A Short Update

I’ve been in Phoenix for the past two weeks training for work.  I’m coming back home in the morning.  I’ve been getting really homesick and really look forward to being home.
Lily is doing ok.  The doctors think the risk of going into surgery is a little too high when compared to waiting until she is old enough to have the pace-maker put in.  She has already been back to wear a heart monitor for 24 hours, and the results came back the same… her heart rate was the same as it was when she was in the hospital in early February.
I don’t have a lot more to say… I’m really just looking forward to getting back home and in almost the usual routine.  I plan to make a few more changes in the way I spend my time at home.

July 2008

Well, this month has gone by rather quickly. I made an A in my Summer I class, had a break, and am nearly 60% through Summer II. The new job is going better than expected, and the company I’m working for is the primary reason for that.
Happy Anniversary, Christle! Nine short years down, and many more to come. I am happy we started this nine years ago today.
I’ll try to post more often about stuff other than myself in the future.

Taurus 24/7 Pro

I like the features and quality of this pistol.  It holds 17 rounds in the clip.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDo0ua2IMp8&rel=1]

I’d hope I’d never have to shoot it at all, much less 17 rounds, but it’d make me a little more confident knowing I could stand up for myself a little longer in an emergency.

Back to Windows

I’m going back.  I spent three and a half months on Ubuntu and enjoyed it.  I had a few problems that kept creeping up on me, and instead of working through it, I decided to just go the easy way and drop Ubuntu… for now.
It’s hard to describe the problems, but I’m sure of it had to do with my experimentation.  I just don’t have the time to troubleshoot every problem that I come across any longer.
I know Windows, and I’m comfortable just reinstalling and not having to do so much work to get things working the way they should.
Ubuntu has a little further to go before I’ll try it again, but please don’t let my experience hinder your future experience with it.  It’s much better than it was, but with school, work, and family, I just can’t spend that time any more.


It’s a new year.  I have no resolutions this year.  2007 was a good year.  I have much to be thankful for.
Alaina had her 7th birthday party today.  It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long since her first birthday party.  I’ve always heard that time goes by more quickly with age, but it’s really sinking in, now.
School starts in a little over a week.  I’m not looking forward to it like I was a few weeks ago.  I’m not going to be home much during the week because of it.  Sacrifices must be made, though, for progress to continue.  I am looking forward to the end of school, though.
Oh, well… Happy 2008!

Success – Fall 2007

I finally received confirmation that I got an A in all three classes this semester. So I’m starting the degree off with a 4.0.
I know that the classes will only get harder as I continue to strive toward this goal, but I will do everything I can to stay focused on the prize at the end.
This does add some relief to some of my doubts, though. I was worried that I had forgotten something important throughout the semester, and through some unfortunate fluke, been disqualified for the semester. At least, that’s what I dreamed. Maybe those stupid nightmares will stop now.
So, here’s a little something that I think took some real talent, and gives my mind a quick break.
Merry Christmas!

Fall Semester 2007 is Complete

Not only that, but I’m fairly positive that it has ended with a 4.0 for the semester. I’m glad it’s over and I have 5 1/2 weeks off. I was getting exhausted with the heavier schedule. Now I have a busier schedule to look forward to starting in mid-January. Luckily, an instructor for this semester will be teaching one of my classes next semester, so that should make things move a little more smoothly.
I almost don’t know exactly how to spend my time, now. I have this feeling like I have something due, but I have no assignments to work on. It’s kinda nice.
I have succeeded in my goal for a perfect score this semester (as far as I know). My goal next semester is to perform just as well. I need to keep one step ahead in each class next semester, and I’ll do everything I can to remember my goal at the beginning and throughout next semester.
I still have much more to complete before I reach my degree, but it feels good to have a little bit already completed.

Strange Dream

I had a very strange dream last night (this morning).  I was at a wedding and a friend of mine that I haven’t seen in years was there.  We hung out and spent quite a bit of time together before I woke up.
It seemed as if something was different about him.  He was less focused on himself and more focused on everyone else around him.  That’s not just him, it’s the same with many teenagers and early to mid twenties people in America.  When I thought about that, I realized it was a change I haven’t completely made, myself.
I wish it was either more difficult to move apart through the years, or easier to let go when separation happened.  Some friendships seem like they’ll never be fully replaced.


I was hoping for something big to happen today, but it didn’t.  I guess God has something bigger, but it’s really hard to notice anything bigger when what you do see doesn’t work out the way you wanted it to.
I guess that’s just the way God made life… so that we can learn to appreciate everything He’s given us.

WordPress Upgrade

I’ve upgraded to the newest version of WordPress. It was relatively easy. Let me know if you notice any bugs in the site.
It took a little longer because I had to figure out which FTP software to use since I’m on Ubuntu. gFTP looked like the program I should use, but FileZilla turned out to have the functionality I needed.
I’ve gotten almost everything I need working in Ubuntu so far. I haven’t run Windows on my computer in almost a month!
A lot more has happened over the past few weeks. I hope to expound soon.