assignments to work on. It’s kinda nice.
I have succeeded in my goal for a perfect score this semester (as far as I know). My goal next semester is to perform just as well. I need to keep one step ahead in each class next semester, and I’ll do everything I can to remember my goal at the beginning and throughout next semester.
I still have much more to complete before I reach my degree, but it feels good to have a little bit already completed.
I ran across this site this week when browsing my usual news sites. The organization is dedicated to keeping or reestablishing our right to carry concealed handguns on campus. Setting a standard of having “gun-free zones” does absolutely nothing for innocent, law abiding citizens, and tells those who would do us harm exactly where they could do the most damage with a lower risk of being stopped.
I don’t currently have a license to carry a concealed handgun, but I will in the not so distant future. I believe it’s part of my responsibility in having a family. I know I will probably not have my family with me at school, but isn’t it also my responsibility to do everything I can to return home in the same condition that I left it? I need to support them, but will not be able to if I am suddenly a victim of a random act of violence.
What do you think?
One Week Down
So I completed the first week of classes on Sunday. It took a little more time than I had planned on. I’m having trouble distinguishing one class from the other right now. I guess it’s not surprising that the Business Communications class requires much more writing than the Principles of Management course. As a matter of fact, the management class seems like the easiest of the two.
Prepared to Start
I have just finished cleaning my desk and my PC so that everything will be nice and tidy for school. Despite my intentions to do that back in December, I have continued the habit of letting my desk get out of hand. So for now, I have remedied that problem, and my goal is to have a clean desk throughout the semester. If I can do it for 11 weeks, I should be able to maintain it for good.
I had not realized how cluttered my desktop had gotten. It’s amazing how often I’d save stuff there simply because it was something I thought I might use frequently. If it wasn’t for that reason, I would save it to the desktop so that I would remember to do something with whatever the file was. Now I’ve got my Quick Launch bar loaded with all the shortcuts that the Start menu takes to long to access, and my desktop looks like I have a fresh Windows XP install.
The best part of the communications class is that it might promote some better writing on here.
Merry March
Well, March has arrived quickly this year. I didn’t post much last month, but we all deserve a little break every now and then. I plan to post more often, although I know that’s always what I’ve planned to do.
The family’s been sick for the past few weeks. It’s been pretty rough suffering with illness. I thank God that it is not what it could be. These things are temporary, but could be far worse.
I’m trying to kill a opossum that’s been sneaking around my house. Everytime I see it, I have forgotten my gun, and every time I bring my gun, I can’t seem to find it.
My new classes start in two days. I am looking forward to the new challenges that will come with them. I plan to get my coursework done early so that I will not have to struggle with due dates.
Back to School
I’m going back to NAU in March. I’m taking two classes – Introduction to Management & Business Communications. My paperwork didn’t get through in time to get into LIT this semester, so I had to enroll at NAU to avoid having to pay my student loans prematurely.
I’m looking forward to the classes, though. It feels as if they might help me out before I graduate. At least that’s what I’m planning on. I’m anxious to get started.