I have recently gotten my license from the State of Texas to sell Pre-Paid Legal Services in the State of Texas. The address to check out the awesome advantages of the service is http://bkppl.com.
I hope you check it out because the advantages are far greater than the disadvantages of not having it.
Author: kunefke
Continuing Education
I’ve filled out the forms for FAFSA, and it looks like I qualify for financial aid to return to school. I should be starting in March. I’m pretty excited about getting back to getting a degree. I will start slowly and go for an Associates of Applied Science in General Education.
I currently have been afraid of going back to school because I have been afraid of failing. I know that I have to face that fear and push forward in order to build myself. That’s the only way I’m going to stop talking about returning to school and actually go.
I’ll be glad to get something to put on my resume that shows that I’m striving for improvement in my life, and give the impression of growth and the desire for knowledge.
Christle says that I currently lack mental challenges, and I need something to complete the circuit of my desire for problem-solving and learning activities. School sounds like the best thing to fill that need.
Nano Sold
I’ve sold my Nano, and I’m waiting for the money to be transferred from paypal to my account so I can purchase my Video iPod.
It was pretty exciting, because I got to see people fighting over it. I believe I put a pretty good package out there for them, got a good deal on it, and gave someone else a good deal in the process.
The guy who won it has an email address that looks like someone in the US Army. I wrote him a little note to put in the package thanking him for his service.
No Cheap Google PC
Both Wal-Mart & Google have come forward and denied any Cheap Google PC deal. Usually businesses will only do that to stop hype from getting so high that they lose face when something that would be so great never comes to fruition. It would be awesome if Google created an OS. Even better if they sold a cheap web computer with a small 20 GB hard drive, network cable, and lower-end 12″ LCD to view the web with. Something like that wouldn’t need powerful video capabilities.
The thing Google would make easy is putting something small and affordable in people’s family areas that wouldn’t get in the way like ordinary personal computers do. Â With OpenOffice.org, and built-in wireless capabilities, kids could do their homework, and the chef of the family could keep a recipe on the screen as long as needed.
They could then sell attachments, like a webcam with built-in mic, so that when you have multiple stations in the house, they can easily be used as monitors, or video chat stations, for other rooms in the house.
They could tie in to security systems, and even have an extra attachment to make your cable box accessible through any of the stations.
I would like to see someone with the resources put something like this out there for lower prices than one would expect.
It’s too bad Google doesn’t seem to have an interest, because Microsoft doesn’t seem to want to make something like that affordable, according to their licensing terms. Google could really take the home computing to another level.
The Lion, The Witch, & The Wardrobe – The Movie
I just finished watching the movie, and I must say that they did the book justice. There were a few things that went out of order, or just didn’t happen in the book, that did not change the overall story, and added some real meat to the plot. The acting was done quite well by the humans, and the CGI was done pretty well too.
The ending was too quick, in that they didn’t give us a whole lot of time to figure out that the kids had been in Narnia for well over a decade before they came back through the wardrobe looking as if they had just entered it.
The great thing about seeing the movie just after reading the book, is that I could see the entire story relived right in front of my eyes. I could tell just where there were changes made, and I could also tell when they were saying lines directly from the book, which happened often.
I really enjoyed it, but I’m glad I didn’t take Alaina to see it, because the battle scene at the end may be a little too violent for a 5 year old girl.
Let me know what you thought of the movie compared to the book.
Cheap Google PC
Well, it looks like Google is looking to sell a cheap PC through Wal-Mart and some other retail companies. According to this article, it will not have Microsoft Windows on it. It will have an operating system created by Google. I hope it doesn’t take Google very long to get this thing out, because it would be awesome to have yet another alternative out there.
FYI:Â I’ve put my iPod Nano up for sale on Ebay here.
Trading in my Nano for a Video
Well, not exactly…
I recently had to use the iPod warranty for reasons I do not wish to publish. When I received it back, they apparently replaced it with a new one. I’m selling it on Ebay so I can buy an iPod video. I’m already looking forward to having the extra space and the ability to load up videos on it.
If you’re trying to figure out how to “de-personalize” your iPod, hope that it breaks (not intentionally, and not physically) while still under warranty.
Upgraded Neuron Theme
I’ve upgraded this theme, or rather, updated my copy of it. I didn’t realize that I was using an old version of it until just a few days ago. I downloaded it, uploaded it, and modified it to look as close to the old theme as I could think to change. I like the better, cleaner look, myself.
By the way, the WordPress 2.0 upgrade definitely helped out the site. It’s much more smooth, and a lot easier to maintain.
Happy New Year!
Today’s Change of Plans
I woke up this morning with the expectations of going to see The Chronicles of Narnia today. My daughter convinced me to spend it with her.
We went to the park to play. We then went to the fitness center to find out about membership info (another new year’s resolution). We then shared an awesome pizza from Village Pizza & Seafood. I took her to the mall to ride on the carousel, where I got sick the second time around, and had ice cream afterwards.
I took her shopping for some stuff for her birthday party, picked up some bottled water, and went walking at the track at the local middle school. She was so thrilled that I couldn’t stop her from running almost the entire time. We came back home and she drove her little Jeep up and down the road a few times until it was too dark to stay on the road.
I had a blast today, and it’s all thanks to my daughter, Alaina, and the fact that I was able to see what was more important in life.
Christmas Gift – Best Buy Gift Cards
I received 2 gift cards for Best Buy for Christmas this year, and took almost the whole week to figure out what to get with them.
As I’ve stated previously, I don’t need any CDs because I’m using allofmp3.com for all my music needs. I rent games when I feel like playing on the Xbox. I don’t usually buy DVDs from Best Buy, because I can usually get better deals through Columbia House or in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart.
I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of my own money to get something special. My first thought was to get a bunch of the Energizer E2 batteries to use on our cameras. Then I figured out that that might not be a great gift.
I went online and found the perfect thing for me. I seem to have a problem with keeping the fridge filled with soft drinks (primarily Dr. Pepper). I don’t like filling it up to only get a few of them for myself. I found a small refridgerator that will hold a six pack. It was $50, and with the shipping and tax, I didn’t have to spend more than $11 myself.
I’m a big fan of gift cards for Christmas and Birthdays. It’s a lot better than getting stuff I don’t need or want.
The funny part of this story is that I’ve decided to stop drinking so much soda for my new year’s resolution.