I have been looking forward to this ever since the end of Big Brother 6. I already know who’s in the house, and I’m not going to spoil it for you. I already know one of the big secrets, and all I can say is this… “Power Comes in Pairs”. To some that may be too obvious, but for the rest of you, who’s reading this blog, anyway?
The thought of so many people being in this game that have already thought of what they’d do if given the opportunity again being in one house astounds me. The only way to make it more interesting is to mess with all of their expectations of the rules and the house itself. The fact that CBS absolutely “must” change the rules makes for some tremendous anxiety.
I’m in the middle of a semester of school. I hope I can maintain my focus on my schoolwork for the next 6 weeks so I can really enjoy the show after finals.
Author: kunefke
New Blue Binary Theme
I’ve decided to change things up a little. I don’t want to get too used to the old theme, but I didn’t want to stray too far away from the old one either. This one is still blue, but you can choose which theme you like better out of this one and three more over to the right side of the screen.
I like this one, and I am learning a little more about how to code in PHP by figuring this one out.
How do you like it?
Pay Per Post
Blogging has expenses, but I personally don’t enjoy having ads all over the place on my blog. The concept of a company paying bloggers to hype a product is interesting, though.

In most cases, the requirement is a neutral post, that gets people to start talking about the product, service, or entertainment. It’s a sort of “buzz producer”.
Let me know what you think of their pitch. I kinda like it.
What do you think of this idea?
Another Rumor to Stop with Snopes
I received this message via bulletin here on MySpace today, and felt the need to repeat something I posted a few weeks ago about Snopes.
The message I received is this:
coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building and the
Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,“Under God.”
Pepsi said they didn’t want to offend anyone.
In that case, we don’t want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office either! So if we don’t buy any Pepsi products, they will not be offended when they receive our money that has the words
“In God We Trust” written on it.
They took out those special words **Under God.**
if you believe in God, please don’t just let this pass. God sees you every second of the day.
God loves you. You should love Him.
Give Him respect
Take a stand
Be on God’s side
I don’t know how anyone can drink Pepsi. I can’t stand the taste in comparison with Coca-Cola Classic. I don’t support rumors like this, though. I love Dr. Pepper, as it is my only source of hydration most days of my life. They look worse in the entire story. I am never drinking Dr. Pepper again…
Read Snopes Story about Under God Here
Ok, so I can continue drinking my Dr. Pepper… good, because I was already feeling the withdrawal symptoms. There is no merit to the Pepsi thing, and even the Dr. Pepper thing was taken entirely too far.
We must look at the entire picture and read a story before making judgement. I’m sure there were a few hundred people passing this around before it got to me. I am begging you to research stuff like this before you pass it on.
This kind of activity is what could end up costing good American’s a Presidential election, or much worse… the wrong American Idol winner.
Dirty Little Secret: Kyoto Promises Are Nothing But Hot Air
“MANY governments, including some that claim to be leading the fight against global warming, are harbouring a dirty little secret. These countries are emitting far more greenhouse gas than they say they are, a fact that threatens to undermine not only the shaky Kyoto protocol but also the new multibillion-dollar market in carbon trading.”
I don’t know how any American with half a brain could support the US joining the Kyoto Treaty as corrupt as the terms were before this was published.
read more | digg story
Device Burns Fuel with Almost Zero Emissions
“Simple design makes ultra-low emission combustion more efficient, affordable and stable.”
This looks like a step in the right direction
read more | digg story
Global Warming Evidence Busted
Al Gore used multiple references while trying to scare everyone into thinking that global warming was civilization’s fault. There is an opposing argument to each claim in his movie, but I don’t have the time or energy to get to every one of them at once.
One reference used was the fact that hurricanes have caused many times more damage monetarily in recent years as opposed to back in the 1940s.
The one thing he fails to mention is the fact that the population of homes and businesses increased dramatically as well as the property value of those homes and businesses.
I know I’m going to mess up on the numbers so I’ll just give you a link to this VERY INTERESTING ARTICLE.
Semester Two Has Begun
Ok… I realize it has been a while since my last post. I guess I was tired after finishing the first semester. My first week in my second semester has told me two things.
- This semester is going to be easier
- This semester is going to be much harder
I don’t have to do as much creative work this semester. One of my classes is going to be much easier (for me) to breeze through. The other class is getting into some funky stuff that is very complicated.
Accounting is easy (in my head). Putting it on paper is an entirely different story. The whole point of Accounting is putting it on paper. It is a written account of finances. You have to duplicate or triplicate credits and debits all over the page to double check yourself, and have proof for financial institutions to verify. I hated having to write out how I solved a problem in math in school. I HAVE to do it now, because that is the point of the entire class!!!
I have already fallen into a sense of boredom having to look at the same numbers more than once. I just have to focus for 10 more weeks, and pray that I can stay awake through each lesson. If you have any tips that can legally keep me awake, I’m all ears (or is it eyes in this case?)…
Semester One is Over!
I have finally finished my first semester back to school. I have a final average of 99.2 and 95.9 in my two classes, and both averages are higher than they were at the middle of the semester.
I knew that the semester would be short, but in the middle of it, I thought it wouldn’t end. Two more weeks of rest before the next semester starts… I’m trying to enjoy it.
Visual Task Tips
If you’re primarily a Windows user, and you utilize Windows’ ability to have multiple programs open at once, you might enjoy this little utility.
It allows you to see a preview of what the window looks like by hovering over the item in the task bar. It is very easy to install and looks very simple, in that it does not consume much of the system’s resources.