Category: Entertainment

TV, Movies, Music, Games

The 4400

I’ve been watching all the episodes of The 4400 for the past week. This show is absolutely amazing. The story is so well thought out and the perspective of the show is just perfect. The main thing to remember when trying to watch it is to start from the beginning. The first season was only […]

Hollywood Slump?

The so-called slump that Hollywood is in is not what I believe should be called a slump at all. They try to blame the lower ticket sales on P2P file-sharing and bit torrent users, but what they fail to realize is that no one wants to spend money on the trash that’s coming out of […]

Go Texans!

I’m surprised that the Texans pulled ahead at the last bit of Saturday’s game. They kicked a fieldgoal to win 17-19 in the last few seconds. I hope it gives them the enthusiasm they’ll need to get started in their fourth season and put some wins on the board. Good game, yall!

March of the Penguins

I saw the documentary “March of the Penguins” today, and really enjoyed it. It is absolutely amazing how much those creatures endure to survive during incubation, and how they withstand the cold by working together is just phenomenal. Morgan Freeman made the whole thing seem that much more interesting with his familiar voice. I believe […]

Smallville – Season 5

I’m really excited about Smallville’s 5th season starting up on September 29th. It looks like a fun first few episodes. According to some stuff I’ve read online, it looks like Clark and Chloe finally have “the talk” everyone’s been so anxious for them to have. Apparently Clark learns some new powers from his time in […]

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